Fan Art caucasian eagle's FF fan art

thank u kandy-sugar once again!!! x3

today i experimented with the background to find out what look would suit the figure best and so far did this, HOWEVER this isnt the way it'll look like when it'll be finished, it will be much more detailed and faaar better than the preview =]

I am super jealous of you. Your work is really fantastic.

Your poses and proportions are very well done, and you have phenomenal attention to detail that I don't think I'd ever be patient enough to pull off (especially in your hair). Also, your coloring is superb.

What programs do you use for your art? I'd assume Photoshop since it seems like the universal program, but I'm just curious.
I am super jealous of you. Your work is really fantastic.

Your poses and proportions are very well done, and you have phenomenal attention to detail that I don't think I'd ever be patient enough to pull off (especially in your hair). Also, your coloring is superb.

What programs do you use for your art? I'd assume Photoshop since it seems like the universal program, but I'm just curious.

yes i use photoshop cs2 :ryan: good guess!! thank u so much for the complement, but honestly im still not good enough at colouring techniques and figures, im just a beginner :wtf:
but honestly im still not good enough at colouring techniques and figures, im just a beginner :wtf:
Shush, you. You're a heck of a lot better than I am. :hmmm:

You really seem to know what you're doing when it comes to your shading as far as picking the right hues for shadows and where to put them and where your lighting goes and how to blend it all together. I think your stuff looks really nice.
Shush, you. You're a heck of a lot better than I am. :hmmm:

You really seem to know what you're doing when it comes to your shading as far as picking the right hues for shadows and where to put them and where your lighting goes and how to blend it all together. I think your stuff looks really nice.

wow thanx again! yeah i did train with shading tones, but still dont know enough to make it better, nvm i still learn from that. naah honestly, even masters say they have loooots to learn and improve :highfive:
Far more detailed and better you say! It's already looking fantastic! Though not completely finished, it looks like it would've taken a while to get to where you have with the updated colour version!

It's coming along gorgeously and those colours really suit Aqua in my opinion.

I can't wait to see the final product!
Holy cow. I know I'm new, but this should have been the first thread for me to visit! I love your work, especially the last pieces on Lightning and Aqua. I added you on my DeviantWATCH btw. Definitely wanna keep track of your progress.
Holy cow. I know I'm new, but this should have been the first thread for me to visit! I love your work, especially the last pieces on Lightning and Aqua. I added you on my DeviantWATCH btw. Definitely wanna keep track of your progress.
ow wow thank u!! thanx for the watch! x3 :x3: yep im planning to make more and more ff fan art ow and KH

Kandy-Sugar, i can send u original big sizes of the pics if u want, so tht u could print them in A3 may be or i dono, depends on ur wish x3 but hey that's such an honour to me, someone admiring my work tht much to hang them in their room x3
^^ That would be truly awesome!

I still have the ones you sent me last time that I have to get printed! I have a relative who does framing too, so that'd be awesome to have them all nicely framed!

I really want to find a decent shop that can print it out as perfect as it looks on here first!
^^ That would be truly awesome!

I still have the ones you sent me last time that I have to get printed! I have a relative who does framing too, so that'd be awesome to have them all nicely framed!

I really want to find a decent shop that can print it out as perfect as it looks on here first!

oooo sounds awesome! hmm tht's sad =[ btw where do u live? there might be a posibility of me sending them to u by post! :P for free lol
Ive been so extremely busy with uni projects that i barely had time to paint/draw =[

Now as im on my holiday i started an illustration of Birth by Sleep fan Cover =]

Wohoo! Great dude! I love Kingdom Hearts ; > I wish i could draw like that ; >
I prefer pencil & page then computer programs you know ^^
But still, you're awesome!!
That's some pretty awesome art. You're quite talented.
Especially regarding the coloring.
Thank u again guys! Well im really sorry for not posting anything for aages, but here;s my another latest fanart =]

Wow these are really beautiful. How long does it take you to make one of these? :D