Fan Art caucasian eagle's FF fan art

oow right, thanx for showing!! but i didnt want to add lights to the bottom characters coz there's no lights hitting on them, only a bit from above =]

ok guys, ive been doing this today and still havent finished it, im so nakered! Im crap at painting roses digitally (but can do it perfectly in trad. method xD ) Vinnie's cape isnt finished as well...

im thinking of calling it vincent valentine's day. It's just a practice for my next illustration of him for st. valentine's day =}

now it's finished :)
but his arm and hand r a bit too small.. -__-
Oh WOW hun! That is just really amazing!! You did an awesome job with Vincent here and I love how you did the flowers. You really need to give me some art tips! :lew: I'd love to learn how you color or at least something similar to.
now it's finished :)
but his arm and hand r a bit too small.. -__-

Holy shit on a stick, that is fucking AWESOME, the detailing on the flowers and the background is just amazing and fits the piece perfectly, I absoilutely love it, my favourite of your work so far I think, love what you've done with the cloak <3

Ive clearly missed a lot, love your completed peice with all the characters, Balthier looks hot :ryan:

Also, Riku/Kairi ftw

I really lke the reflections of the characters at the bottom as well, really well done!
Nice attention to background details and choice of colors.

I'm not entirely fond of the anime-ish face, but that's just my opinion (I'm sure people here will disagree with me), and you could probably push the blue tones/highlights a bit more. Then I think it would be greater.
My God, that is awesome. I can't really say anything wrong about it. It is absolutely amazing, especially because I know I can't do anything like that!

What you've done to the rose really makes the picture really vibrant. I love the different shades of red and the snowy effects. I love what you did in the background, it really does bring a fantasy-like vibe.

And once again, I love the attention to the detail to the hair, as well as the roses. I would so love you if you can do a similar thing for Balthier! :awesome:
My God, that is awesome. I can't really say anything wrong about it. It is absolutely amazing, especially because I know I can't do anything like that!

What you've done to the rose really makes the picture really vibrant. I love the different shades of red and the snowy effects. I love what you did in the background, it really does bring a fantasy-like vibe.

And once again, I love the attention to the detail to the hair, as well as the roses. I would so love you if you can do a similar thing for Balthier! :awesome:

Balthier, eey? wat u r his FG?;)) i admire Balthier myself! he's soo funny and inteligent! B) aaam just tell me wat u want the theme to be like? Valentine's like?? i mean the day.. xD

P.S.Kikyo i dono how to giv u tips coz im not a professional who has discovered easy ways of doing art xD my ways r complicated but i hav made my own tutorial on drawing vanille, if u wanna see?
aaaw thanx for ur comments guys!!! >.< :tighthug:

aam where d u want me to add more blue lights J ?

On parts of his cloak and hair, particularly around the edges. It doesn't have to be a whole lot (not like that last one, which I only did for demonstration purposes), but the background you used has quite a bit of blues and some yellows from the sunlight and snow, so if you want the foreground objects/characters to blend in better, it's a good idea to consider some colored highlights, even if they are subtle. I noticed you put in a few, but I think his shoulders, which is facing the light, may need it.
oow right, ok i'll do it!!
thank u Kandy Sugar!!!! ^.^

another practice but i dont like Lightin's face -__- and i havent finished the work yet although it's 3:10 am here¬!!!!!! O__O

LOL I was just teasing about the tips, dear. ;P But sure! I'd love to see your tutorial. ^_^

And your newest one is looking good! I really love your stuff. You have such a unique and vibrant style. I love your use of color!
If you don't like her face, try using some references. They don't have to be of the same character, but you can try finding stock of similar characters' faces that have similar features that you're trying to fix. Starting with the background is also a good idea; you'll know where the lighting should go if you do that.
Wow I simply love the texture on their clothes!

The colours are all so beautiful and vibrant! I love looking at colourful things. >.<

Fantastic work on the hair too! It looks so soft to touch!

You've done another brilliant job!

I can't wait to see more!
aaw thanx for ur comments again guys!!! x3 :ohshit: P.S Kandy Sugar i can see tht xD

finished =] i decided to giv Noctis an original British imperial sword as he represents the famous prince Hamlet x3

Hey guys! someone on deviantart said about my illustration of square enix party that all the characters look "stiff" and that Lighting is the only one who is more "natural". would u say tht the person is trying to be offensive, funny or stating his/her own opinion tht some of u might agree with?

I think I can see where that person is coming from. You shouldn't take it offensively, I'm sure he/she was just trying to give you some constructive criticism.

Lightning does look very natural, but the same could be said about Rikku and Reno.

I do think that you did an excellent job overall, though.
Stiffness in general can be fixed with some practice. Instead of obsessing over how to fix a particular image, try doing some real life drawings. Mistakes are not always obvious, particularly to the artist who drew it. You may not even notice it until many years later. Draw what you see, not what you think you see. You will find that when you do enough practice drawings, your future works will improve, and you can use this image to compare stiffness in later drawings.

A man should be patient with criticism. If he can learn to take it, he will become a better man.