Fan Art caucasian eagle's FF fan art

again, it took me hours to make those sketches -__- mind u friends, line art is the hardest part in digital painting! still got to sketch Yuna, Kadaj, ZAck, Balthier, Fran and Kairi


It's coming along great!
You're speedy with sketches, not to mention how long it took you to make all of this, it's really very impressive.

Vanille is so adorable, in your drawing she has a lot more clothing on than in the game xD
Multi-character images are fun. But horribly detailed and time consuming. I do too many of those for my own good.

The work on the shading, colors and details are particularly good. But there seems to be no focus in the lighting--should it be at the top where the light part of the background is? The trick with lighting is that it's not necessarily "darker" where there is no light--it's just less contrast. Similarly, when a part of an object is particularly well lit, it's not necessarily lighter--it just has more contrast. What I'd suggest is lowering the contrast on the lower parts of the characters, and more so on the bottom tier characters. Of course, if that's what you were going to do, or you can't be bothered, at least you'll know for next time.

I find there's also a few oddities--Kadaj's right leg is slightly too long, the muscles on the male characters' hands need some definition, and some of the faces look the same (although this may just have to do with the way the characters in the game look anyways.)
some negative feedback, is just what i needed! thanx!
aam so u r suggesting me to do the bottom bit of the background slightly darker? i've done the top bit a little too light so tht it (as if) disappears, the main focus should be on characters. But do tell me if i need to do the bottom bit a bit darker or with more contrast =]

about kadaj's right leg, it seems as if it's longer coz he pulled it a bit forward towards the camera. I didn't really get what u've ment about his muscles :confused: should i add more, make them bigger.. or...?

Faces look the same coz i tried to make them look like their original characters :)
I understand your image is character oriented, but if you don't apply some physics, it will simply look like you cut your characters out of a magazine and pasted them on the same page. Maybe an example will help - The piece I was working on for a long time in the WIP thread.


Notice how on the bottom portion of every character, there is less contrast, and more "colored lighting" (this is a bit advanced; there's three different colors of lights in this image, but for the purposes of this example, it will suffice to show that such areas lack contrast). If you decrease the contrast of the bottom portion of the characters, it won't detract from the focus because you can still see the contrast on the top portion of the characters--in fact, it would probably bring focus to their faces, if that's what you would like (not to mention the bottom portion of characters are not so important).

Making Kadaj's right leg longer just seems to me like he has an extra joint just below his hand. If you're not sure how it should look, look up some references or pose in front of the mirror.

And about the faces--I've experienced that before too. I drew a picture with all the characters from Dissidia, and people have complained their faces look the same.

Not necessarily darker; it's probably fine as it is, but I think you want to make the characters more obviously correspond to the lighting in the background, which is what I tried to show you in the example. If you don't mind me taking your picture and showing you directly, perhaps I'll give it a try.
It was a while since I last checked up on how you were doing with that FF ensemble art!

I'm really adoring those sunglasses you have given to Balthier, Fran and Reno. As if I don't love Balthier enough already, you've gone ahead and made him even cooler to look at.

You've done an amazing job on the characters' hair- and the art is really coming along magnificently. Keep going :awesome:
OMG all the FF characters together look freakin' brilliant!

It's stunning!

I simply love Kadaj at the front blowing bubble gum! XD

Zack looks so funny and Riku and Kairi are so cute. <3

Well done on this! Really! I would kill to have that hanging up in my room! :gasp:
Fran looks sexy <333

Great job so far! Rikku and Kairi have their signature adorable faces on, I love it. Lmao @ Zack, he looks perfect.
aaw thanx guys! i really lov ur comments! u make my day!!! :ohshit:

P.S. J i still got to add some final touches but i also added a bit more light to the characters at the back. Tell me if i need to do it differently or something else, thanx!

btw guys why r u giggling at my Zack? xD

Pretty snazzy, you should try doing commission art on deviantart or something.

Let me guess, you already do that, don't you? XD
ok thanx a lot though J!!!!

aam i dont really do comissions :( sorry Im striced on nudity bits or opening some body parts on people, espessially females
Okay, here's what I mean. In the first one, I've lowered the contrast on the bottom parts of the characters (which in some cases, may mean they are darker, but that doesn't always have to be the case). So you may lose some details from those areas, but that's okay because you probably want to focus all the details on the faces. If you're worried about losing detail, it's probably best not to draw them in the first place, which is why I tend to shade gradients first before shading in the details. Same reason why it's a good idea to start with the background first; so you know how the lighting goes.

In the second one, I took the liberty to add some colored lights; it may also make it easier to see the difference in contrast.
Hmmm to be honest, I think the first one looks better. All those lights on the second one make the piece look really washed out.
I don't think that the second one that you've done 'J' make it look that great to be honest.

I think it also makes it look washed out and less vibrant.

I prefer the first version if anything.

Much more colourful and appealing.
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