Celes or Terra


White Mage
Oct 10, 2008
which of the two strong females of this game do you prefer?
both are in my top 5 favorite female characters in the series, and I keep switching who I prefer.
For a long time it was Terra, but I think it's Celes now.
I love her character, her strenght, determination, beauty and of course she is the protagonist of the game most emtional and memorable scenes.
But as I stated earlier I love them both.
I thought Celes was pretty useless actually i hardly ever used her i just thought she could of been far better as a character.

But Terra one the other hand was pretty good she never let me down and her morph mode thingy was pretty usefull at times.

So the better on out of the two in my eyes is Terra.
Wow. Good thread.

I prefer Terra, no question about it. She kicked ass. Not only because she could transform into an Esper, but also for her role in the story also. I like it how she wasnt your typical heroine. She didn't fall in love with the leading male. Instead she grew to care for a group of orphans.

Celes is a fantastic character also. Both of them were great fighters. But I didn't find her as unique and exotic as Terra was.
Terra all the way, she is one of my favorite females on FF. And now seeing her on Dissidia it will be great, finally we can see how she looks on 3D graphics and most likely her Esper Form.

I love Terra's innocent personality and the affection she shows towards the others. Terra and Celes are very look alike, but Celes hasn't the same kindness as Terra and Terra is originally a powerful Spell caster and her Esper Form is extremely deadly, i don't fine Celes to useful as a character in FFVI, but thats just my opinion.

Im sure Terra will look amazing with blonde hair... Terra gets the Vote :P
As far as usefulness in battle goes I'd say Terra was more useful, although I still used Celes a fair bit. But story wise I preferred Celes' character to Terra's. So I guess Overall I preferred Celes to Terra.
All in all, I used Celes more than Terra..

I started out liking Terra a lot (For her magic). Later on, as we get introduced to Celes (Following the fact she can use magic too...), I started to get more inclined towards her, both for story, travelling and battles.

Then, the story had this twist where Kefka became almighty and separated the party across the world right? The moment that happened, i started using Celes totally, considering she's the only character available when the party gets separated..

Now, she's definitely my favourite character, furthermore, she's the strongest in the party too!
I think I like Celes more, but appreciate Terra's character more...If that makes sense...Terra is just so unlike most other main characters in RPGs...especially compared to the feminine clichés that were (& still are, really) so rampantly used.
I'd choose Terra. Sure celes can absorb magic and gain mp, but Terra can use her Morph(Trance) ability, increasing her physical and magical power. Plus, I think Terra is a more interesting character.
I think I like Celes more, but appreciate Terra's character more...If that makes sense...Terra is just so unlike most other main characters in RPGs...especially compared to the feminine clichés that were (& still are, really) so rampantly used.

I completely agree. Celes is easily defined as a classical female archetype. Terra does what made Squaresoft (RIP, Square) the best-- and broke away from redundancy.
Terra wasn't that amazing for me. Sure, each character has their troubles, but I think issues with Terra kinda bugged me a bit, and as I used Celes more, because her personality was what I thought was pretty damn good, I totally voted for her. I never really used Terra that much at all, seeing as you could teach everyone Magic, I just stuck with characters like Edgar, Sabin, Celes etc
I love her plot in the game more than Celes. How she is the link between the Humans and Espers. Her going all crazy and flying around leading the team off to look for her. She seems more mysterious at first. Celes is nice as well but for my money I chose Terra. That did not sound right.
Definitely Terra,PERIOD.


Please add more to your post. One liners are not allowed and are considered spam. Why do you prefer Terra to Celes?
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Put more effort in your post please. This is considered spammy, thankyou ^^
Definitely Celes. If you couldn't already tell by my username, haha. She's one of the strongest females I have ever seen in any FF. Her quotes make me laugh.

"I'm a general, not some opera floozy!"

"I'm a soldier, not some love-struck twit!"

I like how she doesn't let people walk all over her, and that she doesn't depend on a guy and that she really goes out of her way for everyone. I know she has her weak points but really, they pale in comparision to her striking personality. ;D

Terra on the other hand, bored me. She had no personality, and acted much like a robot. When she WASN'T being controlled.
Celes. She had the best MBlock in the game. Eventually, it got to the stage where her defence was inpenetrable except to special unblockable attacks. With almost all spells and economiser, she was unbeatable. Terra came in second best for magic, but again, she couldn't beat a tough boss all by herself.
Celes of course. She was a much stronger character when it came o story line. She was just so much more interesting than Terra. Going from manipulated soldier to a hero.
I like em both personally, and for the last part of the game I always use them both, along with shadow and Edgar (edgar being one of the strongest meleers in the game and having the tool tricks up his sleeve, meaning he doesnt always have to rely on magic, and shadow having his insane throw capability and dog counter-attack)

as far as personality goes, Id have to give this one to celes, Terra gets ever so slightly annoying at times, she gets knocked out more times than mike tyson did in his last few years of boxing, and she comes across a quite whiney for a large portion of the game....she does become an excellent character in the later stages of the game (when she finally stops wollowing in self-pity) but celes'es strong personallity is upheld all the way through....

+ who wouldnt want runic, best mblock ever :)
I loved both of them in the plot part of the game, but when it comes down to battle, I have to go with Celes.

Her strength was VERY VERY good for me when I would equip her with my strongest weapon. Terra was more of a Magician than anything and I hardly used offensive powered magic unless it was against an elemental dependent boss.
Shes way more hotter:D Terra has weird green hair. Celes has nice blonde hair...
i like both, but i prefer celes

some say she is useless but i am really weak against magic users, especially Kefka ontop of the mine with the frozen esper, her special move where she absorbs magic attacks for mp was a life saver against the magic he kept attacking me with, she is a good attacking and defensive character in my eyes, and a great back story