Celes or Terra

celes is cool no doubt, and is strong. but i guess i just wanna say that terra is a cool character once you look at it. she's half esper. i feel great sympathy for her as practically her whole life is destroyed, seeing that she's used as a weapon. tragically, her mother passed away. her dad, well, later on he faded. technically, she's never been loved. in the end, she still wants to protect everyone and still wants to love someone. ps.terra is not emotionless, she's just plain confused. given her state, the way she's been used, i woudn't blame her.she fended off pretty well actually.
Story wise , I'd say Celes takes over. I mean at first, it was centered around Terra but then Celes took over establishing stronger bonds with other characters. The Opera Scene is one of the most memorable and iconic in FF history. She actually falls in love with another character ( Locke) ( Setzer as back up boy) and just shows so much more depth and growth than Terra. I was hoping Terra would at least hit it off with Edgar.

Game/Batte play wise, I gotta hand it to Terra. Morph is better than Runic IMO and thats all it really comes down to. Otherwise , they are like twin sisters.
I was definetely a Terra fan. Morph made her extremely powerful, and by the second half of the game the runic skill was kind of not needed anymore.
I personally like Terra more. No explanation needed
Ha, I love that the vote is tied.

I personally voted Celes. I really enjoy busting her out of prison and then taking her as the lead once the world gets ripped apart. Her part is pretty fun to play.
The first time I played through, I adored Terra, but after replaying it again I really love Celes. Both are excellent female characters; it was a hard choice and I also seem to flip back and forth on which one I like more. I love FFVI because it actually had strong females; none of this whiny, 'I need to be saved all the time,' crap like in some of the later games.
Ha, I love that the vote is tied.

I personally voted Celes. I really enjoy busting her out of prison and then taking her as the lead once the world gets ripped apart. Her part is pretty fun to play.
The first time I played through, I adored Terra, but after replaying it again I really love Celes. Both are excellent female characters; it was a hard choice and I also seem to flip back and forth on which one I like more. I love FFVI because it actually had strong females; none of this whiny, 'I need to be saved all the time,' crap like in some of the later games.

I'm actually not surprised it's tied. Terra and Celes are both great characters.
I prefer Celes, I feel she was not only more useful in battle, BUT her character for me was much more interesting and deep...Terra for some reason felt flat to me.
I would have to say Celes, I mean, I like Terra, she's always in my party when I get the chance. But when you start with Celes in WoR I think that is one of the best moments of FF history, it just shows how strong of a character she is.
Also, I love her runic ability xD it's so awesome 8D
It helped me defeat
Kefka in the battle of Narshe
that's for sure:monster:
terra is because she is more stronger and i think more feminine there more.....but cant explain in words so thats all i have to say for now
I voted for Celes. She was really my favorite FFVI female, I liked her character development a lot, there were some very memorable scenes with her, like
the suicide scene just to mention one

I like Terra too, her Esper form and her character background and everything. That was kind of a tough choice :P But I prefer Celes. =)
As I whole, I have founded Runic more useful than morph.. I don't really see what's so great about morph, but Runic has helped me more than enough times. I also like her plotline a bit more than Terra's.
I like them both, but for this poll I went with Celes.

Both of them have the most interesting back stories in the game(one a hardened Magitek Knight who rediscovers her heart, while one is an Imperial experiment who wants to know what love is) and both have very balanced stats and very similar equipment.

Terra was easily the center of the game in the first half, but after
Kefka throws the world into chaos
Celes and her search for the gang becomes the center of the game. At the end of the game they both are very changed characters, more profoundly changed comapred to their allies.

I saw that Square did try to seriously make women the protagonists of the games, and this time, they did it with a flourish, hence why FFVI is one of the best.
I voted for Celes. I thought her backstory was more interesting, plus her scenes had some more emotion to them compared to Terra's.
I consider both as the main character of the series (Terra in the World of Balance and Celes in the World of Ruin)

Both are strong gals but I prefer Terra because she have more "feminine" charm than Celes. And she would make a good mother (she already did XD). If Terra is a real person, I would find her and ask her to go out with me :D
Good poll question, I can see why they're neck and neck ...

I prefer Terra, but I always used them both on my team. Celes seemed to have better strength, while Terra was better with magic. But there were only slight difference between the two! So I always equipped Celes with the Genji Glove + Offering/Excalibur and Ultima Weapon, and gave Terra the Gold Hairpin + Gem Box. Terra Ultimas the &#$* out of everything, while Celes slices and dices everyone to bits. It's a great combination. XD
Terra = 'Main Character' of the world of balance
Celes = 'Main Character' of the world of ruin
So basically there are two main characters for FFVI (Well for what I think)
I prefer Terra because the whole . . . learning ultima early. I also loved her story throughout the game.