Celes or Terra

Celes hands down.
Terra just annoyed me too much so I have to say Celes.
I prefer Terra to Celes.
Terra, even though she was the heroine she wasn't useless or whiny and she didn't fall in love with the main man (insert other stereotypical things here).
That and she has the prettiest theme music.

Although, with Celes some of the things she said you could tell she was a strong person. Unfortunately that didn't show very often.
- She's so cute!
- The player has her at the beginning of the game, so I grew very attached to her.
- I can identify with her...I feel like I've been controlled by my dad all my life...
Tough choice... but I had to go with Terra in the end. Why...? I think it's mainly due to the green hair, as shallow as that sounds. I had to decide somehow! In general, I think I like her character design too

Personality-wise, it's hard to choose between them because I like them both equally, but for the opposite reasons. Terra is a character who learns to grow ino her own, while Celes is character who grows out of her own. Terra learn to be independant, Celes learns to be codependant etc. They're both equally strong characters in their own right.

Even though I think Locke/Terra is kind of cute, you really cannot beat the romance Celes had with him. It's just so moving. Opera scene ftw~

Plus, I think some of Terra's appeal is that she didn't actually end up with anyone, something I found fitting of her character.
it is great that they are tied! equally great characters that deserve recognition.

mod edit

please put more thought into your posts, say why you think they are tied, thankyou ^^
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Hands down, it has to be Celes. I just love her character. Although, I'm finding myself to like Terra a *little* more then before. Because, Dissidia isn't making her seem like most peoples fanfics, so I'm happy with it.

Terra, definitely. She's got something Celes doesn't and thats a deep heart, Celes grows to be kind, yes but Terra was always gentle-hearted, plus shes strong and an excellent Mom too. Plus Terra has awesome Clothes, and she's so pretty ^-^

Hands down, it has to be Celes. I just love her character. Although, I'm finding myself to like Terra a *little* more then before. Because, Dissidia isn't making her seem like most peoples fanfics, so I'm happy with it.

I'm about to lose my head with you woman, Terra. -__-
With my vote, it is half and half.

I think that Celes being infused with her magic was a better background story than Terra being the product of an Esper and a human. I don't know why. It is most likely because Terra's story seemed overdone. It was cliche, in my opinion.

And I guess that Celes being infused with her powers may have inspired SOLDIER in Final Fantasy VII.
I think that Celes being infused with her magic was a better background story than Terra being the product of an Esper and a human. I don't know why. It is most likely because Terra's story seemed overdone. It was cliche, in my opinion.

idk how overdone or cliche Terra seemed...I mean, most female main characters aren't like her at all...She wasn't really attached to any of the male characters, didn't fall for them like other female leads might have *cough*Celes*cough* (;))) and she eventually became a motherly figure, not something usually associated with most RPG heroines. For a large majority of the game she was the personification of Hope, Kefka's very antithesis (ironic that he at one time controlled her)...

And I guess that Celes being infused with her powers may have inspired SOLDIER in Final Fantasy VII.

Sort of how Magicite "inspired" Materia and how Desperation Attacks "inspired" Limit Breaks and how Kefka's final seraph god of magic form "inspired" Ol' Sephy-head's stupid one winged angel form...Some say "inspired"...I prefer calling them "lame ass wannabes". :wacky:
I so just kicked Celes back into the lead.

Terra just irritates me, dunno why.

Celes reminds me of my first ever forum RP character. That and she shows that just because she's a woman, doesn't mean she's weak as a warrior. >_>;;
Terra is the best she is the main character as everything revolves around her and she is half esper. Celes just seem rather useless
...How is Celes useless? If you removed Celes from the game, it would have been dramatically different. Yes, the same can be said for Terra, but no one's calling her useless here.

Celes is a more human, more relatable character than Terra is in my opinion. Terra has hardly emotions until the World of Ruin, where she develops love for the children, while Celes shows a wide array of emotions throughout the game.

And, Celes attempting to commit suicide is one of the most powerful scenes in the game, and one of the most memorable.

As is the Opera. I can't think of any really memorable scene that stars Terra. I can think of several with Celes.
I preffered celes on all aspects. I found her to be better in battle, runic being one of the most handy abilities in the game. I preffered her character aswell, she went from a general in the empire to a rebel fighting against her old comrades.
I have nothing against Terra at all, her magic was strong but i found her morph to be somewhat unreliable, it never lasted long enough for it to be properly efficient. I was also rather peeved when she wimped out the first time with the battle against phunbaba(wow cant believe i remembered that monsters name)
I'm not discrediting either character nor am I saying that either one is useless (I happen to use both of them in my active party). With this in mind I'd like to say that my vote goes to Tina. There is a warmth that is unique to her character that differs from Celes. Tina is selfless and stoic qualities well befitting a hero, she is also fragile and insecure. The absence of emotivity can't be easy to bear, especially being unable (or so she believed) to feel love. Mind you there are probaly hundreds of better reasons any of you can come up with to help me out just as there are hundreds of reasons to say the contrary, this is just my input I hope some of you found it valid.
Well I love Terra because she is just so god damn strong!!! Oh yeah she is beautiful aswell and I find her useful. But I love celes also but I like Terra Branford more. She is half esper which makes her strong.
difficult desicion and because I haven't played the entire game I can't judge. So far I like em both. THey both do well in battle.
Celes has better offence / defence and is stronger than terra.
Terra has the summon ability and decent attack.
MMMMM I think I will go with Celes cause she saved my butt when fighting the tunneldigger thingy.
While I find them both to be great characters, I prefer Celes by a noticeable margin. I prefer her personality, I enjoy the angle of her and Locke getting together, and the scene where she attempts suicide is one of the most moving in the game. Besides, Terra can kick ass, but she can't kick ass and sing opera.
i like both of them. but i took a quick liking to Terra. Celes is pretty but Terra has her good points too. she is a pretty interesting character, the way she wants to understand the ability to love. if Terra wasn't there in the game, there woudn't be much of a story, woudn't it? not to say Celes is useless. She's a strong member on the team.
I was not a big fan of Terra, but on the other hand I loved Celes, her whole back story, the internal conflict she has, the love story her and Locke have, and of course the opera scene. Also her Runic ability helped me out quite a few times
:) Celes !

She was such a awesome character, she wasn't the typical dramatic damsel ( gives Rinoa from FF8 the * evil glance * >_>'' )
She was strong- a great fighter, and also mentally strong. She knew what she was doing, and how to deal with other people. She's wasn't the type to crave for a relationship and was fine just being single, Celes is stable and strong.

Tina/ Terra is a cute character but she can't be beat Celes's awesome-ness..