Character Tournament

What a comeback by Zidane to win it.

Match 7

Red XIII (FF7) vs Riku (Kingdom Hearts)
Im voting Red XIII as well, he proceeds through.

Match 8

Sephiroth vs Viewtiful Joe

My vote is for Sephiroth.
Sephiroth owns. A sick bad guy. Wonder how he became the baddest guy in KH games too.

Sephiroth can just cast pale horse on Joe to slow him down. Then, Supernova.
Supernova is not real. But an illusion. Plus Sephiroth won't be able to cast Pale Horse, because Joe would be done beating the crap out of him.

And by the way, as of KHIIFM, he's not the hardest boss in the game anymore.
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Not Sora, the players!

Besides, Sephiroth can cut Joe with his long katana before Joe can come close!
He would slow down time before he tries to slice him up, then kick his ass. or if he did try to slice him, he would slow-mo dodge it and blind Sephiroth with his Viewtifulness!
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Viewtiful Joe wins

End of First Round

1) Link vs Bowser - Bowser wins
2) Dante vs Kratos Aurion - Dante wins
3) Vincent Valentine vs Lloyd Irving - Vincent wins
4) Mario vs Sonic - Mario wins
5) Solid Snake vs Ganondorf - Solid Snake wins
6) Zidane vs Sora - Zidane wins
7) Red XIII vs Riku - Red XIII wins
8) Sephiroth vs Viewtiful Joe - Viewtiful Joe wins

Round 2 matches

1) Bowser vs Viewtiful Joe
2) Dante vs Red XIII
3) Vincent Valentine vs Zidane
4) Mario vs Solid Snake

Round 2 Match 1

Bowser vs Viewtiful Joe
I choose Bowser as well. Bowser proceeds through to the next round.

Round 2 Match 2

Dante vs Red XIII

I vote Dante