Characters you wish were developed more.

Ohh yes! Let's not forget Necron, the last boss of FFIX. He was introduced during the last minutes of the game. What's up with that?
I sort of agree, but I always took Necron as a symbol for death, we don't know what comes when we die, hence the randomness of Necron

Speaking of IX, I wish that Tantlas was expanded on more, I enjoyed them, and were some good comic relief, but would have liked to have known more about them.
Well....I'd have to say - Edge from FFIV. There is character development, no doubt...but since he came pretty late in the game, there was not much to see. We only know that he has this revenge against Rubicante, and that he's a prince of Eblan, and that he has a very big crush on Rydia. After that, it's like "join the crew!" .he blended in the story quite well, though. Other than that, though I'm not overly curious, what ever happened to Cissnei of Crisis Core. She was there on and off, then totally dissappeared from FFVII. Not that she was ever a main character, but she was slightly important in Crisis Core, wasn't she?
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Let's see, the vast majority of FFXII characters to start with.

I don't think we can blame some of the early FF games, particularly the ones on the NES. They were simple overall, in graphics, storyline, and character development.

In FFIV Cecil was probably the most developed playable character (perhaps the most developed character period), but the others were kind of lacking.

In FFVI, the only characters I wish were better developed were Umaro, Gau, and Mog. Mog was awesome, but there was very little to him.

In FFVII... Well there really wasn't a whole lot of underdevelopment in characters. Maybe Cait Sith and some of the Turks could use some work though. The main reason for lack of underdevelopment is because the characters that needed development usually got them in the compilation games.

In FFVIII, most of the characters needed some work or other. All there was to most of them was that they shared the same past, which was just an orphanage.
But the person who needs it most in that game is Ultimecia, she was just... There. And she just wanted to compress time for no reason. >_<

In FFIX I would have liked to see more Amarant development. And Lani was just completely pointless. She was just a bounty hunter with an Axe, no backstory, no history. They could have easily just made Amarant fit both bounty hunter roles.

In FFX Kimahri could have used some development. Same with Braska (although he was rather minor).
Too many to list, but again it depends on your definition of 'developed more'.

For me FFXII definitely lacks character development. Of course, brilliant storyline and intensity did somehow made amendments. But I'd really have liked to know more about Penelo. Really, she just seems like 'the girl with Vaan', who just so happens to be a playable character. Reddas is interesting but since there're hundreds of NPCs like him in FF games, I don't think we can expect much development for his character.

I thought X did a very good job in character development. I'm mostly satisfied with the characters and if I really gave to pick, I'd say Jecht. But X-2, I've a lot of issues with the Crimson Squad. Namely Baralai, Nooj and Gippal. I mean except for the Shuyin guy, they're the main antagonists in the story yet I don't see much development for their individual characters except for the little story back when they were trainees.

VIII was another one with kind of disappointing character development. Edea, Adel and Ultimecia, gosh Adel was so under-developed that I can't even remember her as the ruler of Esthar until I read up. Ultimecia is another of those villians doing what she does for the sake of doing it. I really think Quistis, Irvine, and in fact most of the main characters except for Rinoa and Squall are under-developed.

I definitely agree that Turks in VII are not given enough time of their own in the game. Of course, SE more than compensate with the slew of spin-offs. I'm still not so sure what happened to Cissnei though.

I would say the Turks in FFVII. They were great characters in that whole 'enemy...but not' it would be really great to hear more about them. Especially since SE left so many holes in the FFVII world in general.

also...I would have to say just about everyone in XII. There was such a lack of character development it really dissapointed me...I know they went over backgrounds but I feel like if they had gone deeper and if there had been more emphasis it would have made the game a lot better.
I thought X did a very good job in character development. I'm mostly satisfied with the characters and if I really gave to pick, I'd say Jecht. But X-2, I've a lot of issues with the Crimson Squad. Namely Baralai, Nooj and Gippal. I mean except for the Shuyin guy, they're the main antagonists in the story yet I don't see much development for their individual characters except for the little story back when they were trainees.

I wouldn't call the trio antagonists. The only real antagonists in X-2 were the LeBlanc yndicate, Shuyin and Trema.
Nooj, Gippal and Baralai were just kinda there doing their own thing. They were all trying to stop Vegnagun is why they took on those positions by the way. It's revealed in the Ultimania but of course that's outside the game.
Makes sense however.
Luneth from FFIII. A great character, but there just isn't much development.
Also, Gnash from FFCCROF. You meet him in the forest fighting a Mandrdake... and why? Why is he even in the forest when there's Rafflesia two areas away?
I am going to have to go with Aeris from Final Fantasy VII. I believe she was a character who didn't really have a chance to develop in the story. Her relationship with Cloud never got to grow. Also, we didn't get to learn too much more about her own life. I was very disappointed when she was killed off, and actually a bit sad. I wish she was able to stay in the game, and develop as a character as well as a relationship with Cloud. I liked her better than Tifa, but unfortunately they had to get rid of Aeris.
I am going to have to go with Aeris from Final Fantasy VII. I believe she was a character who didn't really have a chance to develop in the story. Her relationship with Cloud never got to grow. Also, we didn't get to learn too much more about her own life. I was very disappointed when she was killed off, and actually a bit sad. I wish she was able to stay in the game, and develop as a character as well as a relationship with Cloud. I liked her better than Tifa, but unfortunately they had to get rid of Aeris.

They kinda needed to "get rid of Aerith" - it was more of a plot thing, she wields more power while dead. I do kinda agree with you on the development thing, I thought quite a few of the FFVII protagonists could have been explored more, especially Yuffie and Red XIII. Aerith at least has Crisis Core though, more about her past is revealed in it.
I'd have to disagree with the concept of further developing Aerith - what else could have been done? She's the last surviving Ancient, the daughter of Ifalna and Gast (arguably the source of all of FFVII's happenings), has strong ties to Zack and Shinra, is critical to Cloud's development and helps in ways unimaginable to the characters until it actually happens.
Once again, I think Quistis could have been developed more.
I'm not trying to dismiss Selphie, Irvine, and Zell, but Squall, Seifer, Quistis, and Rinoa seemed like they were going to have this nice, twisted love story, then they were both just dropped. I could go on and on about how they could have developed her more, because I think that 'sisterly love' excuse given at the orphanage was a cop-out because the game designers wanted to focus ONLY on Squall and Rinoa.

Yes, we all know that Squall and Rinoa are meant to be, but there was so little conflict by this point that we all KNEW it. It just seems like Quistis and Seifer were meant to be used to keep us guessing at first, especially when you consider their pasts (Quistis had the unrequited crush on Squall, Seifer and Rinoa were a former couple)

Where was the CONFLICT? Every single time Rinoa was in trouble, yes, Squall hurried off to her rescue. Yawn. Their love story was too perfect. If Quistis and Seifer had bigger roles, then the plot would have been much richer.

I think that Seifer could have been much better developed as well, at least as a foil for Squall.

All we know is he's a bully, he went to the same orphanage, he starts serving Ulimecia out of the blue, and he has some mysterious 'romantic dream'. Then, he's sitting on a pier, fishing?!?!?!? What?

For all of the effort that the game designers put into making Squall and Seifer mirror images of each other, from everything to appearance and personality to the opposite numbers on the Triple Triad cards, it just seems like they would have given Seifer a better storyline. We know that Squall is anti-social because he has abandonment issues after Ellone disappeared, but what made Seifer such a jerk? What were his motives behind serving Ultimecia? It had to be more than he just wanted to be a knight. WHY did he want to be a knight in the first place?
Can't entirely say just yet, but I'm hoping the character of Firion in FF2 is developed more as I play the game... but it doesn't seem to be what this game is about (character development)... hopefully its still to come.

Otherwise I would have to say Squall. I found it hard to believe that someone as annoying as Rinoa could win him over. The transition from dark/cynical Squall to relatively normal Squall was not very well done in my opinion. I lost respect for him towards the end of the game. I would have also liked more of Seifer's back story.
Considering the potential within the characters: Asch, Vaan, Balthier, and Fran.

Out of all the FFXII characters, these few actually had shown signs of outgrowing the one dimensional outlines that they existed as. There was actually emotional capability within these characters due to
deaths, betrayal, or banishments
, but those moments were almost instantly forgotten and dropped to merely propel the bland story foward.
Hmmm characters that need to be more developed...

Well obviously the old games had pretty awful characters for the day. I'm not even going to get into that.

I would have liked to see Irvine developed more...

Maybe Amarant more from 9. He always seemed kinda random and weird to me. x_x Especially when he joined the group...I was :wacky: can I trade you for Beatrix?
Kimarhi from X. Yes, I know he's quiet, and he developed a little with the whole Biran and Yenke thing- but I don't think his personality was developed, and apart from Yenke, we didn't see as much of his past as we could have.
Maybe Amarant more from 9. He always seemed kinda random and weird to me. x_x Especially when he joined the group...I was :wacky: can I trade you for Beatrix?

I agree with you there. Beatrix as a character was far more developed than Amarant was, and far more useful to the story. I really wanted Beatrix to join the party, as I thought her character could have developed far more than Amarant's and would have benefited the story more. I think if they had developed Amarant more he wouldn't seem like such a random and unnecessary character.
Pssh...just about everyone from Eight with the exception of Squall and Rinoa. I always found Irvine to be particularly interesting..

From Twelve...again, just about everyone. There was some great potential in Twelve for some fantastic characters, but for some reason all those golden opportunities were squandered. -__-
I wanted Irvine to have a lot more of a story. He was a great asset to FFVIII. He is actually one of my top 3 fav FFVIII chars. He just kinda joins as a sharpshooter from Galbadia and then falls in love with Selphie. Not much of a story y'know?

I used to say Vincent too but then they gave him DoC so that really went well in my eyes. Same with Zack but then they game him Crisis Core.

I think Lulu needs way more of a background as well. They gave Wakka, Auron, Rikku, Tidus, Yuna, and Kimari background stories... but nothin for Lulu y'know?
I agree with you there. Beatrix as a character was far more developed than Amarant was, and far more useful to the story. I really wanted Beatrix to join the party, as I thought her character could have developed far more than Amarant's and would have benefited the story more. I think if they had developed Amarant more he wouldn't seem like such a random and unnecessary character.

Agreed. Amarant acted as a foil to Zidane in a lot of ways, and the whole figuring out Zidane's motives thing had potential. But it would have been much more effective if Amarant had been introduced much earlier in the storyline and had been fleshed out more as it went along.
Of course the characters from FFXII, I just wanted to know way more than what they gave throughout the story.

I think that Yuffie and Vincent were two characters I just wanted to know more about, especially since they were hidden a main cast.

And Amarant. I used him most often and know less of him than I do any FF character, IMO.