Choosing Party members

Main reason you choose your team

  • Personality and Looks

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • Most powerful

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 12 60.0%

  • Total voters


May 26, 2007
In Final Fantasy VI through XII were you able to choose a variety of characters to level up. The team of characters you have chosen in the series you stick with them until the final battle. My question is why did you choose these characters to follow you until the end? Is it their personality and looks....Or you have chosen these characters because according most fans they're the most powerful characters to use?

Do you level up and max out most of the characters?

Don't need to bother listing the main character such as Cloud, Squall, and Zidane. Everyone knows that you can't switch them out of your party. Although you can explain which character you wished to use instead of Cloud, Squall, and Zidane. Also don't bother saying: 'Well in FFV I had to use Bartz, Faris, Lenne, Gaulf/Krile because I had to.' We all know that in FFI through FFV you had to use those set of characters.

As for me, I choose characters based on their personality and how powerful they are compared to other characters.

In Final Fantasy IX I used the following characters: Freya, Eiko and Steiner. The reason why I used Freya because her Dragon's Crest only use 16MP and caused 9,999 damage. As for Eiko, she better white magic than Garnet and she had the summon Phoenix. Steiner was useful because of his limit break shock and over all he was a powerful warrior. I mainly chosen this team because it worked the best against Ozma and the final area/boss in my opinion.

I'll explain later the other characters I chosen in the other titles.
I usually decide early on which characters I'll stick with for the rest of the game. The exception being X and XII, when I rotated my party to keep them even. I didn't see much need to do that in VI - IX. I don't know why I chose them really. On my first play, it's usually my favourites that I pick. When I play again, I pick a different team to see how they differ, and because I don't like to be repetitive.
well, on 7 I used Vincent and either Cid or yuffie

Vincent for his chaos limit break, Cid for his triple weapon (can't remember name) and yuffie for her limit breaks

on 8 I used Zell and Rinoa

Zell for his limit breaks and Rinoa for her magic (I train her magic especially high)

on 9 I used Vivi, garnet and either eiko or Steiner

Vivi for his magic, Garnet for her summoning, eiko for magic and madeen and steiner for his conjoined magic sword attacks
i go on what they wear which comes under looks and personality like i have balthier in my team in XII coz he looks good and i use nanaki coz he is different to all the other characters coz he isn't humanoid and cait sith sucks ass
Well in VII, both times, I chose Barret and Vince to be in my party, Barret because his limits are some of the best in the game, Vincent...mainly because of looks.

I've played IX six times now so I've used just about everyone, but in every file I use Steiner and Vivi all the way through. Steiner because he's a tank, Vivi because he's one of the best characters in the story and he's just 1337 in battle.

I've tested out Garnet and Eiko, and despite my love for Garnet as a character, she phails in battle, even her summons, so I've only used her twice. Eiko is a much better white mage, she learns good spells earlier and can use Holy. Still, I only used her in one file simply because I just plain hate her.

Amarant I've used twice all the way through. He's relatively boring as a character, but his Throw attack is win and Chakra can be pretty useful. Freya I've never used all the way through. I managed to use her up to Memoria on my most recent file, but it takes too much to get Dragon Crest strong and I can't be bothered waiting around for Jump to hit when Zidane's normal Attack will do the damage much quicker. All in all I just plain hate her, in battle and in story. Quina I tried to use all the way through on my 6th file, got tired of Quina only having one good attack. Quina's alright as a story character, but in battle no.
I use my favourite characters.

FFVI - Terra Celes Locke Mog. All these characters are my favourite, i love how they look and they're all amazing in battle. and Mog is <3

FFVII - Aerith and Barret. (switch to Cid after disk 1) Aerith is my favourite character, and im much more of a magic player, and i love keeping her and Cloud together (^__^;) And Barret and Cid i use because they have the brute strength i like :D

FFVIII - Zell and Rinoa. Since you can make all the characters clones...i use them because i like them better.

FFIX - Garnet Vivi and Steiner. I prefer them all to the others, and im partial to using the original 4. And they all balance each other out perfectly.

FFX - Yuna, Lulu, Auron, Rikku - I switch between them 4 because they're all so different and i like them the most ^_^

FFXII - Fran Ashe Penelo Basch - i hate the other those 4 work for me :D

I guess, i go with the characters i like the most ^_^
I go by personality and my fave characters in general. Even doing it this way no matter what others have said, I've always had an easy time completing a game with my choices :wacky:

FFVII - Tifa & Aeris until you can get Vincent, then I use Vincent and Tifa for the rest of the game. Vincent and Tifa because they are my favorite characters, and even though I really do like Aeris, I chose her in the beginning because of her uber helpful limit breaks.

FFVIII - Zell and Quists......I actually kinda like Zell, so I chose him. I choose Quistis.......because I can stand her more than the other characters even though I still can't stand her.....less of the other evils situation :/

FFIX - Vivi, Steiner & Garnet. I love Vivi to pieces <3 And I actually found myself enjoying Steiner's bumbling devotion. Plus, in actual battle relevancy, Vivi + Steiner = major pwnage. Garnet because I just always liked her personality and it's always nice to have a summoner :monster: (every once in a while I have used Quina though...........cause yes, I like Quina, STFU)

FFX - I always use Auron no matter what. And I switch between Yuna and Rikku equally. Yuna grew on me after a while, and I found Rikku cute in X.

FFXII - After you don't have to use Vaan in battle anymore, I never use him :wacky: I always use Balthier, Fran and Basch. I hate Vaan, I don't care about Penelo, and Ashe is a bitch. Easy choice.
In most FF games i used my main character and 2 (or 3) weakest characters to get them more powerful and would constantly rotate them. It was different in VII with all characters getting XP and in X most of the time you cans tick to the same 3 and just swap characters in and out to get them XP.
It depends on which game I'm playing really. Most of the time, I stick with my favorite personalities. In FFVII, I could never choose which character I liked more, so I usually swapped them around rather frequently. In FFVIII, I pretty much hated all of the character's personalities (and looks), so I stuck with the most efficient fighters. In FFIX, I stuck with the characters who were most involved in the storyline (Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, and Steiner); plus these characters made up the most efficient team anyway...

You get the picture. ^.^
VII=RedXIII,Vincent they wield the most potiental
VIII=Zell,Irvine wicked limit breaks
IX=Amarant,garnet,vivi it was a wicked combination if u know how......
X=Kimari,Auron,riku variant, pwr major, theif perfect
It's a little of both for me. I go with the characters I like but at the same time try to have a tank in my party. However, If I really don't like a character, I will not use them at all. VI is a good example. People have told me that Locke becomes a very strong character but I really couldn't care less. I refuse to use him...ever.

In VII, I mostly stuck with Vincent and Cid because I liked them the most. Sometimes I would use Barrett.

In VIII, I switched between Zell, Irvine and Quistis. I liked Zell and Quistis more but I also liked Irvine's limit break.

In IX, I always used Vivi because he was my favorite character. His magic was good too but I would have used him either way. I really don't like Eiko but I used her on occasion. Steiner was always in my party because he was a tank. Although I didn't like him on my first playthrough, he grew on me. I usually used Garnet as my white mage because I love her character.

In X, I used everybody because they were easily switchable.

In XII, I stuck with Balthier, Basch and Penelo. I liked Basch and he was a tank. I liked Balthier and Penelo to an extent and Penelo was a good mage. Ashe and Vaan can both go die. And Fran was kind of meh.
Hrmm interesting...>_> I noticed that most of you use Vivi, Zidane, Garnet. and Steiner.

FFVI - Terra, just seemed the most powerful magic user. Celes, one of my favorite characters. >_> Setzer....his slots sucked but I loved his personality. Locke, also seemed one of the most powerful characters.

FFVII - I've used Tifa, Cid and Yuffie mostly. Cid physical attacks are powerful as well as his limit break Highwind. As for Tifa, I just used her to fill in Aerith. As for Yuffie, I always liked her limit breaks.

FFVIII - I used Zell and Quistis. I didn't like Irvine, occasionally I used Selphie. I found Quistis blue magic to be rather useful. Degenerator, Mighty Guard, White wind, Shockwave Pulsar. Honestly, I would have used Rinoa if her limit breaks weren't automatically chosen. Wishing Star and Invincible moon ftw.

FFX - Switched party members around. I did find myself using Yuna, Auron, Tidus and Rikku mostly.

FFXII - I'm currently using Basch, Balthier and Fran. I'm justing using them because I like them the most. *shrugs*
I always liked to mix personality with power

FFVII: Cid and Vincent~ Cid obviously for the personality, plus he does have some power! Vincent is great too, not exactly weak is he!

FFVIII: Zell and Irvine~ I must just like guns ^ _ ^ Many people hate Zell, but I think he's brilliant! Powerful and stupidly funny. Irvine's limit is very handy, so i go for him.

Can't be bothered to do the rest!
For the most part, I’ll go with my favorite personalities rather then who has the most powerful stats... In all truth, I’ve never been bothered with stats as most of the differences are truly insignificant to actually matter in long run. However, I usually tend to go with the characters that in my opinion, have the best limit break or special attack.

FFVI - I generally stuck with favorites here, Locke, Terra, Celes and Cyan - for his powerful sword attacks.

FFVII - I mainly used Cloud, Tifa & Aerith. After Aerith’s death and obtaining Vincent, I would always use Cloud, Vincent & Tifa, occasionally switching out Tifa with Yuffie. For the most part, it was just favorites here.

FFVIII - For the most part, I always used Squall, Rinoa & Irvine (After you obtain him). All three are my favorites, plus Squall and Rinoa have the best physical limit breaks of the game (Lion Heart & Shooting Star), in my opinion.

FFIX - I pretty much stuck with Zidane, a favorite and good fighter overall. Garnet, a favorite as well and a good Summoner. Vivi, a personal favorite and an excellent Black Mage. Steiner, not really a favorite, but comical and a great tank in battle. Never cared for the rest of the characters.

FFX - Primarily Tidus, not my favorite, but he was a decent tank. Auron, my all-time favorite and an excellent tank. Yuna, a personal favorite as well as a powerful White Mage and Summoner. Again, I didn’t really care for the rest.

FFXII - For the most part, Ashe, Balthier and Basch, all three were my favorites as well as great in battle. Ashe, in my opinion, made a pretty good tank and healer. Balthier, a favorite and good for long ranged attacks. Basch, a favorite and an excellent tank. Ocassionaly I’d switch out Balthier with Fran and I only used Vaan or Penelo when I had to.
I normally decide on looks first and then stats. It's just weird.

Sometimes the first play through, I do go by looks and just that. I can't help it, it's a habit.

For VII: I used Tifa and RedXIII. Why? Red XIII was not used too much by fans so I wanted to be different. Tifa was just strong and pretty. =).

VIII: Zell and Irvine. I don't know. They just stuck out completely. =/. 3 guys. The girls suck, IMO.

X: I used everyone. No need for that here.

XII: Balthier, Vaan, and Basch. OMG! Three more guys. XD. I just think the guys have better stats sometimes. Although I do switch for Fran at times.
i just pick the ones i like most...

VII - cid and red XIII. i liked cid for no reason whatsoever, and i like cats. and i didnt really like the other characters

VIII - havent played it fully, but i would probably use zell and irvine, or rinoa instead of irvine.

IX - vivi, garnet and steiner. i dont know why.

X - every one except wakka and khimari. i couldnt stand those two.

XII - basch, vaan and penelo. i like those 3. and when someone dies, i switch with fran, or ashe. never balthier, i despise him.
I actually do a combination of both. I tend to use my favorite characters but I also pay attention to stats.

FFVII- I tend to use pretty much everyone in this game, depending on the situation. I could be using Tifa and Red XIII, and then be using Vincent or Barret or Cid and Yuffie. I like all the characters and materia allowed to customize your characters so anyone could be a mage or healer, etc. And since all characters gain levels even if they not participate in battle, no one is really behind in skills or stats. You can pretty much use whoever you feel like using.
FFVIII- Again, you can mold any character into whatever you want, if you junction them right. I plan on using Rinoa and Irvine because they have awesome limit breaks and they're my favorites.
FFX- Since you can switch characters in and out of battle it's even easier to use everyone evenly.

So for me it depends on the situation and who does which job the best in that specific part of the game. Generally late in the game, I'll use my favorite team, and some characters that I had been using frequently don't get used as much.
With every Final Fantasy game I train up every character, normally growing them around 5 or 10 levels before I switch them out to do the same with another team. The teams themselves are normally decided on the factor of who I think fit together well in terms of relationships between each other.
The best looks.

Ex.: In FFVII, I picked Cloud, Aeris and Red XIII. Cloud is the father, Aeris is the mother and Red XIII is the dog. :D