Christmas Number 1

I'm guessing it'll just be the winner of the X-Factor, whoever it is, as usual.

I really hope it isn't though... I can't stand that they always win for starters no matter what the result is, and I also can't stand the music that tends to be made from it. It's all samey and the people mostly do covers or are never heard of again. The exceptions that do their own stuff, mostly refering to Leona here, aren't to my taste either so I can guarantee I'll dislike anything from the X-Factor, and can speak for a lot of people when I say that it'll be a shame if they win again.

However, if the Muppets win this year I'd be very happy.
It'll be the winner of The X Factor, just like it has been for the last few years. Zzzzz...

Christmas Number 1 in the UK has always been a pretty daft affair (Mr Blobby, Bob the Builder etc) but at least it was unpredictable and you could amuse yourself looking at the contenders. Now it's just pointless.
As mentioned, it'll be the Xfactor winner, even the unsuccessful people to have won it have had a #1 at Xmas. The songs are always awful anyway at Xmas, it's always daft covers versions, perfect example being the Bob The Builder one and The Muppets one which is a diabolical cover. Either way I don't really care.
I just want it for Animal screaming MAMA!!!!! DADA!!!!! I nearly wet myself lol. Oh I would love that to be number 1 this year, I would so love for this to win, pure genius!! Love the Muppets :D
I think the Muppets version of Bohemian Rhapsody is comic genius, it's not meant to be perfectly sang, that's the point :wacky: I hate all the music snobs who call it shit, it's hilarious, and it's meant to be a bit of comic relief xD

That being said, if they X Factor winner doesn't get the Christmas number 1, I'd be incredibly surprised. Sad, but the X Factor winner is almost guaranteed it.
Sorry that I have an opinion so, I'll rephrase. It's shit and unfunny. It's like listening to the Queen theme in Xfactor all over again. Cos you know, liking songs that are sung properly over something that I find awful makes me a music snob, but moaning about other peoples' opinions is absolutely and clearly not snobbish, obviously. Pot. Kettle. Black. :rolleyes:

Having looked back at the Xmas #1's the last good #1 was in 2004 so having something like the muppets or Xfactor would just follow the trend over the years.
If the Muppets do get Number 1 somehow, that will make my Christmas. It would just be one of the funniest thing to hear getting number 1 because it's just so a good way. Christmas is the time that I don't care what gets number 1 no matter how ridiculous the song may be.

However, the X-Factor monopoly effect will most likely kick in- and put the winner's version of Miley Cyrus' The Climb up in the charts. I can't imagine how Olly or Joe will sound singing that song.
It'll be the winner of X Factor without a doubt in my mind. Their song is out on download straight after the result on Sunday and I think the CD will follow on Monday. :monster:

I find the campaign against it getting to #1 ridiculously funny because there are so many people watching the show ... 16 million people, right? You can't always control everything in the charts, anyway. I wanted Leona Lewis to be #1 instead of Black Eyed Peas ages ago, but I don't go all anti-Black Eyed Peas. xD

I haven't heard the Muppets doing the Queen cover yet. Will have to take a look since it's definitely intrigued me.
If Bob the Builder and Mr Bobby can get to number one, the Muppets should go for it. I know some people hate it, but when youve had a shit time lately it soooooooooooo cheers you up. And Ive heard some terrible covers and rip offs of Queen, but this is awesome XD
I love how Rage Against The Machine are beating Joe so far this week. Sure, it's an awful song, but The Climb isn't much better.

I just like the fact it's made the chart battle a little bit more interesting this year, instead of it just being an automatic assumption that X Factor will hit #1 and no one else bothering.

Facebook vs X Factor this week has been interesting to watch xD
Rage Against the Machine's song is just awful- I can't possibly like it. I don't see any point of this anti-X Factor campaign. Sure, Simon Cowell's money-generating TV show has been very dominating for the last half-decade in the Christmas charts, but it's not him I'm sympathising at all. I think Joe deserves that number 1 seeing as he worked so hard for it.

The campaign is a little over the top. When a song I don't like becomes number 1, I wouldn't go so far as to campaign against it. I also don't know why anyone would waste time buying Killing In the Name anyway. Even if I wanted to prove a point to Simon Cowell, I wouldn't ever choose that song.

The only thing stopping Joe winning would be the weather- if people can't be bothered to buy the CD version of The Climb, Joe will lose the top spot because on downloads alone, Zack and his expletive mouth are winning.
Rage Against The Machine for xmas number 1.

Im sick of this BS x-factor having a monopoly on UK music industry. Sony may own rights to RATM and whatever Simon Cowell manufactures on that farce called x factor or all its other incarnations, but something needs to be done; to say people enjoytrue talent... not a months coaching by Cherly Cole who was a manufactured singer in the first place. Members of Rage have diverse talents not only is their music loved it has strong political and anti-establishment messages that are against forms of control which is what Cowell is doing to UK music. It's almost seen as a devine right that an x factor winner must become number 1. This joe guy will be forgotten by the time the next x factor comes along next year, on the other hand Rage Against the Machine will continue forever.... just look at this situtation their song Killing in the name of was made in 1992 and its challenging a 2009 COVER SONG. Who is truly the victor here?
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Maybe people like Rage Against the Machine? Maybe people are annoyed that every year for the last few years the X Factor winner's song has hogged the Christmas Number 1 spot, killing off the idea of acts competing for that spot. Why don't they release the song in January instead one time and let some other acts have a chance at getting the Christmas Number 1. It's like a kid who won't let anyone else play.

I would say I dislike Facebook campaigns anyway, and I bet over half the people in the RATM group don't buy the song, which rather defeats the point for me. Plus, Killing in the Name Of isn't even the best RATM song!

A small part of me wonders if this wasn't cooked up by Simon Cowell in the first place, I hate the guy but he really is a master of media manipulation and generating publicity.

EDIT: To the person below who mentions 20 million people watching The X-Factor final - well it's good to know there are 20 million idiots in the UK then.
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I also don't know why anyone would waste time buying Killing In the Name
Change that to "Rage Against The Machine song in general". I've just had a gander at some of their songs on youtube and the band itself is just a complete waste of time :wacky:

At the end of the day, people can sit and moan about how the Xfactor is winning but they're the ones buying the CD and downloading the song and 20 million people watched the final so I can't exactly see why people are moaning as badly as they are. If Joe doesn't win then he doesn't, but I'd have pretty much anything else winning than the shite RATM come out with which is called "music" (allegedly).
Rage Against The Machine for xmas number 1.

Sony may own rights to RATM and whatever Simon Cowell manufactures on that farce called x factor or all its other incarnations, but something needs to be done; to say people enjoytrue talent... not a months coaching by Cherly Cole who was a manufactured singer in the first place.

While Cheryl may not be an example of true talent- you can't deny that Joe is the person with the talent.

Members of Rage have diverse talents not only is their music loved it has strong political and anti-establishment messages.
All I hear are explicit yelling from this Zack guy- I guess I need to research more on the band to see how talented they are- but KITN as a single doesn't seem to showcase it that well. In terms of talent, I back Joe. Shouting does not equal real talent.

This joe guy will be forgotten by the time the next x factor comes along next year
Not that I am defending Joe to the ends of the Earth- but in case this happens, I think it is all the best for Joe to get his time at number 1 now :ryan:

At the end of the day- this doesn't affect any of us. It doesn't matter anyway if X-Factor dominates and Simon counts his money- I don't really care who gets the Christmas number 1 deep inside.

Maybe people like Rage Against the Machine? Maybe people are annoyed that every year for the last few years the X Factor winner's song has hogged the Christmas Number 1 spot, killing off the idea of acts competing for that spot.

Is it that worth it for these campaigners to be so worked up over something so trivial? Is the number 1 spot in Christmas really something that sacred to all artists? I don't understand some of these things.
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Good to see nothing has changed around here.

Music tastes still awful and still so very close minded and conservative. Wonderful!

I don't really care who gets number 1, I don't pay attention to any of that rubbish anyway, but should RATM get it. I will be mildly amused for about 5 minutes. It's far superior to half the garbage on the radio.

Any person on the X factor, has no talent. And will be forgotten within the next few months as the industry continues to rape pillage and burn any possible new idea to the ground because it's a failing industry.
Change that to "Rage Against The Machine song in general". I've just had a gander at some of their songs on youtube and the band itself is just a complete waste of time :wacky:
Please leave:neomon:
RATM are great, fanboyism aside, Tom Morello AKA lead guitarist of RATM is hugely talented. Which you can hear in RATM and Audioslave and The Watchmen.

All I hear are explicit yelling from this Zack guy- I guess I need to research more on the band to see how talented they are- but KITN as a single doesn't seem to showcase it that well. In terms of talent, I back Joe. Shouting does not equal real talent.
Killing in the name of doesn't particularly show off Zack's song writing talents, I don't think he is a particularly talented song writer, but RATM's music has meaning. Theur championing of causes such as the Zapatistas and their willingness to fuck the establishment, like disrupting Wall Street or their SNL performance is the complete antithesis of the lastest in a long line of untalented bland pop singers who appeals to more people's tastes. The idea that any of these people is talented is staggering, if they were they wouldn't need simon cowell.
KITNO is the only RATM song I know and I love it. It reminds me of my college days and brings a smile to my face. Im shocked that its suddnely back in the spotlight as its old-ish. Its werid not having a crimbo song st xmas, but everything about this season is changing anyhoo, so why not the music?

And yeah Im part of the FB group XD