Playstation Chrono Cross

I dunno about all of that.. The whole Riddel, Glenn, Dario, and Karsh thing was easy to connect with.. I liked their storyline better than Kid's tbh..
Gosh I can't believe I forgot about that. That sidestory just made Karsh even more awesome than i initially thought of him when i got to it. I can really relate with him having a chick that he liked stolen from him by his friend and being depressed for it. Karsh was a sad character. But that sidestory is the only exception.

the Radius one was stupid.
I played Chrono Cross immediately after beating Chrono Trigger. I was very disappointed; it had an amazing soundtrack, amazing gameplay, but the way you leveled up killed it. I was like, "Wtf?" The story was confusing, at points, but at times, very good. After a while, I just played it for the music. lol
It needed a better Skills system.
I don't like buying skills, I want to learn them like in Chrono Trigger.

The Music was great, best character in the game is Serge.
Oooh, I liked Chrono Cross. :( Chrono cross was a very beautiful game. I thought the battle system was pretty unique. Chrono Cross wasn't as good as Chrono Trigger though. I loved Harle! :D

Yes the music was very good.
I loved Chrono Cross, my second RPG ever for the Playstation ^_^

Though, it was a bit confusing, and especially during the second disk.
Quite weird fighting the dragons you though were your friends. :sad2:
I loved Chrono Cross, my second RPG ever for the Playstation ^_^

Though, it was a bit confusing, and especially during the second disk.
Quite weird fighting the dragons you though were your friends. :sad2:

Well, you go to another world and where everything is different.
The dragons must not of been Friendly in the other world.

This game needed more worlds.
I loved Chrono Cross as well. I still place Chrono Trigger easily within my Top 3 RPGs I've ever played...far better than FFVII. 2000 was a great year, with both CC and FFIX. But as for Chrono Cross, Yasunori Mitsuda's soundtrack was incredible, the battle system was nice, and the leveling system I found refreshing, as it eliminated the need (or even possibility) of level grinding. It let the story dictate the pace of the game, rather than spending hours of tedium between events.

However, I do agree there were too many characters, though most were colorful and likable. Tops was Harle, without a doubt, even with her ridiculous faux-French accent.

At first, I too was pretty taken aback by the apparent lack of ties between CC and its predecessor. However, it just made finding those little links all the more enjoyable. Finding the Epoch underneath Viper Manor, getting told what-for by (what was presumably by their appearances) the ghosts of Crono, Marle, and Lucca, and my favorite, the events in the Dead Sea, particularly the data you find regarding Lavos.

All in all, a mixed bag, but weighing far more on the positive.
Dario was evil.

Technically the game ends when you
beat FATE. And the whole time Lynx is trying to stop the Time Devourer from coming back. You help him fail by defeating FATE. Who was Lynx all the long.
Chrono Cross is a pretty good game
(i would want to make a thread about this topic but there's already one)

anyway...Chrono Trigger's story continues as Chrono Cross is released but maybe the story ended when Chrono Cross has ended..still I wish there would be another game following the legends of those two Chronos
A good times. Chrono Cross was good. But I liked Chrono Trigger better.

The first one had Frog, but the secong one had Glenn.
God I loved chrono cross!

I named my character on runescape after Serge, the main character. That was when I was twelve years old.

And well, time goes on...
I played Chrono Trigger, which was an excellent game, though when I picked up Chrono Cross it left me alil disappointed. It lacked ties to the first game for the entire time I played it and if there were any, they were way too subtle for me to pick up. I never finished it but I suppose they may have been present for the parts I never completed. I might restart it again... *shrugs*
Great game, though the outfit of the main character was horrible :D Good storyline, lots of interesting characters, I think I played the Pirate Captain and the guy in white with the axes Karash I think it was.
chronocross was definitely a good game with lots of cool things to do, since there were so many characters to obtain. but it definitely was not as good as chrono trigger. chrono cross was a bit too all over the place for me, but it was still a good RPG.
Hmm, I played it a long time ago but never finished it. This is because I borrowed it from a friend and he doesn't like when others beat a game before he does. So basically, he took it back and beat it. Then he got robbed and never saw it again :(.
I have this game on my PSP! ^_^ It's a shame it was never released in the U.K. :( I had to have the American version converted to an EBoot so I could play in on my PSP. I haven't played it very much yet, though.
I thought Chrono Cross was amazing. And being a psycho completionist I went through the game quite a few times to get all of the characters and endings...that was a bit of a pain, but still fun nonetheless. I still find it funny that a few friends and I turned Chrono Cross into a multiplayer game by having each of us control one character during battles. That was a fun system. I mean this game can't touch the amazingness that is Chrono Trigger with a ten foot pole, but it's still a really fun game. The story's a bit confusing but after a while it all starts to make sense.