Holy moly! I love it! Seriously those look AMAZING! You did a great job! ^__^.
And yeah, I couldn't find a pic with better quality for the sig :'[ But still, I LOVE IT! I'll be sure to give you credit here! Also, would you mind if I used them on http://kh13.com/forum/ ?
It's a forum for Kingdom Hearts fans.
Once again, thanks!
EDIT: Random question, but is there a way to make my avatar appear bigger? . Kinda like yours xD.
Glad you like it! You have to buy from the vbshop using points. Points are obtained via activities in this forum such as posting more, etc. I don't think you have enough points currently.
Yes you can. Just make sure to credit me: Cid Raines from FFF.net.
In case you are having problems inserting the correct signature size in this forum, in edit signature, simply copy:
and paste in between: