Cloud Vs Sephy

No, you're all missing the whole point.

FF7 is meant to emphasize the importance of friendship and love. Cloud won because he has the one thing Sephiroth will never understand: Love.

Or friendship, but that's just about the same thing. Sephiroth knows only hate and hate can only destroy. But in the end, love is stronger than anything, stronger even than death. That is the whole point of FF7, both the movie and the game. That is the moral lesson. And I'm rather shocked to find that no one else here understood that.
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But you've got to admit that bad guys always lose in most games because they are supposed to lose, like Sephiroth.

Yes friendship and all that but man it would be good to see, at least, a fake victory for the bad guys near the ending...(not Aeris assassination, that doesn't counts)
Games should show more bad guys winning, imagine a FF when the heros fail and the world is plunged into darkness.
I think cloud only beats sephiroth becase they don't want the main charactar to die. just like when cloud lived through his mako-induced coma.
i think Sephiroth knew cloub would stop him cause he wanted to rule the world. and maybe another half of it is Sephy wanted to play with him.
It's actually quite simple. If Cloud were to have been beaten the first time, there wouldn't been a game in the first place, because he would have been dead. The latter battle, the final battle, Sephiroth wins all the time. That is what the "game over" screen means. Simply said, plot devices.
Cloud got injected with Jenova Cells and was submerged into Mako but he failed the test for soldier because he was a mess... i think, its been a while since I played it. And yeah it would be cool to see Sephiroths limit breaks but technicially he does as he takes the same character slot as Vincent, so he has Vincents Limit breaks.

But he never got injected with Jenova Cells and submerged into Mako until he defeated Sephiroth the first time. Shortly afterward's Zak took Cloud away from the scene and tried to completely flee the scene to Midgar, but just as they got there Shinra Soldier's killed Zak and well, cloud was in a state. Then Hojo expiremented on the "Person" who managed to defeat Sephiroth, ect...

I think the first time he managed to defeat Sephiroth was because he was so in-raged by the site of his home-town getting burned down and at the sight of what happened to Tifa, a close friend of his made him more angry and so he fought for her, ect .

Second time was either because he was overlimited (Best Level you can get to) and best equip/Materia (For the Bizzaro/One winged Angel fight) then of course you have the infamous Omnislash scene.

Uh ... I think I've blabbed long enough ^^ . who do u think is the real strongest...

i mean i like sephy and all but wat about cloud...just because he doesnt hav jenova blood in him doesnt mean he cant beat sephiroth

will anyone answer my questions
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First Battle: Cloud won because he stabbed Sephiroth's back by surprise, and gained the advantage.

Second Battle: Cloud won because he has the help of all his friends, and Sephiroth wasn't totally concentrated in the battle(he was using his will to hold Holly).

Third Battle: Cloud won because he was much more powerful after all his adventure in FFVII, and because Sephiroth was weaker after his body(Safer) was destroyed. And maybe because Sephiroth underestimated Cloud.

Fourth and Final Battle: Cloud won because Sephiroth didn't even try in that fight. He was playing and toying with Cloud during all of it.
Sephy might be an One-Winged Angel and all, but that doesn't mean he is immortal. Cloud proves that each and every time!
i agree with Black-Rose-2k7, cloud wins cuz hes to good guy, not because hes stronger or faster or smarter but because the creators of the FF saga have always and will always let the good guys win.
i agree with Black-Rose-2k7, cloud wins cuz hes to good guy, not because hes stronger or faster or smarter but because the creators of the FF saga have always and will always let the good guys win.

I would like to see a twist though. The evil side wins! That would be freaky, yet different. Anyways, Cloud is king!
Hmmm...well it's cloud's determination to defeat him. Sephy thinks because he is far more powerful that he can win easily and can sometimes be left "unguarded" meaning cloud can get more of a chance at beating sephy.

Also the fact that sephy killed aerith helps a lot. what would you do if a man killed the woman you really liked?
Sephiroth would of honestly owned Cloud if it wasn't for the "Good guy" thing. Seriously, he was a badass, and knew so much more then him. It's that simple.
Sephiroth can pwn Cloud even if he's asleep, Blame it on the "Good wins over evil" thing.>_< Cloud's emotions helped a lot in his victory, he seeks revenge for what Sephiroth did to him. Its what SE wants to tell the gamers, that the good guys always win. It would be nice to see Sephiroth defeat Cloud.
I agree with everyone who says that Cloud wins because of the whole "Good triumps over evil" obsession. For once let's see a little twist, eh.;)
But Cloud owned Sephiroth pretty badly back in his home town at the mako reactor before the story even started. I'd say that Cloud wins.

It could just be that Cloud was always stronger.
Yes, it would be interesting...but you cannot see the evil win twist never in stories like these, for stories like these cary a message about hope for better tomorrow. Moral values are presented here, lessons to be learned....unfortunatelly as it was pointed out previously, FF7 follows a very old pattern. All these games follow the same twist..same story retold, same characters renamed...SE with their FF series is an expert in repeating the same old story and selling it to us all under the new package.

Hero/Cloud vs the ultimate representation of evil/Sephiroth. It does not matter, pick any character of FF, it is always the same pattern, it does not matter if the hero is Cloud, Tidus, Sora, Squall, is a stereotype... always, and they go through the same ordeal...the evil side too, same character each time. It can be applied to many other games too...I am not picking on FF here :D...and we play them and we love them for what they are...

But the point is that evil under any circumstances must be defeated.

On simple terms the final bloody must win, cos then the game has no gotta beat him to beat the game...itsn't that obvious ;)

You defeat the evil with your party, and love and friendship wins there on one hand as the party fights for the world, but on the other it is Clouds fight, it personal for him...that is why you get that final blow only with Cloud, and that why Sephiroth cannot hit back. This is Clouds game first of all.