Looking in a light green ocean
Hey erebody first post but ive beaten ffvii a few times and I think the fight in the game wasnt really all that lop sided, Cloud was infused with jenova cells and so was sephiroth (all tho sephiroth to a much higher degree) being that sephiroth was operating with jenova he had much more magic power and was able to astrally project himself places (my theory being that sephiroth was actually in the north cave the entire game, and was not all that super powerful. He was probably more powerful than cloud but you have to take into account the fact that so were most of the bosses in the game. When I beat the lost number its like level 38 think and i was around 29 not quite a big of a diff but you get my point. That plus omnilash plus clouds materia (if you botherd to get Knights of the round or master materia) plus personal player skills all add up