Cloud vs Vincent(can't controll chaos) - who wins?

Don't think that Cloud would most likely not beat up his one of his friends for entertainment..

Don't see these two ever in a battle because just see Cloud as too sensitive to be the type to ever harm Vincent..
I say Cloud. Cloud is strong, but if Chaos comes out, Cloud would have tough time. But he would find some way to win. He is way stronger than he was in FF VII. But due to Chaos being able to fly, Cloud may be at a disadvantage.
It would be a good battle. It just depends, anything can happen in a fight. But I have to go with my man Cloud on this one, simply because he's Cloud.
it wuld have to be vincent.... he wont let anger over take him... he will keep calm... he cares 4 no one.... but helps those who need.... vincent will win...
After seeing how Cloud fight through Advent children it seem to me he always find a way around his opponents. I think Cloud is a more experienced fighter than Vincent(Sorry coming from a Cloud fan) All vincent does is shoot and seeing how cloud has no problem dodging bullets its a instant win for cloud. As for Chaos sure Vincent has a advantage of flying. But then you have to consider the circumstances, can Cloud use materia if so flying won't be a problem.
i understand ur reasoning but... coming froma vincent fan..... vincent knws him self vincents fighting style is his own.... cloud dsnt knw himself, cloud fights with zacs
i understand ur reasoning but... coming froma vincent fan..... vincent knws him self vincents fighting style is his own.... cloud dsnt knw himself, cloud fights with zacs

I see what your saying:D But I wouldn't say Cloud style is Zacks. I haven't played Crisis core yet so i'm not really sure but cloud uses multiple swords while Zack uses one I think(Someone clarify if i'm wrong). So I would say your right Cloud doesn't know himself thats why he uses multiple swords. But hey he defeated sephy that way may be his style.
well...chaos can teleport/insta-move. no one can beat that, so end of comparison. it's a bit unfair all things considered. things got way imba at the end of DoC.

about fighting styles, i would think vincent, having years of experience as a turk and more as a test subject, knows his mettle just as much as any of the other FF protagonists.
Guys, please remember this is a post count section. Let's not spam up the thread with one-liners. Thanks.

(oh, the irony)
Guys, please remember this is a post count section. Let's not spam up the thread with one-liners. Thanks.

(oh, the irony)
Lol didn't you just..............forget it.
Are we comparing Ac Cloud with Doc Vincent or just comparing them before Ac and Doc kicked in. Even if its before and after Cloud would still win I haven't heard one logical explanation on why Vincent would win. I'm gonna go ps1 on this.Chaos form flying advantage over cloud right long range-Material can easily fix that. Vincents limit breaks left him vulnerable for one turn didn't it every time he transforms he could'n't even attack, and vincent couldn't even control any of his limit breaks living his Hp vulnerable aswell (poor vincent) while clouds limit breaks are instant attacks and are easy to shell out. And could easily heal himself if his Hp gets low. Which brings us back to to Ac Cloud and Doc Vincent we have nothing to go off of but there styles of fighting.

Mod Edit: Yes, I did. Shhh.... xP

Mod Edit: Mod one liners for things like that don't count <.<
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i'm going to say it again: teleport! i'm still wondering why sephiroth didn't use his teleport, he would have raped everyone if he would only have been smart enough/less cocky.

yes, vincent can teleport. we see it near the end of DoC. IF we are comparing DoC vincent to AC cloud (which i assume is the OP's intent), then teleporting owns everything, no matter how badass the enemy looks.

main point is teleport > everything. why do you think Jehuty is considered the most hax mecha of all mecha games? it teleports...dood.
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Abra can teleport, but he's a terrible pokemon. Just because a fighter can teleport doesn't mean he'll win every battle. Where would teleport take him that would catch Cloud off guard? His back, right? Well, all Cloud would have to do would be to predict his movements. Swing behind him right when Vincent teleports.

That being said, I don't know who would win. It would be an epic DBZ-esk battle though.
Abra can teleport, but he's a terrible pokemon. Just because a fighter can teleport doesn't mean he'll win every battle. Where would teleport take him that would catch Cloud off guard? His back, right? Well, all Cloud would have to do would be to predict his movements. Swing behind him right when Vincent teleports.

That being said, I don't know who would win. It would be an epic DBZ-esk battle though.
you have a point. Cloud is still at a disadvantage, however. How well he fights will depend on his reaction speed vs vincent's insta-move, and since both of those were only seen in CG, there isn't a definite way to prove either one would win.

I agree with the DBZ-ness.
i fink cloud is a less experianc fighter then vincent and cloud can fly parshly and he only us 1 sword all hes done is madefide the buster sword
If it came down to the two of them fighting?

Despite the fact Cloud's the main protagonist and all, my money would go on Vincent. He was in the Turks, whereas Cloud wasn't in that or SOLDIER. Vincent has more than just a gun on him. He's the got the speed and moves to combat anyone.
Cloud would win a fight between him and Vincent. Vincent is strong, but Cloud's attacks would be too much for him.
I say Cloud. Cloud is strong, but if Chaos comes out, Cloud would have tough time. But he would find some way to win. He is way stronger than he was in FF VII. But due to Chaos being able to fly, Cloud may be at a disadvantage.

Hehehehe, the gravity works differently in Gaia (the FFVII planet). Cloud can fly-jump too, just as he did in the battle in AC ; Cloud versus Sephiroth.:awesome:

Anyways, back to the topic:
Cloud definately wins. Because Cloud is the main hero from FFVII. The main hero always wins. NO MATTER WHAT.:monsmash: