Coming for 360?

Final fantasy on 360...

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FFXIII Xbox might outsell the PS3 version in the west. As for Japan, yes, probably the PS3 version will sell more than the Xbox version. With a few upcoming Japanese-made exclusive rpgs coming out for the Xbox, I can see the Xbox sales rising in Japan soon if Microsoft starts pushing advertising more. Currently there isn't much Xbox advertising in Japan from what I heard.

As for FFVII on the PS3 and KH 3, well, let's see what Sony's conference has to say tomorrow.
we could see this situation: Sony allows M$ can have FF13, but not any other "fabula nova crystallis" games, since they are ALL separate games in one world. that and FF7 would remain with Sony. Therefore M$ will have an install base that is equal to Sony's in terms of the current generation. for which is better news for SE that they can get more fans, for Sony, they still have exclusives to play for.

If they announce FF7 in desperation OR they announce vs13 and other FNC titles to counter M$ then the balance is restored, for fanboys sake. for gamers sake, more players = more fans.

Question now is, how many HD discs will this need? my guess that SE will condense the game to one disc on both systems, that decision would have had to be made right at the start of development so M$ has had this info for sometime. OR could we see a 2 HD dis / 1 Blu-ray situation, which could vary prices and may also influence which system sells. though some people might by the 360 version to justify the fact that it's a 360 version, or they may get the PS3 version if they wish to use the console more often.
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I'm happy that FFXIII is on the 360...if only because me and my brother already have an Xbox 360 and can't afford a PS3 O__o;
But surely its a good thing? Now this means that more people can enjoy it!
I can't say I'm all that surprised what with PS3 not doing all that well (well it's not round my parts anyway )but I certainly wasn't expecting it.....I am a little dissapointed that it isn't PS3 exclusive, it's certainly not gunna help PS3 sales. Imjust glad I didn't go and buy one least now I could get it and play it on my brothers XBox..... not that he will let me mind :wacky:
This is both shocking and amazing news. Expanding gamer's overall access to Final Fantasy titles can only benefit SE in the long run. A part of me is not surprised by this turn of event at all. The pieces of the puzzle seem to continue to fall into place for, not only a FFVII remake, but a multi-platform remake title! Oh, I'm sure that they can almost taste the money!
Erm, it's not good news. Yes, let's release a final fantasy game, a MAIN one, multisystem. Makes PERFECT SENSE to release a game, on a system, that's not had all that many FF games on it.

Wait, no it doesn't. Doesn't exactly make Final Fantasy XIII special anymore. SE are sellouts. Why not make everything multiplatform. Seriously. Make Tekken 6 multiplatform too.

As if you couldn't tell, I'm annoyed. And being somewhat sarcastic.
I do agree that Sony are sellouts, but it doesn't bother me that XIII is going multi-platform. It's not going to hinder the experience for either Sony of Microsoft fans. I don't see the point in making a fuss over it.

I'd say the difference between each version would be graphically.
It's going to mess things up for Sony, gotta think of that now. >.>
There's no use in thinking about that NOW when Sony should have thought about their impending doom when they decided to put a grand worth of electronics in their console. Sony set themselves up so they can't blame anyone but themselves. Casual gamers aren't going to go drop $600 on a game console. There's far better things that can be one with that amount of money. So just the price alone was what turned most gamers away initially now it's the lack of exclusive titles, and the lack of utilizing the features Sony promised us when the PS3 was first announced. I'm not bashing Sony, but they made a poor decision.
Well I for one am suprised to hear that FFXIII is going to be on the X-box.. I knew that the PS3 sales were not doing to hot, but Square said that the game was going to be PS3 exclusive. They really are a bunch of sellouts!

This really isn't good news for Sony.. all of the people that want to play FFXIII now have the option of buying a less expensive console. They will most likely opt to do so, seeing as how it already has a huge selection of games. Oh my.. what a mess..

I'm interested now to see what SE says at the press conference tomorrow. Hopefully this "big FF7 announcement" has something to do with the PS3, otherwise Sony is screwed =/
Yeah, this is a bad move for Sony (damn you, SE), because I'm sure there's a lot of people out there (including me) just waiting for FFXIII to come out before they FINALLY buy a PS3. But now that it isn't exclusive anymore, then I'm sure either people would buy the XBox 360 instead since they do have cooler games there (in my opinion anyway) and then buy FFXIII, OR for those who have an XBox already and not a PS3 yet...then that makes it much financially easier for them since now all they've got to do is buy the game.

Tsk tsk. Ah well, I'm not really bothered, I guess. It's good business for SE, but it just sucks to see Sony going downhill more.
That's not entirely true. Sony still retains the exclusive rights to Versus XIII so there's still a glimmer of hope for them. I'm beginning to wonder if Square isn't setting the stage for a Final Fantasy VII re-make. Perhaps they thought they'd throw Microsoft fans a bone and give the loyal Square/Sony fans the grand prize. Doubtful, but one can only hope.

EDIT: Sony didn't make the decision to port XIII, Square did. You must remember that Final Fantasy originated from a Nintendo console then Squaresoft at the time refused to further develop the franchise on a cartridge because it lacked the capability of a CD-ROM so they converted to CD-ROM (option Sony's Playstation) where Square remained through the better part of the second generation of consoles as did Square with Nintendo. Perhaps Square is just making yet another conversion to a more popular console. There's multiple reasons for this decision I'm sure, but I still agree that Square are sellouts.
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Personally, the more action-orientated Versus holds no meaning for me, so yeah, only a PS3 VII exclusive announcement would make me purchase the console now. However it feels like this is only the first step - and that such a game could go cross-platform.
SE has always been about money, so I don't see how they're selling out. I don't like the announcment, but it makes sense. They've always been a bunch of money fucking cocksuckers. The only difference is that they put more effort into their games a decade ago.
SE has always been about money, so I don't see how they're selling out. I don't like the announcment, but it makes sense. They've always been a bunch of money fucking cocksuckers. The only difference is that they put more effort into their games a decade ago.

You're seriously half-retarded. Square used to be above the influence of greed, but it wasn't until Square merged with Enix and nearly a decade of renown for it's infamous Final Fantasy VII that Square decided to start milking the franchise for everything it's worth.
money fucking cocksuckers

Haha, thats definately true XD

Well, even if Versus XIII remains PS3 excusive, Sony is still doomed. Everyone will have already bought the 360 and will be in no hurry to buy a PS3 for that one game.

I'm kind of upset about the news, seeing as how I bout a PS3 last week =/ I had other reasons besides FFXIII for buying it though, so it's not a total loss.. Still, I wish they would have come out with their decision to make it multi-platform earlier.
Holy shit, now that's what I call pwnage. How stupid can Sony possibly be? They couldn't be arsed to pay for FFXIII's exclusiveness, and now they're paying the price. Judging from public reaction I'm guessing the Xbox 360 version will sell better than the PS3 one in Europe and the US.
You're seriously half-retarded. Square used to be above the influence of greed, but it wasn't until Square merged with Enix and nearly a decade of renown for it's infamous Final Fantasy VII that Square decided to start milking the franchise for everything it's worth.

–adjective, greed·i·er, greed·i·est. 1.excessively or inordinately desirous of wealth, profit, etc.; avaricious: the greedy owners of the company.

Above the influence? They've always wanted to make money, that's the bottom line. That's greed, the tag " Making great games, and putting effort into it." doesn't negate that. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, it's just human nature.
Yeah, this is a bad move for Sony (damn you, SE), because I'm sure there's a lot of people out there (including me) just waiting for FFXIII to come out before they FINALLY buy a PS3.

Oh it's VERY bad for Sony, but it's their own fault for being so limiting and controlling of third-party developers. And they're too expensive to develop for. SE's just gonna rake in even more money. I mean good lord, they're already putting Infinite Undiscovery, Star Ocean 4 and The Last Remnant on the 360, and with this...Microsoft and SE are going to be best friends now.

Frankly I'm laughing my ass off at this whole situation. There's going to be thousands of butthurt Sony fans just crying their eyes out because they wasted $500 on a console. So many people bought it just for MGS4 and FF13...well now FF13 isn't exclusive and they're stuck with a game that only lasts 6-8 hours. This is going to devastate Sony's sales, it effectively eliminates one of the biggest reasons to buy the console.

Tsk tsk. Ah well, I'm not really bothered, I guess, but it does break a tradition that Final Fantasy games are strictly for the Playstation platforms. (And the handheld systems).
Well aside from Nintendo handhelds and consoles, FF games have also been on PC (remember the ports of VII-VIII), so Microsoft has actually had the rights for about 10 years. Also, Before Crisis was released on NTT docomo phones, another non-Sony property. People tend to forget about that. Of course, this is the first time a numbered FF has been released multi-platform from the get go (or was XI the first?) so it is kind of a big deal, but it's not as if SE has been Sony's loyal pet.