Coming for 360?

Final fantasy on 360...

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I have both so it doesn't really matter to me but the ps3 is a lot better console to play, the controller is a lot more comfortable and has six-axis, to be honest it looks better as well. The only thing i do like about the 360 is the achievements and slightly better online but sony has plans in the future to make the ps3 and its games a lot better than 360.

From a business point of view i can see why SE has put FF on the 360 as it will boost their prophets, as long as it doesn't delay the ps3 release i don't care to be honest and when the ps3 becomes superior which it will with the updated plans future FF's should be left exclusive.

Oh before you start calling me a fan boy *cough* meta knight *cough* look into it before you say anything.
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Certain games belong on certain gaming systems. After around 10 years of the [newer] Final Fantasy games making home in the Playstation Console, suddenly it's moving on over to XBox 360? Not cool...

It's like Halo coming to Playstation. Xbox fans would (or might) hate that, but we would actually kinda like it. FF XIII moving over to the XBox 360 angers Playstation fans, but pleases fans of FF who also happen to own an XBox. Now, if you have both systems in posession, then you should be fine.

But honestly. that make allow Square-Enix to make more of a profit, but man: it's ticked a LOT of other people off on other sites and forums such as this.
I have both so it doesn't really matter to me but the ps3 is a lot better console to play, the controller is a lot more comfortable and has six-axis, to be honest it looks better as well.

All those reasons you listed are a matter of opinion though :neomon:

From a business point of view i can see why SE has put FF on the 360 as it will boost their prophets, as long as it doesn't delay the ps3 release i don't care to be honest and when the ps3 becomes superior which it will with the updated plans future FF's should be left exclusive.

Oh before you start calling me a fan boy *cough* meta knight *cough* look into it before you say anything.

Olawl :wacky: I'm not going to call you a fanboy because you're smart enough to realize it's a good business decision and you're not crying about it.

Certain games belong on certain gaming systems. After around 10 years of the [newer] Final Fantasy games making home in the Playstation Console, suddenly it's moving on over to XBox 360? Not cool...

You, however, I will call a fanboy. People like you piss me off. Do you intentionally ignore others' posts to remain in your own blissful world? There were PORTS of Final Fantasy VII and VIII to the PC done by Eidos. That means Eidos has had the rights to it, as has Windows. Is that font large enough for you to see this time and not ignore? Here, I'll even take a screen shot so it's impossible for you and other Sony fanboys to ignore it:


Final Fantasy VII came out on the Playstation in January 1997 in Japan. It came out on PC in the US in June 1998. That means Final Fantasy was exclusive to Sony for a whopping year and five months. That means Windows has had the rights to it for ten years. I'm not even going to get into FF11 or all the FF games that have been on Nintendo systems since 2003. Quit purposefully ignoring facts so you have an excuse to act upset by this.
It's like Halo coming to Playstation. Xbox fans would (or might) hate that, but we would actually kinda like it. FF XIII moving over to the XBox 360 angers Playstation fans, but pleases fans of FF who also happen to own an XBox. Now, if you have both systems in posession, then you should be fine.

The difference is that Halo was made by a company that at the time were owned by Microsoft and they have the rights to Halo, that'll never be on the PS3 no matter how much you want it.

SE are a third company and can do whatever they damn well please with their games and they have done in the past. This has been a growing trend with companies like Capcom and true third-party exclusives are becoming increasingly rare these days.

The people bitching about this have no reason to, they're still getting the bloody game.
No need to go berserk on me, people. The last time I checked, opinions of individual members counted for more than intolerance from other members.

@ Metaknight: Do you not think I read through all the other posts before I decided to post my own thoughts and perspective views on this topic? And yes, I would call myself a fanboy. I've been a fanboy of this game for a long, long time, hence my joining this FF community. For someone to barge in and completely blow off my opinions is nothing more than ignorant himself/herself.
While some peoples arguements can be looked upon as too harsh the fact is most peoples complaints about the game going onto the 360 are weak. SE aren't betraying anyone here and people are taking this too seriously because of their bias views of the 360 or for whatever reason.

You don't like the 360 or have a PS3 already? Then just get the PS3 version, it's not a difficult thing to do. But sadly people just seem to take this way too personally and act like SE have turned on them when really nothing has changed much if at all.
While some peoples arguements can be looked upon as too harsh the fact is most peoples complaints about the game going onto the 360 are weak. SE aren't betraying anyone here and people are taking this too seriously because of their bias views of the 360 or for whatever reason.

You don't like the 360 or have a PS3 already? Then just get the PS3 version, it's not a difficult thing to do. But sadly people just seem to take this way too personally and act like SE have turned on them when really nothing has changed much if at all.

Hmm? Well, I didn't know that it came for the PS3. I was told it was only for XBox 360. *Stupid misunderstanding*
While some peoples arguements can be looked upon as too harsh the fact is most peoples complaints about the game going onto the 360 are weak. SE aren't betraying anyone here and people are taking this too seriously because of their bias views of the 360 or for whatever reason.

You don't like the 360 or have a PS3 already? Then just get the PS3 version, it's not a difficult thing to do. But sadly people just seem to take this way too personally and act like SE have turned on them when really nothing has changed much if at all.

Well I think the worry is that eventually they may drop FF's from Sony entirely... FF11 was only for Xbox 360 in Europe, and they didn't bother adapting it for PS2. Or at least that was the situation last time I was informed of anything, hence why I had to get the game for the PC.

And now this is showing a crossover into Microsoft again, and I think that people may be worried that they will eventually move over entirely.

I don't know where I stand, I'm fine with it being on 360 so long as these games continue to be made for PS3 / PSP etc, etc.

But Helix, I agree with you some people realy can rip you apart on this forum, and quite a lot of forums in general realy, and it can sometimes seem unfreindly and patronising... But most of the time it's probably just an internet misunderstanding.. We can't read their tone.
I wouldn't worry about them moving the main series from the PS3. They're only bringing out the game on the 360 because the PS3 is currently underperforming in the West, if the PS3 was doing better than it is at the moment I'd imagine that the game would probably have stayed exclusive since the decision to make it multi-platform was only apparently a recent one.

Unless the game bombs completely then the FF series will still stay on the Playstation brand, SE would be stupid to completely cut off that market.
@ Metaknight: Do you not think I read through all the other posts before I decided to post my own thoughts and perspective views on this topic? And yes, I would call myself a fanboy. I've been a fanboy of this game for a long, long time, hence my joining this FF community. For someone to barge in and completely blow off my opinions is nothing more than ignorant himself/herself.

No, I don't think you read through all the posts. If you had read the other posts, you wouldn't have said:

After around 10 years of the [newer] Final Fantasy games making home in the Playstation Console, suddenly it's moving on over to XBox 360? Not cool..

because you would have realized it's "home" has never been the Playstation, it's been on multiple platforms for a long time. You act like they betrayed Sony or something, which they haven't done. The reason I "blew off" your opinion is because it seemed to be largely misinformed. It's extremely common to see Sony fans who conveniently overlook ports and multiple games on Nintendo systems so they can keep bitching about how nobody but their precious console deserves the series.

Hmm? Well, I didn't know that it came for the PS3. I was told it was only for XBox 360. *Stupid misunderstanding*

Nice try at a save.

I wouldn't worry about them moving the main series from the PS3. They're only bringing out the game on the 360 because the PS3 is currently underperforming in the West, if the PS3 was doing better than it is at the moment I'd imagine that the game would probably have stayed exclusive since the decision to make it multi-platform was only apparently a recent one.

What he said. I doubt the franchise will suddenly start putting most of its games on the 360...unless of course Sony can't dig themselves out of this hole. And SE is a third party developer, they aren't obligated to stay loyal to one company, they'll do what it takes to get sales. Sony is really the one to blame for this, anyway. They're trying to do too many things with the PS3 and as a result they haven't been able to focus on one single area and make it really good. And it's what they get for having technology too advanced.

There was a system made by Panasonic that came out in the mid 90's called the 3DO. Supposedly it was far superior to anything else on the market at the time, with better CD capabilities and whatnot. It's $700 price tag reflected its technical superiority, and it also killed the system in a very short time, despite lots of promotion. This is what Sony is doing to themselves. They've put too much technology into the PS3 (and they had to dumb it down from what it was originally too), and consequently it's selling poorly and most third parties are finding easier and less expensive systems to work on. Any smart company is going to put their games on a console that actually sells well, instead of a console trying to do everything and accomplishing nothing but poor sales.


Apparently it's coming to PC as well, have sum sauce.

Kotaku said:
Yes, yes, we know. While some just seem to be figuring this out, Final Fantasy XIII is coming to the Xbox 360 *and* the PC. Square Enix announced this way back at its E3 press conference. Probably going lost in the jaw-dropping Xbox 360 announcement. To review, here's how the FFXIII development cycle is going down: First do the PS3 version, then the PC version and then the Xbox 360 version. And hey, there's been Final Fantasy games on the PC game before, so this isn't exactly something out of left field.
Final fantasy XIII for 360.

So do you like the decision of XIII on 360? Im very glad, being a 360 owner myself *bricked*
It's certainly better than just being PS3 exclusive, since PS3 isn't worth the money it costs. As for the excitement of it being on the 360, I'm a bit impartial since I'm expecting it to be another mediocre eye candy whoring piece of faggotry. :monster:
It's certainly better than just being PS3 exclusive, since PS3 isn't worth the money it costs. As for the excitement of it being on the 360, I'm a bit impartial since I'm expecting it to be another mediocre eye candy whoring piece of faggotry. :monster:

Actually PS3 is worth is price,if you look what all it has and what xbox dont have.Buy all these things to X-box and you will need to pay much more.
Anyway i think being an exlusive to PS3 would had made PS3 more good then beign multiplatform for X-box does.
To tell the truth, I really ain't at all fussed. I'm getting a PS3 eventually anyway, and I wasn't really thinking about getting an Xbox360, so won't make much of a difference to me. Still, I guess it is quite a good thing because more people will be able to play it.
As somone who doesn't have either a 360 or a PS3 it's a good thing since I'm not going to be forced to buy one particular console to get it.
I have both systems, but i'd rather it stay ps3 exclusive as this could mean it goes to microsoft exlusive later on in the series and im thinking of selling my 360 as the ps3 is a better system. They should put the spin off vs 13 on 360 instead.

PS3 isn't worth the money it costs.

It is worth it as the blu-ray won the hi def war, so as well as buying a brilliant system your getting a blu-ray dvd player which themselves are £120-£200
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Actually,the Xbox version will come out after ps3 version is out.It was microsoft talk that it will come to europe/usa same time when ps3 version.Square said that they will realease the PS3 version when its ready and then x-box version.
Actually,the Xbox version will come out after ps3 version is out.It was microsoft talk that it will come to europe/usa same time when ps3 version.Square said that they will realease the PS3 version when its ready and then x-box version.

Unless it's been changed it'll be released in Japan on the PS3 only first then the 360 and PS3 versions in America and Europe at the same time.
So...wait a minute - what PS3 consoles DO have backwards compatibility? I'm thinking of getting I can eventually ditch my ps2. I need a suitable PS3 for all my PSX and PS2 games. What do I get?

Kind of an off topic question, but someone mentioned something about the 80gb one as not being compatible so... :/ I had to ask!