Coming for 360?

Final fantasy on 360...

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I've lost all interest in buying a 360 lately, simply because of all the "exclusives" not being exclusive anymore. I'd rathar have a PS3 over a 360 anyway (no, I'm not a fanboy, I've played both systems, prefer PS) and with all these games being on both systems, I don't see the point in buying both consoles anymore.

What's the point in buying both systems if you are going to walk into a gaming store and see all the titles for both consoles? Waste of time and money. With only a few big name exclusives left these days, my interest in buying a 360 has deminished. I'd happily go out and buy a Wii, because most of the games are exclusive to Nintendo, so there's a bit of variety on the market, so when I'm out looking for new games, I won't be looking at Wii games I already have on PS3.

So, inturn, FFXIII being on the 360, has made me not want to buy a 360 even more. Opposite of what Microsoft wanted I guess, but fuck it. I'll stick with Nintendo and Sony.

(This is in no way slating the 360, it's a great console, I just prefer the PS)
Isn't it kind of common for games to be made using a PC? o_O
That's what I thought, when you get the extras on games (such as Uncharted) they show you the development stages of the game so I presumed it was fairly common knowledge that games are designed and made on the computer. :wacky:

Either way, I wouldn't have been bothered if it was made for the PC anyway, I would have no intention of buying it so I wouldn't have cared. :neomon:
Unfortunately, I sold my Xbox 360 a few months ago, and I doubt there will be a Windows or Mac version of Final Fantasy XIII...

If I knew ahead of time that FF13 was going to be on Xbox 360, I would have kept it instead of selling it =/

At least I work at a small game store, so maybe I can get a discount on a PS3, as the PS3 version will likely be better than the Xbox 360 version (I still think they should have made it for Windows or Mac instead of Xbox 360, TBH...)
TBH I'm slightly pissed that it's comming out for 360. Don't get me wrong I'm not a PS3 fanboy I just hate how Micro$^%& is trying to rule the world. Don't try to prove me wrong I know it's true look at Vista and how it tried to make everyone go to it, complete and utter failure since W7 is comming in like a year which will be another failure. Anyway, XBOX is a good system and both systems had its bugs, for instance xbox overheated in the beginning and PS3 had others idk what they were i don't really care.

I currently have a PS3 I'm pretty happy with it too, altho I would like more games either way I got one of the $500 ones i think it was an 80G i dont remember, either way it's backwards compatibale (booya!!!) and has a blue ray player, by the way many elderly people are buying PS3's because of the BR player since no other BR players are nearly as good. so even if sony goes to the shit hole I got a ps2 some ps3 games and a BR player which surpasses all the ones out now (that I know of).

I also hope XIII comes out on PC although I doubt I'd buy it I'd still like to see how it would run on my PC as I know my one of my other friends will get it for PC since he's poor and could never afford it for PS3 and he spends most of his money on his PC. With that in mind I know this is off topic but if anyone knows any graphics or processing pushers on PC that are good (FEAR wasnt great) IDK something that will stress my sytem PM me thanks.
TBH I'm slightly pissed that it's comming out for 360. Don't get me wrong I'm not a PS3 fanboy I just hate how Micro$^%& is trying to rule the world.

It's Sony's fault for being cocky douchebags and having hardware too difficult to work with. It's not profitable anymore for developers to make Sony exclusives, and Microsoft is more than happy to take some new devs under its wings.

And it's actually Nintendo who are trying to take over the world.

Don't try to prove me wrong I know it's true look at Vista and how it tried to make everyone go to it, complete and utter failure since W7 is comming in like a year which will be another failure.
Really? I haven't seen them forcing all the Mac and Linux users to convert. And I've never seen anyone have legitimate arguments about how Vista fails. I've been using it since February without any problems. As a matter of fact, the only people who I've ever seen complain about Vista are either:

1. Macfags who don't know how to use real computers
2. XP users who are too scared to try a better OS

So which one are you? Have you even TRIED Vista for more than five minutes? Give me one good legitimate reason why it fails.

Anyway, XBOX is a good system and both systems had its bugs, for instance xbox overheated in the beginning and PS3 had others idk what they were i don't really care.
You mean you won't bother to list all the flaws with the PS3 because you're a fanboy, amirite? What about those firmware updates that have a tendency to make the system freeze or stop playing games? What about the lack of PS2 memory card slots? What about NO GAEMS? I could go on but I'll stop there.

I got one of the $500 ones i think it was an 80G i dont remember, either way it's backwards compatibale (booya!!!)
Then it's the 80 gig model. And you might as well take back that booya, because there will soon be a 360 model coming out with a 120 GB hard drive for $100 less than what you paid. Don't you feel silly now?

and has a blue ray player,

by the way many elderly people are buying PS3's because of the BR player since no other BR players are nearly as good.
Elderly people are poor and they couldn't give a shit about bluray, they're too busy trying to find ways to pay for their medication. Sources or gtfo.

so even if sony goes to the shit hole I got a ps2 some ps3 games and a BR player which surpasses all the ones out now (that I know of).
All of Sony wouldn't go to shit over this, just SCEA.

With that in mind I know this is off topic but if anyone knows any graphics or processing pushers on PC that are good (FEAR wasnt great) IDK something that will stress my sytem PM me thanks.
Go ask /g/ on 4chan.
It's Sony's fault for being cocky douchebags and having hardware too difficult to work with. It's not profitable anymore for developers to make Sony exclusives, and Microsoft is more than happy to take some new devs under its wings.

And it's actually Nintendo who are trying to take over the world.

Really? I haven't seen them forcing all the Mac and Linux users to convert. And I've never seen anyone have legitimate arguments about how Vista fails. I've been using it since February without any problems. As a matter of fact, the only people who I've ever seen complain about Vista are either:

1. Macfags who don't know how to use real computers
2. XP users who are too scared to try a better OS

So which one are you? Have you even TRIED Vista for more than five minutes? Give me one good legitimate reason why it fails.

You mean you won't bother to list all the flaws with the PS3 because you're a fanboy, amirite? What about those firmware updates that have a tendency to make the system freeze or stop playing games? What about the lack of PS2 memory card slots? What about NO GAEMS? I could go on but I'll stop there.

Then it's the 80 gig model. And you might as well take back that booya, because there will soon be a 360 model coming out with a 120 GB hard drive for $100 less than what you paid. Don't you feel silly now?


Elderly people are poor and they couldn't give a shit about bluray, they're too busy trying to find ways to pay for their medication. Sources or gtfo.

All of Sony wouldn't go to shit over this, just SCEA.

Go ask /g/ on 4chan.

Yay you are a XBot.Anyway you told that PS3 has many flaws.Actually PS3 has no flaws,only thing that was f***** up was Firmware 2.40 .And that wasnt the fault of PS3 itself.Surely X-box has many flaws,the only thing why its a good console is because its collection of games.
I am no Sony fanboy, but i like Sony most,followed by Nintendo.
Yay you are a XBot.

Not particularly. I'm a gamer first and foremost, so I'll support whoever has the most games that I find worthwhile, thus why I back the 360. I loved both Sega and Nintendo back in the 90's, Sony obviously kicked ass with the PSone and PS2, and now I feel that Microsoft is currently the best console choice for serious gamers.

By the way, that should have been "an Xbot", don't forget your grammar lad.

Anyway you told that PS3 has many flaws.Actually PS3 has no flaws,only thing that was f***** up was Firmware 2.40 .
You just listed a flaw right there. Care to rephrase your statement?

And that wasnt the fault of PS3 itself.
No, no, a PS3 update isn't the PS3's fault, it's the fault of the trained monkeys who work for Sony who made the update for the PS3. It's a direct correlation.

Surely X-box has many flaws,the only thing why its a good console is because its collection of games.
Of course it has flaws, every system has flaws. You just proved my point though, the 360 has a superior collection of games, thus why I support it. It's got plenty of action games, plenty of shooting games, plenty of JRPGs (including Final Fantasy XIII now), plenty of racing games, and a strong online community.

And it's not like people are forcing you to buy XIII for the PS3. PS3 owners can be happy they're still getting the game, and 360 owners can be happy they're getting the game, everyone wins. Microsoft isn't trying to take over the world (because thanks to Windows they already have, olololol), they just provide SE with the opportunity to hit a broader market. Notice how the 360 already has quite a few JRPGs on it, while the PS3 has none (although it'll soon be getting some 360 ports). Notice how the 360 is going to have more JRPGs in the future than the PS3 as well. This means that alot of the PS2 owners who invested heavily in JRPGs are going to be migrating to the 360 (if they haven't already). Don't blame Microsoft for XIII going to the 360, blame SE.

I am no Sony fanboy, but i like Sony most,followed by Nintendo.
How? Sony are cocky douchebags now who expect every PS2 owner to bend over and take their PS3's just because they're the almighty Sony, and Nintendo are cocky douchebags who leave their core fanbase as an afterthought and would rather sell products to soccer moms and old people. They both have been treating their loyal fanbases like shit and taking things for granted, I have no respect for companies like that.
They both have been treating their loyal fanbases like shit and taking things for granted, I have no respect for companies like that.

i have no respect for people who just pick apart other people's opinions. if other people's posts make you mad, just pop a pill and chill. no need to get your panties in a bunch.

remember to play nice, kiddo.
i have no respect for people who just pick apart other people's opinions. if other people's posts make you mad, just pop a pill and chill. no need to get your panties in a bunch.

remember to play nice, kiddo.

It's a moderators job to yell and correct members. You may think VR is a jerk which is fine but do not tell other members to be nicer. If I see anymore pseudo modding then infractions will be given out.
I really don't mind, I got a PS3 and it is going to be released for it, so it is all good.
im happy its on the 360 its a much better rpg console the ps3 has a weak line up for the rpg genre an i have refused to buy one waitin to see if ff13 was gonna be a multi console game now i savin 500 euro is it defo gonna be on the 360 does anyone have link to anywhere with hard facts
i am disappointed.. but don't be selfish, Xbox owners can enjoy the game on their system:cool:and everybody can't buy PS3 only for a game if they don't like the system...and I got a PS3 and it is gonna be released for it , that's good

that's my opinion
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When I heard the news I sure was pissed! I'm not a ps3 fanboy (or at least don't consider myself like one :P) but I was hoping that the PS3 would get another exclusive game, like MGS4 (which rocked a lot!!!!). Well, at least Versus XIII will be PS3 exclusive.....for now ^_^;
So what do you guys feel about this? Personally I was disappointed. I'm not a sony fanboy, I own all systems. But I was truly hoping for it to be exclusive for the PS3...I am now let down. It was the last hope for Sony after Metal Gear.

Well FF has exclusives for the Wii including FF Crystal Chronicles My life as king and FFF Chocobos Dungeon. I just got FFF the game is fun and has summoning like Shiva, Ifrit, Ramuth, Alexander, The Water Dragon, and the Phoenix. Now the 360 gets the Star Ocean Series exclusive to them and the Last Remant also is just for the the 360 as stated in the lastest game informer. FF11 and now 13 on the 360. Oh yeah!
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im happy its on the 360 its a much better rpg console the ps3 has a weak line up for the rpg genre an i have refused to buy one waitin to see if ff13 was gonna be a multi console game now i savin 500 euro is it defo gonna be on the 360 does anyone have link to anywhere with hard facts

I agree with you on that. The RPGS are better and more plentiful on the 360.
This is like showing a lot of FF fans the finger in the face.

Obviously FF13 factored a lot into what console I'd be getting when i was deciding. I eventually got a PS3 (and while I don't regret the decision) I still can't believe SE would do that to all the fans. I'm sure a lot of people were waiting for FF13 to get a PS3 and sales for the PS3 would've increased exponentially as well.

I don't mind an "eventual" port of the Ps3 version, but this simultaneous release has me dissapointed. And Square-Enix seems to be doing that a lot lately XD
This is like showing a lot of FF fans the finger in the face.

Obviously FF13 factored a lot into what console I'd be getting when i was deciding. I eventually got a PS3 (and while I don't regret the decision) I still can't believe SE would do that to all the fans. I'm sure a lot of people were waiting for FF13 to get a PS3 and sales for the PS3 would've increased exponentially as well.

I don't mind an "eventual" port of the Ps3 version, but this simultaneous release has me dissapointed. And Square-Enix seems to be doing that a lot lately XD

Well I think its great! The 360 is a good american game console. 360 and Wii all the way. By the way, I just got Final Fantasy Fables for the Wii and I love it. This is great for all fans. The Wii has two Final Fantasy exclusives and now the 360 gets the Final Fantasy series. Also did you know that the FF series began with Nintendo?
Well, I like FFXIII for the 360. Most people can agree with me since the PS3, despite being out for the past 2 years, is still outlandishly expensive.
Well I think its great! The 360 is a good american game console. 360 and Wii all the way. By the way, I just got Final Fantasy Fables for the Wii and I love it. This is great for all fans. The Wii has two Final Fantasy exclusives and now the 360 gets the Final Fantasy series. Also did you know that the FF series began with Nintendo?

I don't have an issue with the x360 is getting FF13.... but Square-Enix SAID F13 was exclusive to the PS3 for around 2 years. I believed them and GOT a PS3 thinking I'd also be able to play FF13 on it.

And yes XD, I know FF started with Nintendo before it moved to the PSX with Final Fantasy VI (which was originally FF3 on the NES)

Well, I like FFXIII for the 360. Most people can agree with me since the PS3, despite being out for the past 2 years, is still outlandishly expensive.

Depends on your definition of outlandishly expensive XD. Yes I admit that the PS3 is more expensive than the x360 but the Ps3 doesn't get:

-RROD: Red Ring of Death. Nearly ALL my friends who own an x360 got this and had to get ANOTHER console.

-Pay for Online Service/Xbox Live: Again, Sony's is free, and while it's not at the level of the x360 YET, it's getting there and its STILL free.

-Without a Battery pack for Controller: You have to BUY recharble batteries seperatly for an x360 controller while a PS3 controller comes with a built in rechargable battery pack. And both controllers cost the same btw.

-Was Not supposed to get FF13: Basically speaking one of the reasons A person would get the PS3 is cause it would have games that he/she wanted to play (MGS4, FF13, FF Versus 13 e.t.c)

So yeah XD sorry if I ranted there :(