Commonly mispronounced FF names

Man, I forgot about Lucrecia, to which I've always just said "Loo-cree-she-uh." It sounds so weird when VIncent says the real pronounciation outloud...SOunds like a French pastry.

...I want me some fresh Lucrecia.

And, just so you know, it's just pronounced "Kwetz-uh-co-tall."
Haha, but before I knew that, I was all over the place with it.
Eventually, whenever me and my sister would talk about it, I'd just refer to it as "That one lightning bird."
I call Tidus, TIE-dus.

Before I found out "Aerith" was the name intended and Aeris was a mistranslation, I was calling her "Aereez" as that's how I first read the name "Aeris"

If that made any sense.
Yuffies ammoyed me when I heard it pronounced Yoofie, it sounds retarded

Tidus ...yeah. Teedus sounds stupid aswel

I think tahts it, oh do chocobos count....? Choke-a-bo souds ridiculous

I pronounced it kinda like Quistis...


And Yuffie I go for how it looks..."You-FE"
its pronounced as teedus because in japanese, Ti is pronounced as tea/tee

Not a true reason to base a canonical pronunciation considering that it depends entirely on dialect. My name is said much differently in the US than in Japan (or Italy or Germany for that matter).

This name is much like toe-mayto and ta-matto (for tomato). That is probably why both Tie-dus and Tee-dus both seem to be accepted by those involved with the game. Otherwise there would have been a declaration on which is the canonical pronunciation.
Hayate said:

I pronounced it kinda like Quistis...


And Yuffie I go for how it looks..."You-FE"

I've always pronounced Yuffie correctly, I think it sounds better than You-fie :monster:

As for Quetzacoatl, I never bothered trying to pronounce it correctly so I just started pronouncing it as Kweht-za-cole-t even though I knew it was incorrect.
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The Japanese pronounce it Teedaa or something, which just sounds weird to me.

lmao, thats completely true, I was flicking through my FF books and came across that name. I remember thinking what is a ’’ティーダ’’、Tiida, then I realized it was 'Tidus' I was just like wth? lol.

But I always pronounced his name like 'tide' and 'as'. Even though it does sound awefully like Tight ass.

Although its not exactly a miss pronunciation, what always makes me laugh is when I see Balthier's name is They pronounce it Balflear, I also just think 'flea' when I see it. Yes my brain works in simple ways.

Oh yeah and another really weird one I came across was Zidane's name. Its probably weird because I don't know how to say it correctly. In Japanese its pronounced ジタン、it translates as jitan!!! Wth!

I also found the spelling of Gabranth to be がブラス、 which into literal english would be n sound in there, weird.

So I think by looking at some of those spellings I think its safe to say that whatever way you want to pronouce is ok.
I always pronounced Cait Sith "Cate Sith" i don't know why :P
Well apart from that my brother had the bad prounanciation problem to call "Final Fantasy" : "Fa Fantasy".
I don't he was propably bored to pronounce the whole word :lol:
I mispronounce everything. Even if the game has voice acting.

For me...

Tidus= Tie-dus
Balthier= Ball-the-air
Zidane: Zih-dane
Kadaj= Kuh-daj
Rydia= Rye-dee-uh
Gau= Gah XD
Eiko= Eee-koh
Quina= Kwen-uh

I fail. DX
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Y'mean Lucrecia isn't pronounced Loo-cree-she-ah? How is it pronounced, then?

Also, add me to the Tie-duss camp. =)
Heheh, i surely think that you pronounce all the other names wrong but be quite aright that you can pronounce Tie-dus as well as Ti-dus without worrying :P
I always pronounced Cait Sith "Cate Sith" i don't know why :P

Wait a minute... So Cait Sith ISN'T pronounced "Cate Sith"? :O
How do you pronounce it then? I know some people say "Cat Sith", but to me that doesn't sound right with the "i" in it and everything.

I guess with most names we're free to say them how we want to.

But even when given names in voice overs etc, when they contradict pronounciations I am used to I just ignore it. Tee-dus for example.

But more crucially... I refuse to call Chocobo's "Choke-a-bo's!". To me they are "Choco-bo's" for ever!
It's more like "Caeet - Sith" than "Cate- Sith" :P

I didn't even knew they consider the cat as a male untill i finished the game for the 4th time and talked about it in forums :wacky:
I always thought Cait was a female robot cat :P

And yeah, that was the amazement of past voiceless text-only videogames.
You talked in the back of your head wherever was a dialogue and made it more interesting ^_^
Cait Sith is pronounced more like "Cat Shee" or... according to Wikipedia, "Kett Shee" ;)

and in DOC, which I just started playing, Lucrecia is pronounced as "Loo Kretz EEa." The middle part pronounced kind of like the word Pretzel. It's actually pretty awkward to hear. "Loo Kreshe Eea" sounds much more normal.
Well i seriously don't trust Wikipedia on anything...
And the last thing i would go for is to base my pronounciation on it :P

So "Caeet Seeth" for me :P
I agree with you about Lucrecia though, you can hear her name pronounced many times in DC.
But, Lucrecia has some Greek origins as a name by the way.
It sounds almost similar to "Lucritia" wich is pronounced "Loocreeteea" with a pitched "teea".
Definetely not a nice name to have :P
So many were to start...

Tie-dus = Tee-dus. -__-
Van = Vaaan. -__-
Ba-ha-mut = Ba-ha-moot o_O
Ash = A-rsh-e >_>
Bash = B-arsh
I-frit = E=frit. >_>

Yeah I think there accurate. >.<
I will NEVER call him Tee-dus....

I always thought Bahamut was pronounced Ba-Ha-Mut...then I played FF12 and found that it's pronounced Ba-Ha-Moot o_O
Good it is really pronounced Tie-dus Disney didn't like it so they goofed it up. I stumbled into this one in FF10-2 it is a different ending.
Esuna. E-su-na or E-nu-sa? My brother fusses at me for calling it E-su-na.
Wait a minute... So Cait Sith ISN'T pronounced "Cate Sith"? :O
Due to its Scottish/Irish origins, it isn't. I'll just copy and paste directly from Wikipedia instead of shamelessly trying to pass off a paraphrased explanation:

The Cat Sìth or Cat Sídhe (pronounced 'Kett Shee') is a fairy creature from Scottish and Irish mythology, said to resemble a large black cat with a white spot on its breast. Legend has it that the spectral cat haunts the Scottish Highlands. Some common folklore suggested that the Cat Sìth was not a fairy, but a transformed witch.
The myths surrounding this creature are more common in Scottish Folklore, but a few myths originate in Irish folklore as well.
As proposed by British cryptozoologist Karl Shuker, in his book Mystery Cats of the World (1989), it is possible that the legends of the Cat Sìth were inspired by Kellas Cats, which are probably a distinctive hybrid between European Wildcats and domestic cats only found in Scotland (the European Wildcat is absent from elsewhere in the British Isles). Typical Kellas Cats resemble large black wildcats, but with some peculiar features closer to domestic cats, and have probably been present in Scotland for centuries, maybe even some 2 millennia or more.
A not dissimilar creature appears in Edgar Allan Poe's short story, "The Black Cat", in which an ominous feline appears with a white patch on its breast whose shape appears to change into that of the gallows as a means of exacting vengeance on its master for its predecessor's death.

The one pronunciation that drove me insane was "Bahamut" - I always pronounced the "mut" as "nut" with an 'm'...but, for some reason, it's "moot". I still can't get my head around that one and I'm adamant that all of the voice actors got it wrong. :gmonster: