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Raphael didn't move. It was strange, but when he looked into those forest green eyes, he felt a surge of familiarity as well. It was as if he knew her, from some far away place and time, and after a long journey he had found that place again. Hah, what foolishness! He did not know this woman! He had never seen her before, not once, never. Her mind was a mixture of confusion, bitterness, and then regret. But also, there was strength there, a horrifying strength, which placed an iron door before his own abilities and left him wondering what was behind said door. One should never underestimate a woman, especially a woman who had been through hell and back. He smiled at her and raised his left hand, in a beckoning gesture, as if to say: I'd like to order now. Would she come? But of course, she would. It was her job, afterall; and he was nothing more then a piteous homeless, wretch, in need of a drink. Raphael leaned over and rested his chin in his left hand. All he could remember, of his early life, was the time he spent in O'Brien's lab - but at times he wondered: What occured before that? What was he, before that? Who did he know? What kind of life did he lead? Dangerous thoughts for an Agent, dangerous indeed. Not that anyone would dare to try and glimpse into his mind. They would be conflicted by what they found. Ah, and this dream he had had three weeks ago - a dream no one could know, not with his skill: We'll meet under the spreading Chestnut Tree. A hand, in the dream, was extended and then the hand held a knife, which plunged right into his chest. He bled freely and he was happy, happy for the first time in his murderous life. The tree bled as well.

Raphael waited for her, his eyes downcast and simply looking at the smooth surface of the table. A cigarette burned in his left hand and he'd place it to his lips and inhale. Smoke would flow from his lips and before his grey eye - an eye which reflected the dark and alluring shape of Amorita as she moved towards him, fearlessly.
Introduction to Kourtney - A New Charactor

Purpose . . . what is the Purpose of life? To pursue happiness? What if you never obtain it? What if things don't go the way you wanted? What if you didn't have the freedom you were promised? In this day and age, it seemed to be the problem for most. Their are three types of people. One is the type that went through life without problems. They never questioned authority, had an average life, died satisfied, and ignorance really is bliss. The second type were the ones who did question authority. The ones who needed more than average, but could not obtain it. They go through life as mis-fits, causing trouble. Not because they are bad people, but because they have a wakening in their heart, a shadow and a threat that tells them to challenge the unknown. They might work for the wrong people, doing wrong things, or exactly the opposite, they work for themselves and do what they want. The third is where she comes in. The third are those who are born into happiness. With no need to pursue it, how does one act? Are they already happy, or are they confused about life? She never felt confused. She never thought she was unhappy. She is the third type, the envy of the first type, the hate of the second. She is Kourtney Ashelia Cannon - Dalmasca.

Kourtney was born in the Royal bloodline of Dalmasca, and named after the Queen Ashelia B'nargain Dalmasca. Though this became an insignificant identity once The Governments made their changes. Yet she got lucky, because her Father became the famous spokesperson for Big Brother, Andrew Glen Cannon - Dalmasca, and her Mother was a secretary for The Governments treasurer. Kourtney, a "type three" person, a former heir to the Dalmascan throne, parents who where on top of the world. How could she possibly become extra-ordinary any more? It is possible, but this certain feature or trait of her, she doesn't know about. No one lives to tell about this secret, so therefore . . . no one knows.

Kourtney sat in the V.I.P. room of her favorite club. She sipped on a hard drink, and talked to her "girls", Brady and Lauren. Music was blaring, and she was dressed in a brand new outfit. All white, delicate straps around the neck, only one side had a long sleeve, the other shoulder was bare. It was tight around her chest, and ended just above her belly-button. White shoes that glowed and laced to the knees. She wore white slacks that where capri cut, and another pair of white shorts that blended well with the capri's, and if she didn't have the capri's on, it would not have covered her private areas. Her hair was as white as her outfit, aside from the vague yellow tint that made her a blond and not an albino. She had dark skin from the tan bed in her basement.
With a Mona Lisa expression, she looked at the two male's in the room her friends where flirting with. Superior to them, she was way beyond their league, no matter how hot her friends said they were. When they would be bold enough to look at her, she averted her eyes away as if she didn't know or care that they were on this side of the earth. Her song came on, so she decided to leave the V.I.P. room and hit the dance floor.
She danced her best, as the vodka started to kick in. The music flooded her mind. Losing in her soul in the music, the ultimate feeling. Bodies pressed up on her, she knew most were on purpose. Time the guys went crazy. She grabbed the nearest girl and started to freak her. Soon enough, a spotlight was on her and she was on the big screen that normally played music videos. She heard the cheers, and people copied. She closed her eyes, and imagined how she looked when she was dancing. The taste of metal hit her. The sound was indulging. The sweat ran down her cheek . . . paradigm shift. She lost control. Too much vodka . . . She stooped and stood still. Forehead to her hand. Wait, hand to forehead. Thoughts spinning. How do thoughts spin? Eyes closed still, she didn't have time to open them, darkness.
Waking up, Kourtney found herself back in the V.I.P. room. She had a headache. Why did she, if she barely had enough drink to buzz her? She looked down at her pants, they seemed too tight. Wait . . . it's not the pants that were tight. This feeling was familiar. Then she knew . . . she had been taken advantage of. She examined her drink. Powder was settled at the bottom. Drugged. Where were her friends when this happened? Who did it . . . the two guy's from earlier? No, they were with her friends.
Kourtney drove to her condo, alone. She swiped the card key and flipped on the lights. She slipped off her shoes, and began to take off her clothes to take a hot shower. She stopped, and looked at the black sphere in the ceiling. Their watching. She went to the kitchen and took a large amount of Adderall. She'll feel better in about 15 minutes, once the drugs kicked in . . .
Smiling slyly at Yukio, Chimitsu loosened her arms around his head and let them rest lightly on his shoulders, suddenly a loud harsh guitar could be heard, "We've always been this to free all this pain, We've always been this to free all this pain. BWOOOOOOOOOH...." The harsh throaty scream was cut off as Chimitsu pulled her phone from her pocket. "Hello!...really!...hmm....Whity-chan do you have any holding cells or anything? hang on...just hold him at Section 4 cell 23 alright? Okay thanks alot, Jaa mata." Closing the phone and placing it back in her pocket she straightened and started to head out of the dinning hall. Before she left she looked over her shoulder at Yukio, "Oh, by the way, we've captured and agent. Interested? I'll be back soon, so if you want 'personal' custody of him I think I can arrange that <3, later Whity-Chan!"

As she approached the front door she turned to a servent and ask for her to open the gates in front, "I'll be back in a little say about 7 or 8 o'clock?" As the gates opened before her, she strolled throught, waiting for them to cycle fully, and then proceded down the sidewalk. Passing stores she wandered aimlessly through the city looking inside shops watching people go about their miserable lives, trying to eek out and existance while under the Iron rule of Big Brother.

Spotting a cafe' a little ways ahead of her she turned towards it and entered,
"The Chestnut Tree Cafe
huh? Sounds nice!" entering the cafe' she took a look around and spied a small girl with her back to the wall sipping from a steaming mug. Walking over she sat down at the table, with the girl on her left and some bum directly in front of her.

"Hi! Do you come here often? If you do what's good here? I just spotted it on my way home and decieded to take a look. It seems nice enough," lowering her voice to a whisper she leaned in towards the small girl, "But cha gotta be care of those agents. I think they like these places, cuz noone expects them here!" she said in mock seriousness, raising her voice to more normal levels, "But if they do come here then they've got good taste! Excuse me....wait....tress....."that's unfair. How are normal women like you and me supposed to compete with that!" Before her eyes appeared the most stunning woman she'd ever laid eyes upon, her place skirt and blouse complimented her pale skin perfectly. The captivating green eyes framed by hair the color of a moonless midnight. In a breathy voice Chimitsu commented, "

[Hahahaha! had to join the fun and Raphael don't kill bum! Heehee!]

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Paris stood up, streched and flexed him muscles, then cracked him knuckles. He had been waiting for how long? Truth be told he had forgotten.

He heard a noise outside and silently he went to the door and opened it, he saw Silk leaving the mansion, he thought of catching up with him, he had liked Silk, he wasnt a friend but if silk died, he would be sad to hear it. He didnt follow however because he was somewhere he wanted to be and leaving would be premature.

That reminded him, he had been here a long time, he would introduce himself to this Yukio. It was Yukio's house but his rudeness wouldnt matter, as Yukio should have introduced himself by now.

He walked out the door into a hall, he didnt care about being silent now. He searched the house before he opened a door and saw the same man he had passed on his way in.

"Oi Yukio"
Silk arrived at the Rebel Base at around 10pm.
"What have you got for me Alice?" he asked the attractive, middle-aged woman who he had known for a long time.
And she opened a door.

Lying on the floor of the cell she had brought Silk too, was an Agent.
"Agent Spectre is his name," she added as Silk stepped back, whistling softly, "and I've known him for a while."

"Good job Alice," Silk said, smiling quickly at her, "but it wont be long before the Big Man knows that this one is missing."
"True, but we neutralized his chip, that serum you mixed up for the tranquiliser worked like a double charm. His immunity was knocked out and he went down, taking out his chip."

Silk smiled again, mixing up concoctions was a small something he practised on the random Agents he had to eliminate. Sometimes, he played with them first, using them as test "participants".

"Well then, let's go through these documents." Silk said, sitting down at a table and beginning to read a dispatch from the Ministry of Truth.
Little Crest

Kourtney'shands shook as she unscrewed the Adderall bottle. Empty.

"Fuck!" she screamed.

She threw the bottle with all her strength at the wall. She started to cry. She wanted to be sober, but it was too depressing when the high went down for her to handel. Now she had no choice but to wait it out. She sat, still feeling sorry for herself. A Voice Recorder blinked a small red light in the corner of the ceiling. If they are so busy watching, why won't they arrest her for abusing medication? Why won't anyone come help her, even just to ask if she's okay?


She was delusive. Only the real big druggies acted like this. She wasn't one of them . . . She decided to take a walk. Her large toe kept twitching, so mabey moving will help. She looked in the mirror.

"Not bad" She said. In truth, she looked haggard and tired. Her make-up was smeared and her clothes were off-balance and wrinkled. She walked to an urban part of the city. The sun shined on the perfect landscaping. She saw people walking, playing, laughing. How could they? How dare they be happy when others aren't? She saw a cafe. The Chestnut Tree Cafe
. What a ridiculous name for a cafe. She walked in and saw people reading, eating, chatting. So peaceful. So oblivious. What was this world? She felt so trapped, so alone, so afraid. She sat at an unoccupied table. A waitress came up and asked to take her order.

"Do you have anything with alcohol in it?"

"The only thing we have is a Fruit Shake that I add a little rum to. Sound good?"

"Yes, but can you hold the fruits and the shakes? I really just need that rum."

"I'll see what I can do." Kourtney didn't look at the waitress. She was better than eye contact with someone with such a sad, sorry job as a waitress. The waitress came back, her walk seemed more aggressive. "May I see you're I.D. real quick?"

Kourtney answered boldly. She knew she wasn't the legal age limit. "Here" she handed the waitress her I.D. She wasn't legal, but she knew who her father was, and she knew about that silver little crest that those affiliated with The Government get on the corner of their I.D.

"Mmm" said the waitress. She thumped the I.D. down and started walking to get the order. Kourtney found the way she put the I.D. down offensive.

"Bitch, I know you didn't just slam my I.D. on the table!" she said, loud enough for everyone to hear, yet soft enough so it didn't sound like she was trying to get attention.

"No ma'am," she said respectfully. Kourtney saw the waitress. She was beautiful. Glowing. Happy. Competition. "I was just going to get you're order . . ." she said, innocently. Kourtney turned her stuck up face back down to the chair across from her. Guess Thumping Beauty didn't want trouble today. Kourtney controlled the universe. People were staring, whispering. She told herself she didn't care, but what she meant was, she liked the attention, and she didn't care it was bad attention. A flash came from the opposite corner of the cafe.

The crest on her I.D. reflected sunlight from the large windows behind Kourtney. It hit her eyes every time the breeze blew the plastic, green blinds. She flipped the I.D. to prevent this. Life as Kourtney knew it was great. She told herself that when she sobered up, she will be happy again.

"We will want to party, have sex, and drink again!" The people at the table nearby looked at her. Why? Had she said that out loud?! She did! How embarrassing! She shot out of her seat and left, not even remembering the struggle she went though to get rum. She waved down a taxi.

"117894 Pacific Drive" she ordered. The cab driver just stared in his review mirror with an awkward expression. "Now!" She demanded. She realized the awkward expression was disbelief, as he raised his eyebrows and set his jaw. The taxi lifted off, and flew to the largest home in the city. The cab settled next to an iron gate. She got out, bent over and tried to fix her hair in the side mirror. Then she stood strait, head high, and approached the house.

On each side of the gate was a protruding wall. The left one had a television and camera, so that all who want to enter must speak to the guard on security via the television. The other side mounted high was a crest, similar to The Government's crest, yet more elegant and varied to make it resemble traits of the family who lived here. Under the crest . . . lay a symbol so powerful and so beautiful, that it gave senile, selfish, and stuck up Kourtney the goosebumps.
She stared at it, and lowered her head a little, humbled by the beautifully engraved cursive writing on a silver, elegant chop . . . It simply read,
"The Cannon - Dalmascan Residence"
Amorita stopped in her midstep as she heard her woman's voice call out: Waitress! Thank god. She was broken out of whatever trance she had fell under. It was as if she had been walking in a tunnel; Amorita could hear the voices of those around her, but the voices couldn't affect her. Suddenly she felt nauseous and weak in her knees. Damn it. Suck it up, Amorita. Stop being a little weakling. Where is that street smart rogue in tattered jeans? The screaming, defiant child who had braved barbed wire and starvation for freedom? Those long days, she had spent in boarding school, came back to her. There she was, a girl of eleven, dressed in her black uniform - pleated skirt, blouse, knee high socks, mary janes. Everywhere the child looked she saw the same thing: sadness, bleak uniformity, the destruction of the spirit. Each one of them was a blade of grass, in an endless field, beaten down by the careless step of the government. But there, in that darkened field, was a red rose. The rose refused to be anything else, the rose bled droplets of blood. Amorita decided, as a child, to be the red in the green. The night she escaped, it was raining, and as she pulled herself along the wet concrete - her arms torn and bleeding from the wire, she'd look up at the sky and stand, tall and proud. Tall and proud as she could be, her skirt ripped and her hair slick and wild around her face, she would live her own life and god damn them all. Now, in the present, she turned, in a rippling wave of black hair, and looked for the owner of the voice. A rather buxom woman was the owner of the voice. Amorita had never seen such huge breasts on a woman. Good god. And she was staring, at Amorita, with lustful eyes. Amorita smirked at her. Better be careful there, Miss. Thang. But then a young woman, by the name of Kourtney, busted in. Amorita blinked and watched as the lady got into it with another waitress, started cursing and then screamed something about sex and drinking. Amorita's mouth fell open as the woman left and everyone, in the cafe, was just staring after her departed form. It was comical, really, and very sad. The girl was on the edge of destruction. The whole cafe was soo silent you could hear a pin drop. That was interesting and dangerous! Amorita hoped nothing happened to the girl but surely something would. The Thought Police would get her, they got everyone ( no matter how rich, or high up you were ), and soon enough her firey spirit would be vaporized. She laughed sadly to herself and then shook her head and whispered quietly. " Una mujer salvaje. Ha ha. " She turned around to face the young man who had called on her. " One moment, sir. " Amorita waved towards another waitress and then she'd walked towards Chimitsu. She'd place Mizu's bill, down on her table, as she passed by. " Good afternoon. Welcome to the Chestnut Tree cafe. " Her voice was warm and friendly. " My name's Amorita and I'll be serving you today. What can I start you out with? " Yeah, she figured the woman knew what she'd like and Amorita knew it wasn't food or drink either. Amorita would pull out her notepad and pen.

What a shame, it would seem Raphael would be denied his moment of amusement. That damn bitch, Chimitsu. He was looking forward to cutting that dark haired beauty ( Amorita ), in half, and seeing what was inside of her body. To feel her quiver and twitch with the death spasm, in his arms, would've been pure joy. Would she be happy to see his handsome,compassionless face before her, watching her, as she coughed up her life's blood? Would she groan, like a whore, as he covered her mouth with his and licked at that same blood? Well, no matter. He'd come to see her again and then he'd have his way. The necklace, she wore, seemed familier to him. He wanted to tear it off her swan neck, and run his tongue over it's cold links. Would it taste deliciously sweet, he wondered? Raphael would pull the bill, of his cap, down just a bit more over his eyes. Amorita. It was a lovely name and it meant: ' Beloved ' did it not? He was vaguely troubled by his feelings and of his preoccupation with the woman. Slowly he would lean back in his chair and close his eyes. Did he dream then? He often did, sleeping and awake, and such dreams he had! Of vicious landscapes and swirling ocean tides, tainted with scarlet red. Eyes opened and then turned to Mizu, then to Chimitsu and finally to the young woman who came in. Kourtney. Lost children, but don't worry, Big Brother understands you. The Ministry will see to it you are healed, wiped clean of your rebellious natures, and then you'll die. Hum, but it was Chimitsu who he should watch. Her thoughts, despite being on Amorita, offered him flashes of information. Nothing too damaging, of course, but it was enough. This woman knew how to keep her thoughts well guarded. Still, it was a bad move, coming out in public like that, especially if you're a rebel. He just might have to take this one in and bust her head, open, like a ripe melon.
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Staring unashamedly at Amorita's radiant form, Chimitsu was jarred out of her pleasent thoughts as a rude, and loud child started to argue with her waitress. As the girl quickly left after her outburst of sex and drugs, Chimitsu looked over at the girl whose table she shared, "I'm so sorry! I completely forgot to introduce myself! I'm Chimitsu! I work at the Far Aim Chemical Company a few blocks from the Ministry of Love." Smiling at the shy, young woman seated adjacent to her, her eyes were drawn away as gorgeous waitress placed Mizu's bill before her. Smiling coyly up at the waitress, "Amorita? That's a lovely name! I'm Chimitsu! I'm not entirely sure what I'd like, do you have any suggestions? I'm in the mood for something sweet, and warm, something....juicy?" Giggling she turned slightly towards Mizu, "I'll just have one of what she's having, she looks like she's enjoying it <3!"

As the focus point of her lustful intentions left to take care of her order, Chimitsu's head began to tingle. Quickly she focused all of her mind into the effort of imagining a very pleasureable private session with Amorita. As the tingling subsided she did a quick survey of the room. Noting all of the customers and workers she did a process of elimination and drew it down to a man in a corner puffing on a pipe, the bum across from her, and the young woman seated next to her. Looking at the bum she noticed his eyes tended to follow the rapturous form of Amorita across her journey. Hmmm....that's interesting, she thought, Seems I'm not the only one with some interest in Amorita Something about his eye bugged her, but all thoughts of caution were tossed to the winds as Amorita's lovely form once again graced her with it's presence.

"Heeheehee! Thank you! Would you have any other suggestions for this fine cafe? Maybe something else to satisfy my hunger?" she asked innocently, with a lustful glint in her eye.

Application for Disaster

Intercession. A dream of a time between evolution and revolution. A dream the would haunt those who dreamed it. A dream of war.

Kourtney slept for the remainder of the day and through the night. She woke early the next morning, and took a hot shower. She dressed in clothes she hadn't worn since she moved out, and headed for the grand kitchen. Making her way toward the mini bar, her father busted in
and slammed a newspaper on the dinette.

"NOW THAT IS SLAMMING!" he yelled. Kourtney gave him her famous 'What the hell' look, and then glanced at the paper. Above an article was the title 'Hitting Rock Bottom?' with a picture of her at the cafe, yelling at the waitress. Quotes were around the picture that read 'I feel sorry for her', 'She needs jail time!', and 'Can't she stay sober for a day?'. She rolled her eyes and poured vodka into a shot glass. "Why would you make a scene to a women who was working?"

"She's the one that disrespected me!"

"You thought she was being disrespectful for putting you're I.D. down? No, Kourtney! That's not the way things work! This is the last time I'm bailing you out of a situation. I SHOULD let you be punished like everyone else. Don't you know what could hap -" He stopped, remembering that she in fact did not know what happens. "You're abusing political power. And I have to go . . ." He turned, paused as if he wanted to tell her something, then went on.

Kourtney shot her drink. Smooth burn, all the way down. It made the pain go away. Pain she didn't have. She poured more, then stopped as if she had a sudden realization. A flash of the dream she had. Fire. Blood. Darkness. She fled from the bar as if it were poisonous, and ran. Running through the home, she felt insane. Knowing know other place to go, she left out one of the back doors.

Trees. Many of them. Like a forest. Planted to keep the privacy of the home in discretion. All golden, dark purple, or dark green. The lawn was cleanly cut. She walked farther. How far did the backyard go? How come she never walked out here? A warm breeze blew. Here, she was alone, no one was watching. Here she could breathe. She sat under a white tree. Her thought shattered, and she fell asleep.

When she woke, it was night again. She was laying on the grass in an awkward position. Why was she always so tired? She heard music, and looked up at the house. All the lights were on. She could see people through the window. They were all in suits, talking elegantly and laughing. A political party.

She went inside, then realized she was out of the ordinary. These men and women were at least forty and seemed very bias. A black women looked her way and scrunched her nose. Whatever.

"Kourtney?" said a womens voice. Kourtney turned to find her mom looking concerned. "Kourtney, will you come with me to my room for a moment?"

". . . Sure." They walked up some stairs and through a foyer, then into a massive bedroom with a canopy bed. "What's up?"

"Kourtney, it's time you start doing something with you're life. It's time you learn the truth about some things also."

"What's new that I need to know?" Kourtney asked. Kourtney's Mother was not a comforting one. When she spoke, it was sharp and bitchy. She had frizzy brown hair and thick rimmed glasses that were supposed to be some kind of style. She looked like a psychiatrist. Too bad she wasn't that nice.

"A lot. You are foolish, and it's time you've grown up. I am going to make you successful like me. Don't you want that? Don't you want to be in politics? The Government would love you. We could convince girls you're age and . . ." She looked Kourtney up and down as if she had no idea who she was. "and label to behave and support The Government.

"So, what, I have to join the Navy?" Kourtney said sarcastically.

"This world isn't as kind as you think it is."

"How so?"

"If I told you, " Kourtney's mom became very grave looking. She looked so serious she could turn into stone. Kourtney decided now would be a good time to be serious also. "you would never be the same again. Life is not dandy. You play too much. It is now time for you to decide whether you will be against us . . . or for us. Now is the time to choose between a life of poverty or a life of happiness. Kourtney, I am offering you a job as an Agent.
Mizu watched this little interaction between Chimitsu and Amorita with a slight hint of a blush on her face. She was far from the type to be so blunt, or crude. And that Kourtney girl -She just felt sad. She hoped that she would be alright. But for now, she would not worry about her, not unless she could help. This evening she felt like being cheered up, and Amorita and Chimitsus' actions were doing a fine job. So, no worries.

She leaned back in her chair, taking another sip. She really was enjoying the warmth. She had been about to introduce herself, but then Chimitsu's attention had been distracted. But then again, not many people like Amorita were seen this days. She guessed it was understandable. Plus.... Chimitsu seemed exciteable, definately not the type to sit still.

Mizu laughed lightly at the two women, and tried not to shiver or hunch her shoulders in that auto-matic position of defense. She had noticed that man staring at Amorita. And he definately did not seem like a nice man. Not at all.
Rill chucked a bit to himself. “Porn? Yeah I’ve seen a few things like that.” He said it in a way that gave “a few” an infinite amount of possible values. He smiled at Rill “Not in a long time though. “I wouldn’t want to do anything illegal, I like to remain on good terms with everybody; especially the ruling everybody. Plus, if I was gonna risk my life over something I’d at least want it to be a more badass something than some smut”
<o:p> </o:p> There was a pause in the conversation, a moment of silence. Rather than fill the void Rill was looking off into the distance, a far-away look in his eyes. He had distracted himself from his normal cheeriness as he thought about the state the world was in. Before he could think about it too much, Gabriel showed his own jester’s side. Sorry, man...can't help the superior genetics." "Yeah, yeah." Rill waved him off as he took the chance to gloat in very much the same manner Rill had a moment. Both were wearing smiles and chuckling as they walked off towards Gabriel’s nearby home. The rest of the walk of the walk held the same laid back and comical mood, and when they got there Rill tilted his head back and took a deep breath, surprised by the condition of what he could see of the apartment. “I wouldn’t expect you to be so tidy Gabe..” Rill broke out into another grin..Or is this the work of a girlfriend eh?” Rill lightly thrust his elbow at Gabriel sides. “Did you take me all the way here just to prove you had one? I told you I wouldn’t question your sexuality you know.” Despite the fact that he was mocking Gabriel, Rill said it in a way that seemed nothing but friendly but warm. It was probably mostly due to the infectious smile he always bore when he said such things.
"Chimitsu? Why, it's a pleasure. " Amorita smiled at the beautiful woman. Chimitsu was a lovely lady, that was for sure, and one of a passionate and firey ilk. Amorita figured she was more then just the ' regular ' customer. There was something about her eyes, eyes which told you: I'm fighting for freedom - I always will ! Green irises watched her and they darkened, with a playful shadow, as she was teased. Hell's bells, if Chimitsu could tease, so could Amorita. " We have some wonderful cherry pie. I'd be more then happy to take you, into the back, and let you have a taste. It's rather sweet, at times sour, but always hot. Would you like to have a bite? " Oh, she really should behave! Being the full blown, mature woman she was; Amorita knew such things were dangerous, especially with that strange man watching her. She shook her head and black hair stroked her cheeks in silky curls. Leaning down, so that both women, Mizu and Chimitsu, could see her eyes and hear her voice, soft as it was, she'd speak : " Be careful, friends. You never know who might be watching or listening in. Use caution and shield - if you can - your thoughts. " Her eyes lingered on Mizu and then moved to Chimitsu. " We are sisters in chaos, are we not? I can see you are like me. We struggle to survive in this world - I have forgotten how to fight, but those who still do -- maybe you can help me remember how to. " She whispered all of this, covering her lips with her hair, and then she straightened up and smiled. " One hot chocolate? Sounds lovely. " She chuckled at Chimitsu. " I'll see what I have, Miss. Chimitsu. " A playful wink of the right eye.

( I'll post as Raphael when I get back. xD Ran out of time! )
Mizu smiled right back, blushing as if Amorita had suggested something teasing. Her face kept it's light, and did not slip in surprise. Amorita was indeed right, anyone could be watching. For all she knew, everyone in that Cafe but her could be an agent. But she wanted to trust these two. And seeing as they had cheered her up, wheither they knew it or not, abit of her fierce loyalty had latched onto them. Her best, but most dangerous, trait. Very dangerous to others, but maybe even more so for herself.

"She's right, Chimitsu. This hot chocolate is greeeat." She laughed delightfully, her head going back abit, "And what about that pie? Sounds delicious."

In her mind, she thought nothing but of slight teasing, and always kept her 'loyalty' to her job somewhere near in her thoughts. 'Big Brother! Only for Big Brother! I will do my best!' She didn't think of her new friends, because if she did, the thoughts might lead somewhere else.

"I think some pie would be great. Nice an hot. Maybe just the thing you need." She gave another small laugh.
Raphael casually placed his newspaper, down, and gently folded it. Drinking down the victory gin,which he had finally been served ( by another waitress ), he would sigh in disappointment. Dreadful taste. Bill would be payed and thus he stood up and with a slow stride he would walk towards the door of the cafe. He passed by the ladies and then out of the door. Agents work in secret. There was no way he was going to arrest Chimitsu, right in the middle of a cafe, and thus alert everyone to his presence. Besides, he was no fool and not so arrogant to think he could take on a mob of people, should they decide to protect her. Then again, it could be fun. It had been awhile since he had been the cause of a real blood bath. Ah, you can never be sure what animals will do, once they are provoked. People are filthy, dirty beasts. His dark brown hair swayed against his cheeks as he pushed open the door and stepped outside. Raphael would close the door and it'd give a little ring as he did so.

The sky was pale and streaked with fleecy cloud. It was beautiful. If he could appreciate, anything, it was that sky. Eyes gazed up, at the firmament, and then they stared forward. He would position himself, in such a way, that he could watch both the front entrance and back to make sure his soon to be prisoner did not escape him. He would wait for her to come out. Surely, she would be heading back to that inbred pig Yukio Tokugawa, soon enough. He'd follow her, for some time, and would finally make his move. The cold metal, of his handcuffs, would capture her wrists as he leaned against her. Without a word she would be blindfolded and hurled into a nearby transport vehicle. " Watch yourselves. She's a rather fiesty one. " Raphael smiled as he took off the wig he wore - allowing his silvery white hair to fall and shine around his arms. Blood red eyes gleamed with malevolent pleasure. His men, dressed in black uniform, nodded as they moved into the back, with Chimitsu, machine guns armed and at the ready. " You poor creature, you should be careful. You just might betray all of your friends. " He stepped into the back of the transport vehicle and kneeled behind her - his hand coming down to grab a hold of her hair. He pulled on it roughly so that her head was forced backwards - " I think you're destined for Room 101. But before that, I must find out what your greatest fear is. When you're weak and at your wit's end, I'll know. No one can keep it secret for long. You'll tell me everything you know, every last detail. I'll wipe your mind clean. " Raphael chuckled softly. " Fraility thy name is woman. " He would step out of the vehicle, his black coat swirling behind him, after knocking Chimitsu unconcious, of course. " Such a lovely night. "

An hour later Chimitsu would be escorted to the detention area of the Ministry of Love. Raphael stood there, dressed elegantly as ever, his eyes covered by wire framed glasses. " I do believe a strip search will be neccessary. A cavity search as well. Each one. " He smiled coolly as the unfortunate rebel was taken into a holding cell and stripped - searched - etc. Raphael would look through the glass window of the door and then he'd stand, before the naked woman, and withdraw, into her view, a dropper of sulfuric acid. " Now, if you don't behave, I'll be forced to put this in your eyes. Imagine how horrible that would be. " He grinned as a droplet of it hit the floor and it sizzled, causing a stream of smoke to float up into the air. " Such a lovely thing - the power of acid. " He placed the dropper down, in safe containment, and approached the woman. Her wrists were bound, behind her back, and her ankles were tied together as well. " Shall we take a trip to the labs above? "

Amorita served the two ladies pie and brought, Chimitsu, her cup of steaming chocolate. As the cafe cleared out and customers started to get up and leave, she'd actually sit down with them and chat for a bit. She realy did feel close to Mizu and Chimitsu and it was soo nice to just sit down, with two women, and talk as if everything was perfect. They were two lovely people and she hoped they'd have more chances to meet with them and spend time together. Amorita was extremely lonely and in this cold, horrifying world, if you could find someone, anyone, to hold onto then you were lucky. Time seemed to simply fly by and as the cafe was close to closing and Chimitsu was getting ready to leave, Amorita would place her hand on the woman's shoulder. " Be careful out there. Hope to see you again! " She stood, and watched, with Mizu, as Chimitsu disappeared out the door.
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As Amorita described the delicious pie, Chimitsu's legs shifted slightly, "That pie sounds simply, wonderful. I must have a slice." As Amorita came back with the pie slices, and hot chocolate Chimitus looked over at Mizu, "Wow, this is good hot chocolate!"

As the day wore on, and customers came and left, Chimitsu simply enjoyed the time she passed with Mizu and Amorita. Feeling a closeness with the two women, she forgot, for a time, all thoughts of the Rebellion, the captured agent, and the daily life struggle to survive. Half way through the day, the man stood up and left, leaving a lingering sense of unease.

As the day reached it's end and the cafe started to close, Chimitsu stood to leave, "Thank you for the wonderful time Mizu...Amorita. I do hope to see you two again sometime soon. If you feel the need to visit me don't hesitate to do so. I'll be staying at the Tokugawa mansion for a time. Just as for me at the gate and it shouldn't be a problem. He's also bound to have a few guest rooms in case either of you wish to stay the night." As she started to head out the door Chimitsu remembered something, "Oh, and Amorita I'd like a slice of that pie 'to-go' please..."

Walking out of the cafe, she started to head back to the Tokugawa Mansion. Immediately she spotted a silver haired man with red eyes. "" Turning around she saw every possible other way was blocked by men in black suits, "Shit....why" Turning again she walked towards the crimsion eyed man. Brushing up against him she dropped the pie as she felt the cold metal cuffs, clinch about her wrists. Her vision went black as a blindfold was wrapped around her eyes. Suddenly she was thrown into a car. Her hair was roughly yanked back, and a soft and sinister voice promised her very unpleasant things. Her last thoughts as she faded into black were, I smell...cherries.....

Waking back up in what seemed to be an interrogation room, naked, stretched, and cold, her eyes widened slightly as the Crimsion eyed man threatened her with the acid. She let her head hang as she was half-dragged, half-carried up what he called the "labs". Entering the room she was immedietly thrown onto a cold operation table. Chimitsu tried to get a feel for the room and looked around. She saw a woman with a figure to rival that of Amorita. With red tressles, and vivid green eyes, wrapped in a dress that clung to her body, the color of blood. Chimitsu's mouth dropped open, "Kh...Khitri?.....Sister?"
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A soft piano melody flowed from a pair of speakers, down from the rooftops, and sinking to the ground, and filling the little nooks and crannies of the dark, grimy alleyway below. Increasing in vloume, the melodic piano stylings of Claude Debussy's "Arabeesque No. 1" would soon be heard from a block away. It was a tender melody. One, that, given time could melt even the hardest of hearts.

That was the problem though. To be affected by the music, one had to have a heart. The people who he was trying to attract didn't.

But they would come. They always did. An incident such as this couldn't be ignored. The government, as it would always do, deploy a squadron of elite soldiers to eliminate any and all suspected rebel activity, and then be done with the whole mess. That was the plan at least.

The entire music emenating from the speakers was a vast collection of pieces from some of his favorite composers: Debussy, Bach, Tchaikovsky, and Chopin. Music that touched the soul was forgotten and thrown away. This was Hudson's way of making the people remember. The hidden speakers had a specially modified timer which was set to increase the music's volume little by little. The scheme was even more dastardly than that. This was a plan that he had codenamed "The great sound Virus Epidemic".

The device inside the speakers automatically increased the volume of the music, little-by-little every half-second until thevolume reached it's maximum. The song at that point could be heard from several blocks away. But it didn't end there. No, far from it! The part of the plan that sent shivers over his spine was the size of it! In actuality, this wasn't the only pair of hidden speakers that he had set up! In fact, he had about 90 pairs of speakers concealed so well, that even the elites would have trouble locating the source. And to top things off, there would be more than enough to fill the entire city full of music!


The all too familiar siren screech penetrated both Hudson's and the Ghost's peaceful meditation upon the rooftops of a condemned building. His expected guests had arrived.

Hudson reached into his pocket quickly to retrieve a small remote, and, with the flick of a switch, filled the entirety of the city odius meolidus music!

But he had a few other surprise for his most esteemed guests...

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Mizu smiled as Chimitsu left, waving her hand to her in farewell.

"Safe nights and days, Chimitsu." Her fingers curled through the handle of the mug, and took it to her mouth. She tilted her head back to get the last bit, then set the mug down again, "So, Amorita, do you have any plans?" Mizu stood up as well, and zipped her light jacket up quickly

She didn't want to leave, but she wanted to get back to her daughter. It was true, most children tended to become brainwashed before they could even talk, and would turn on their parents, all in the name of Big Brother, and for the Ministry of Love. But children were her weakness, and she was anxious to get back.

"I'm afraid I have to be getting back to my home, to sort out my papers." Always, the Goverment must be said first.
"Target acquired. Taking shot."

The sharpened senses of the veteran reacted in sync with the surroundings, a single eye staring down the scope. The cross-hairs held a head within their grasp, digit tensing against the trigger. A firm pull of the trigger launched the bullet from its barrel, ripping through his head with the utmost ease. The suited men reached for their weapons and took their respective defensive positions, guns trained on his position. A second shot rang out from the opposite direction, tearing off yet another head. Slinging the Dragonuv around his back, Mamoru reached for the 90-TWO concealed in his thigh level holster, pulling the balisong from it's sheathe. Inverting the knife, he grasped onto the handle of the pistol with both hands, holding onto both the knife and the firearm for CQC purposes.

It wouldn't be long before they flanked his position; he tapped the button that belonged to the device within his ear, immediately establishing a connection between himself and the other sniper. Confirmations and code words were passed around in a foreign language, and the transmission ended. The dilapidated building provided very little cover, but it was more than enough to finish their objective. Pressing his back against the wall, he pushed the door open and peeked out into the hall, confirming the lack of hostiles before cutting the corner and rushing down the stairs. The urban military fatigues were covered in gray and blue camouflage patterns, making his mission a tad bit easier.

Shots from across the city continued to make themselves known by the thunderous crack. Holding up by a flight of stairs, his suspicions were confirmed in the form of heavy footsteps. Just as the suited physique came up the final stair, Mamoru swung his arm out and pulled the man to the side, wrapping his left arm around the mans throat in a chokehold. Pressing the blade into his throat, he forced them both out into the open, pistol aimed downstairs. Pulling back the trigger, a guard was dropped, followed by his fellow men with each subsequent pull. A violent gleam slowly revealed itself, dragging the knife through the agents flesh before kicking him down the stairs.

The rest of the encounter sucked. Too much damn snow.

Slinging his bag over his shoulder, the mercenary made his way back into the city. Someone, whoever it was, had it out for all kinds of illegal weapons dealers. Not that he cared; as long as he managed to get paid, he'd do whatever the hell it took to complete his job. It didn't matter who it was.

"..wonder if those guys are still alive."
" Plans? Afraid not. After the long day I had, I'll probably just go home and go to bed. After going to pick up, my kid, that is. " Amorita had a child, as well? Why yes, she did. That wasn't so hard to imagine. There wasn't no past love affair, she could talk about. Basically it happened this way: She thought the guy loved her, he knocked her up, she got pregnant and that was it. What a stupid fool she had been! He disappeared a couple of days afterwards. Did the Thought Police get him? Maybe. Or maybe he just got tired of her. Heaven knows, there was enough ass in town for any man. It was much like a buffet, you could pick and choose which one you wanted next. But, of course, you had to be careful. " He's a wonderful child. Only eight. " Amorita began to clean up the table where Chimitsu and Mizu had been sitting. The age of the other one she lost - the one she had taken in as a teenager. The woman vowed not to lose this one. Little did she know, the boy she had lost, passed by her this day in the guise of a blood stained devil. " In him, I see everything sweet and good. That's why I'm working here and ..." Well, she wouldn't speak of the other place. ".. so I can provide him with a better life. " Full red lips were turned up into a peaceful smile. " What about you? Do you have any kids? " Amorita finished cleaning up the table. " Ah, forgive me if that's too personal of a question. " Amorita stepped behind the bar and wiped the surface of it, clean, with a rag. " Be careful out there, Mi belleza. The doors, of the Chestnut Tree cafe, are always open. " Amorita smiled at Mizu but then suddenly you could hear music, beautiful music which flowed through the entire city. She had never heard such music, never, in her entire life. Such music was not allowed by the government. " Listen .. " She stepped out from behind the bar and opened the door of the cafe, letting in the night breeze. Black hair rippled and danced around her face, around green, forest irises.
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Mizu had opened her lips to answer, that yes, she had one in her care, and to say thank you, but then her ears, to, caught the noise. She went up behind Amorita, tilting her head to listen. Her eyes half-closed in concentration as they always did.

"What is that..." *Beautiful.* "Horrible noise?" She glanced at Amorita, but kept her head tilted. She had never heard such a thing before. It reminded her of bells, all those crystal clear notes. Her cheek, right below her left eye, twitched slightly. Was it her, or was the noise getting louder?

"Whatever it is..... I hope it doesn't bring trouble." Her mouth pressed into a small line as if despising it already. But she couldn't bring herself to move her head, and untilt it away from the noise.
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