Cost of Final Fantasy 13

I'm sorry to burst your bubble but that is not true at all, i would say the max is 300 mil and that would only be because sony supported them with money for exclusivity.
For starters I seriously doubt 300 million is being spent on the FFXIII games; the LOTR movies, all 3, had to split 300 million between them. If any type of exclusive deal between Sony and SE exists, it happened when Sony bought about 8% of Squaresoft after The Spirits Within bombed at the box-office.

For FFXIII, it's hard to guess. I'm comparing apple to oranges here, Killzone 2 reportedly has a budget of around 20-25 million. An RPG like FFXIII could be double or triple that, or it may not, it could be in the same budget range as Killzone 2.

Keep in mind that the cost of the game would include the amount of money being paid to the people working on it; get a group of 200-250 people working on one game for 2.5 years and that's a lot of money being spent there.

SE's best bet to make profit when FFXIII is released, and this may sound bias to some, is the PS3. It can't be ported to the Wii because it's specs are so much smaller than the PS3. The 360 isn't really doable because it's bombing in Japan; it's been out 2 years or so in Japan and it just recently broke the 500k sold mark.

JRPGs have failed to improve the life of the 360 in Japan; Enternal Sonata, Blue Dragon have come up way short of improving the 360's sales per week. Lost Odyssey has bombed having sold 54k in it's first week, 21k it's second, and fallen off Media Create's Top 50 games sold in Japan in it's 3rd week.

With the PS3 nearing 1.5 million or more sales in Japan, and with a heavy lineup of popular titles coming in 08, plus a large PS2 user base still having to make the jump, FFXIII could very well be in good hands by the time it releases worldwide.
Depends whether we are just talking about XIII as a single game or a series. As a single game it may cost $400,000-$750,000 as a series I would be looking at $5,000,000 or more within the space of 10 years.
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The X-box 360 may be selling alot, but the X-box 360 came out a year before the Wii, and the PS3, it is probably selling less right now because most people already have an X-box 360 or don't want one. Plus alot of people just want the Wii, and the PS3 because they just want to say they have one.

Anyways I'm getting off topic here, they probably wont make FFXII for one hundred million, not unless it is much bigger than FFXII (that game was a reasonably long game). Putting blue ray on to a game does take alot of effort and money, but it shouldn't be one hundred million. And blue ray is really the only special thing about the PS3, it would have to be at least 2 discs to be that much money. So I would say that one hundred million is too high.
100 mil?!
That's mean that it'll coast us 1 grand man that's the PS3 coast..Dammit!
I'll go with 80 mil.
100 mil beliveable ff has always been the top of the charts when it realesed if theres games out already that had an 80 million dollar budget then i wouldnt be surprised if it was 100 million ff is just that way so dont doubt it cant some one just look this up i dont like to argue.
The only way that number sounds feasible to me is if it was the all three Fabula Nova Crystallis XIII games so far. With 2 PS3 games in that set, 100 is probably a bargain.

Yeah, I think you're right onceman, sounds the most probable of explanations. Though... The images and graphics seems to be all in top notch, maybe that's where most money is going to.:huh:
A lot of money will be going on merchandising though, possibly millions upon millions, although by the potential scale of FFXIII compilation the profits will undoubtedly outweigh the costs long as its a success.
hopefully it won't be more than $60 .. I don't have a ps3 yes, actually waiting for this release. Kinda scary if it's more than 100. Combine Agito and Versus? They said simultaneous release right?
The game itself, I would imagine, will base itself on the price of most other games...I'm not sure what the price of American games are but I would guess that it will be in the region of $60/£50
Well apparently the Fabula Nova Crystallis projects is actually a 100 billion yen project which is roughly 840 million (USD). This is for the whole compilation of titles which will take place within the FFXIII universe. Now, considering three titles have already been announced (XIII, Versus and Agito) 100 billion yen is a fairly believable figure if you take into account that other games (possibly even movies) will be produced.

The FFVII compilation is currently a 50 billion yen project which is roughly 420 million (USD). Now keeping in mind that FFVII currently has 4 games and a movie, and has spanned for over ten years, it is quite likely that FFXIII will span for several years and spawn several more titles than the current three which have been announced.

So it comes as no surprise that the Fabula Nova Crystallis series will cost 100 billion yen to make let alone 100 million dollars.

As for FFXIII itself, I have no idea how much it will cost to make because I don't work for Square Enix :P

However, I can be fairly certain that the sale price will probably be no more than the average PS3 game

back here in Ireland video games don't get more expensive than 70 euro. I don't worry much about the price, I know I'm gonna get XIII and that's all :D
I first need to know what consoles can the game be played on.
I never pay full price for games. That's crap. You know how long it takes to make 60 dollars for me? Usually for top line games, there always an online coupon dealy or some store that gives you something to buy it from them. I bought GTA4 from Circuit City because they gave me a 10 dollar gift card.

Still wasn't worth it...