Count down from 1,000

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yo the best... can u count? then start postin #s not stupid little messeges sayin that every1 is a peasent!
Squall, you skipped 752. And yes, The Best IS annoying. (and I did forget to turn off my caps lock earlier.)


to the peasants

bow down before the best as he is the best and the only one who deserves t0 be worshipped

DS and TB, get a room. I don't want to read you two pulling hair and poking eyes in every thread.

bow down before the best as he is the best and the only one who deserves worship

I bow before no man. (Of course, you have to obtain this status before you can be considered, but I bow before no child, as well.)
the best is a merciful man even now if you opligize he will forgive
i am no man i am a god

to the peasants
bow down before the best as he is the best and the only one who deserves worship

I dunno what to tell you, DS. Sometimes you just have to take posters at forums with a grain of salt. Honestly, I didn't like your posts when I first started here, but you grew to be amusing, so it's all good. Who knows, maybe TB will grow out of this moronic state of posting, and contribute something to this forum and society. I wouldn't bet on it, though.

I think when I joined you were joking with someone, and I didn't really know either of you, and didn't know you were joking, so it looked like you were being rude. It's impossible to show sarcasm or a joking manner over the internet. No worries.

EDIT: Also, although I am 25, I'm still pretty childish at heart, but in my eyes when you post at a forum you have all the time in the world to put your thoughts and ideas in text, and even have the ability to go back and correct mistakes, it's why I like proper grammar and punctuation, although using shorthand now and then is fine, I belive people should at least practice a little bit, so all our skills don't atrophy over time.
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