Count down from 1,000

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bow down before the best a he is the best and only one who derserves whorship

bow down before the best a he is the best and only one who derserves whorship

Take that retarded saying out of your "signature", considering you can't even correctly capitalize, punctuate, or spell all of your words correctly, it just shows precisely what you are...

Haha, tool. Images of a King's Court jester come to mind when reading your posts; here only for the amusement of others, the time will come for you to taste the food of Kings, not as the Lord of the land, but the peasant chosen to die to the poison meant for the great.
725... wow almost to 700

He's annoying me! Adam u have to help me
lol dont worry DS hes jus jeaslous of how u could kick his ass in both the RPG and in real life. Plus hes jealous of how he is the most unpopular person on these forums and ur one of the most popular:cool:
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