Curse of Zaan Castle

~^_^ Aw, thank you guys for waiting. *Feels special*~

Mizu grinned, "Alright, go get dressed." She trotted off towards her room, "Uuumm... What to bring..." She grabbed a sweatshirt and pulled it over her head, "James, you need anything?" She grabbed a small blanket and her back, and rummaged for batteries, "Oooh.... I don't have any batteries left for my flashlight." She didn't notice, but the woman ghost appeared in her mirror again, staring at her, "......" It snarled and flashed inhuman teeth. Mizu prickled at the noise, freezing. It sounded like nothing she had ever heard before.
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OOC: Lol. Shall we continue then? Or wait?


::Wullfe enters his room, only to find that nothing is as he left it. All of his things have been removed, and instead, been replaced with items from the middle ages. He turns to flip his light on and finds no such switch, instead, the room is bathed in an eerie glow from numerous candles. He runs to his closet, and instead of his clothes he finds the clothes of a nobleman of old.::

Wullfe: (What is going on around here?!)

::With a sigh, he dons the garments... Moments later, he stands dressed in dark brown trousers, black boots which end a little beneath his knees, a ruffled white shirt, and a flowing red coat, festooned with a black sash across the waist and gold buttons. He turns to inspect himself in the mirror, and is taken aback. Instead of his own reflection, he sees James and Mizu packing, and the monster in her mirror.::

Wullfe: "Crap!"

::He dashes for his door, heading towards his Mizu's room...::
~I'll post a few more times. I just hope Savior gets back.~

Mizu turned slowly, staring at the mirror. She locked eyes with it and just couldn't stare away. The woman stared back, snarling with that inhuman growl that chilled her blood. She shrunk down unconsciously, *I can't.... look away.* Wind slammed her door shut and that made her flinch. She tried to move towards Savior, and ended up bumping into the wall behind her. The ghosts were back and whispering horrid pessimistic things to her.
::Wullfe bursts out of his room and rams into Mizus door, only to fall back holding his now injure shoulder.::

Wullfe: (It's sealed shut...)

::He rises once more, and begins to pound on the door, hoping his loud noise would grab either Mizu or James' attention.::

Wullfe: "Mizu! James! Open the door! You're not alone in there!"

Wullfe: (This isn't working, I have to think fast...)

::At that exact moment, he hears howls emanating from Mizus room.::

Wullfe: "It's those ghosts. Only they sound like that..."

::Wullfe stops, and takes two steps back. He recognizes the chill in the air and the sudden drop in temperature which accompany the ghosts that attacked them last time...::

Wullfe: "Damn it!"

::He turns and races back to his room and grabs two candles.::

Wullfe: "Fire, that's what we need to destroy them..."

::Wullfe rushes out kicks Mizu's door, hoping to break in. All the while, he yells out to her and James, hoping they can hear his voice.::

Wullfe: "Mizu, if you can hear, open the door! James, let me in!"
The woman spirit swirled around Mizu's head, her fingers scraping along her face. Mizu's eyes rolled back in their sockets, and the ghost seeped into her. Mizu snarled, her face contorting and twisting. Then she blinked and her face was back to normal. She stood up shakily and sweating, "W-what?" She could feel something invading her spirit, but she didn't know what. The door swung up on Wullfe, and Mizu stood there, blinking dumbly around at her. Blood was dripping down her face, and she just stared at the mirror, a chill now settling deep inside her. She could feel the ghost scraping at her insides.
::With one last, powerful kick, Wullfe feels the door give way and he stumbles through, carried by his momentum. In a moment, he recovers and finds Mizu shaking and shivering by the now uninhabited mirror. He drops the candles and rushes to her. He grabs a cloth napkin from one of his coat pockets and begins to wipe the blood of her face with his right hand.::

Wullfe: (I don't what to do... I'm not very good at these situations. I should probably hold her but...)

::Finally, Wullfe gives in and holds Mizu's left shoulder. He means to hold it gently, however, he's nervous, and as such, his grip is harder than he meant it to be.::

Wullfe: (Where's James?)
Mizu shook her hand, taking the napkin and holding it against her cheek, "I don't know.... But we gotta get out here." She glanced at the mirror in fear and started towards the door. She didn't even glance at the CD player and clothes she was leaving behind. She just looked at Wullfe, just now noticing his clothes, "Did.... did something... find you? You um, look strange."
::Wullfe rubs the back of his head with his right hand and stammers out an excuse.::

Wullfe: "Umm... Well... You see... what had happened was... My room was raided..."

::Quick to draw the attention away from himself however, he shrugs and nods to the door behind her.::

Wullfe: "Come on, let's get going..."

::With his final statement, he waits for Leki to head for the door.::
Mizu shook her head, putting a hand over her belly. She could feel the ghost twisting inside. When she stepped outside, she moaned in annoyance, "Oooh, crud...." The hallway was changed, "Just what we need...." She leaned back against the wall, face very pale. She looked down the new hallways, ".........Oh no.... what if we never get back...."

~I'm gonna stop on this RP for tonight. There are others to consider. :P Even though I really wanna RP. XD~
I swear this is what you get for living on the other side of the world... *sigh* i only just got back from school and right now it is 3:48 pm, and you guys were posting when i was at school... lolz, well i just have to make this one really long

Kamui entered the castle, the temperature was cool, and it was damp, with some mold clinging to the roof.
"Man, this is going to irritating, not much here to do for the next week," he said, looking around still. White's red eyes were looking around the castle's main room, there wasn't anything there that was actually intersting.
"...but there is something odd about this place," said Kamui after a while. "I don't know, just something about this place isn't right, i'm getting a bad feeling about this, but i suppose it doesn't matter that much, worst case sceniro is that we all end up dead... that would be bad... but intersting."
"Maybe your right, but i suppose that ending up dead... as long as i'm with you, i don't mind..." said White, blushing slightly. Kamui looked at her, and said nothing, and lead the way to their room.

Their room was big, with two beds, it was always like this when ever they left for a field trip or something similar, the teachers first try to put White with someone else, but she would always follow Kamui, that was just how it was, they were use to it... after about the first ten field trips, ended up with them trying to put her in a different room, so they had just accepted it and allowed it, "Odd" was what Dando had said about it, but they couldn't do anything about it.

Kamui and White went down to the main entrance hall, waiting for Dando and the rest of the school to show up there, so they could have their long... long... long lecture, then explore the castle... well what was left of the castle, everything spoke of rust and old, damp and an irritating week.
*sigh* this could get irritating," said Kamui, White had to agree with him on that one.

Mr. Dando game down the main stairs, and called through out the intercom that the school had placed into the castle, for everyone to assemble in the main entrance hall.

"Oh, Kamui, i see that you are already here, well then, i suppose everything is like it is..."
"Everything is normal... for now at least."
"Yes, Yes, for now, whatever, just TRY to enjoy this castle."
"You know that, i never do, but this time, it might just be entertaining," his eyes flashed yellow, just momentarily, something that Dando didn't see, and something that Kamui just felt, and didn't know how, though he didn't show it.

Kamui and White left heading for their room, they looked back to see that Dando was leaving the castle to the bus, thats odd he thought that isn't what he usually does, but he didn't care, when this is over, i swear i'm not going on these things again.

They were walking down the hallway when an odd mist was begining to roll in, "This could be fun after all," said Kamui. White's eyes glowed showing her red eyes clearer then ever, "Your right Kamui, this could be fun after all."

The mist was coming in, and consuming them, "I wonder what will happen, we could die for all we know," said Kamui, though he was happy.
"You are right," came White's reply. Dark and Ligh surrounded them casting shadows everywhere, then something woke in the back of kamui's mind, "It begins, to you who has been nothing but an empty shell that walks this land, and to your other and foremost, The light began to surround Kamui, and White, consuming them, White was surrounded by pure light, but Kamui, was surrounded by his shadows and light.
"Seems we will be leaving here different..."
"Yes, but i will always be by your side, no matter what happens... Kamui."
Kamui's eyes stayed yellow, everything became clearer, and he noticed that there was a second consiousness in the back of his mind, he looked at White, checking if she was okay, she had passes out, and the mist was still growing around them, but thining at the same time. Better get her back to our room, He picked her up, and carried her back along the hallway, to their room, he saw Wulfe, Mizu and James down the hallway, doing odd things, fighting something they could only see, it seemed, but what, Zaan Castle... he thought, what secrets does it lie.
James walks in to Mizu's bedroom with her, ''No thanks i dont need anthing, thanks though'' he said.
They caried on chatting for a bit then Mizu suddenly went quiet.
James followed her gaze over to the mirror some sort of hideous gnarled women was there, she looked demented and was flashing inhumane teeth.
It seemed to be staring at Mizu and ignoring him, it glared at her with menacing peircing eyes.
Suddenly the door slammed shut, and the ghosts and mist started reapearing. James Ran forward and Mizu and tryed to sheid her. The ghosts were wishpering and suddenly the room went ice cold. Some force knocked him aside from Mizu he landed hit his head and was out cold.
He woke and he was in a different room completly, he assumed he was still in the house, He then remembered what had happened, he just wished and hoped Mizu was ok. He tried to get up but his head was throbbing painfully....
James opened his eyes and looked around a women he had never seeen before was sitting facing the window, she was wearing olde fashoned clothes and had a deathly pale face but an unatural beauty about her.....
OOC: people i think we may need a limit on how many post you can post, i mean i go to sleep... go to school... come back to check how things are going... then i see about 60 posts... thats just a bit much... thats what you get for living in different time zones...

Kamui was looking around the room, wondering, whats going to happen next, something had woken inside of him, something like another being... another Kamui... that isn't good he thought. He looked at White, she was thinking the same things, her red eyes glowing... glowing... this isn't right. She looked back at him, "Your eyes are yellow," she said
"This isn't right," he said.
"There is something about this castle, i don't know what..."
"Yes... but i am with you, so it should be fine Kamui..."
Kamui looked at White, It should be fine, he thought. He heard a scream from the next room, "We better see whats going on, lets go," he said to White
They got to the room, it was looked and the same mist was coming from underneath the door... "Its started," he said, He began to kick at the door, trying to get in, "Damn it, OPEN DAMN IT!" He swang back his hand to punch in frustration, when a sword with a golden hilt appeared in his right hand..."Whats this?" he didn't have clue where it came from, White just stared, "It doesn't matter," he mused.

He shoved it into the centuary old wood, and started to cut it down to see Mizu, and James staring at something floating in the air above by the window them... "What the," both Kamui and White said
OOC: So, the limit is five a day at most? And we're still following our old routine? First Saviour, then myself, and finally, Mizu, correct? In which case...


::In deep thought, Wullfe rubs his chin.::

Wullfe: "This twisted castle is like a maze..."

Wullfe: (And as much as I hate to admit it, I don't think I'll leave without James... So...)

Wullfe: "Our first priority is finding James. Towards that end, we'll have to navigate through here... I have a plan."

::Turning to the distressed Mizu, Wullfe poses his next question.::

Wullfe: "Mizu, do you have any string, or yarn, or anything of the sort?"

~Alright, thanks for being understanding DFX, I'll make SURE to post only 5 aday at most.~

"Mmmm, well, I can use this." She pulled over her pink sweater, and started to pick out the yarn, "This is way more important than this sweater." She still had her t-shirt on as she began to pull out the string, "If we need to find our way, yah?"