Curse of Zaan Castle

White saw Saviour drawing the pistols, his fangs reveled, it seems something has happend, "Kamui i don't think running is a option," her back was arching as two white wings appeared, and a slender silver crown appeared on her forehead, a sword forming in her right hand, she got between Kamui and James... just incase...
James jumped up and landed infront of Mizu, and faced White.
He stared in to her eyes, for a while, and then said,
''What you gonna do?''he said.
James stood in fighting stance just incase and waited....
"Depends on what you two are going to do, if you plan on fighting, then i will have to knock some sense into you," White stepped forward at moment as well, Kamui looked at her thinking "As long as you don't get hurt, i'm fine with it," he said at last,

He looked at Mizu and Saviour... thinking...
Mizu snarled, the werewolf in her taking over. Her ears popped up and she shot at James, claws extended. At that instant, she forgot everything that they had gone through as friends in that castle, everything she had done with all of her 'friends'. Now they were just slabs of meat, waiting to die. Her heart was thumping as the evil werewolf spirit filled her mind, heart, body and soul. Even as something in her head screamed for her to stop, she kept flying at James. She was bigger now,and weighed close to 150 pounds.
Kamui acted fast, he disappeared for a moment, then re appeared beside Mizu holding her head in his grip of his hand, "So you can't control it yet," he whispered, he held her fast.

White was watching, she didn't really know what to do, "Kamui..."
"Don't worry about it White, just give me a sec while i deal with this, my advice to you, is to watch James."
Kamui acted fast, he disappeared for a moment, then re appeared beside Mizu holding her head in his grip of his hand,

OOC: Again DFX, this is a form of godmodding. You can say that you disappear, and appear again behind her, aiming to grab her head, however, whether or not you actually manage to touch her is entirely Leki's decision.

Warm regards,
(Yah, gotta agree. ^^ It's more of the 'holding her fast' part that would get me, because it means you KNOW she couldn't break free. But I'll just continue on to keep the RP goin'.)

Mizu's now new muzzle wrinkled into a snarl as she bit and snapped at Kamui's fingers, holding her still. She wasn't used to this new body, a nd it was making it harder to move. But still, the instinct in this being was strong, and it drove her to push against Kamui and snap at his neck with her sharp new canine teeth. She clawed at his arms, wanting some blood, especially the blood of James, of which she had tasted first. Call it a new change in taste. And she would rip through Kamui and White and Wullfe if she could get to that wonderful new taste she had just found.
OOC: so thats godd modding as well? hmmm sorry about that...

IC, damn it, she has lost all senses, if i don't do anything, she is going to kill us, he through her to one of the corners of the room, an unspoken voice in the back of his head used his mouth and said "ezeerf teef" ice began to creep up on Mizu'z feet.
James jumped and pushed Mizu away from the oncoming Ice, then dodged it himself.
He stood up and aimed to protect Mizu but not get eatin.
James was starrting to feel hungry, himself, he felt strange.
He ignored his hunger and stood in a fighting stance and waited to see who would take the first move, he was ready...
::As the battle rages on, the faint smell of roasted pig floats into the small room, baiting all those who fell prey to their base instincts. The smell floats back to one of the previously unexplored rooms. It's a grand ball room, quite beautiful, however steeped in darkness. The host of the party waits patiently, until someone or someones follows the smell of the feast he's arranged.::

OOC: My apologies regarding the shorter post. It's hard to write with no one to interact with! XD
(Sorry if this is abit late. I see 12 pages, but I can't get to the 12th, maybe this post'll help somehow...)

Mizu snarled at James, "Care for yourself boy!" She jerked to the side and went at James' back, claws aiming right at him. She sniffed,the smell of the feast making her crouch down in mid stride, "....." She started to drool and started trotting down the hall on all fours. Her eyes turned a darker reddish-brown than before, so different and angry and primal than their human dark blue. Mizu didn't even know her name anymore. All she knew was the smell of that roasted pig.
Savior smelt the roast pig and felt a sudden hunger urge,
but not for roast pig....
Savior's fangs withdrew he was hungry.
Savior trnasfomed into a bat and flew towards the semll, his stomach aching.
He saw a lone human in the corridor, he landed silently behind it and lunged forward and grabbed it by the shoulders and sunk his fangs int its neck, and drank....
Mizu loped off towards the feast, stopping as she saw the 'waiter'. She stopped as she smell the pig again, looking around through the room. She sunk down from the darkness out of instinct, licking at her new fangs nervously. She really wanted to eat, but the darkness felt weight to her.
Kamui and White were running in the direction of the smell, they were following Mizu, the darkness was closing in, "You know White, this is sorta comforting for me," Kamui looked around themselves to see that the darkness was closing in, and blinding everything.
"Yes i know Kamui, it is the same, everything in the darkness, everything as it should be."
"it seems it is so, i was born from this, never really knowing anything, my parents... well i shouldn't say, but it sorta comforting in this castle."
"Indeed, seems we had fun after all... for a first time."
"Seems that way."
They were still running after Mizu... but it seemed as though she was slowing down...
Mizu was indeed slowing down. Mizu cut into the room, head down and ears perked up aggresively. She was pacing against the wall, staring hard at the waiter and licking at her chops. She couldn't help but feel instinctual fear towards him, but her hunger was making her inch closer towards the smell of that delicious roast pig.
::With a ghastly grin, the waiter bows, and holds his arms out, presenting the pig. In an instant, all shadows in the room are dispelled, as numerous candles everywhere light at once, as if by magic. Mizu is currently in a grand ballroom, decorated with opulent fixtures. Gold casings hold many candles, and crystal chandeliers hang from the high ceiling. There is an entire feast spread out about the ballroom, with places for at least a hundred guests. All of this is spread directly in front of the stage, where the orchestra would usually be, however, now there only rests an empty throne...::
Mizu jolted forward and started to eat like she had never eaten before. That delicious smell was just to much for her feral nature. She totally ignored the host, even though her subconscious was screaming at her to get out of that castle, and get out fast. She growled, still craving some blood.
::Unabashed, the waiter simply smiles at the ferocity with Mizu seems to attack the food. His grin reveals rows of neatly filed fangs glinting in the soft light. Silently, he approaches the throne, uncaring for the rest of the guests. He kneels by the base, and holds his arm out, presenting the now completely mad Mizu. Over the sound of the feeding wolven, footsteps echo out across the rather large room. From the shadows behind the throne, the one responsible for the feast approaches...::
(Hiya guys im back after my little visit to FFF Jail)
James throws the body away into thee shadows having fulfilled his hunger.
He walks down corridors then enters the great hall.
He stands and looks round the room he sees Mizu and watches as she gorges herself on the meat, he walks over towards her.