Delete A Fantasy

Well, I love all the ones I have too much. I actually found FFX-2 quite fun. I haven't played III, VIII, IX or XII yet though... so since a lot of others have mentioned it...
Delete Final Fantasy VIII.
I would delete FF10-2. That was the most stupidest FF ever. It was way too girlie for me. And then there was that one point in the game right near the end where you had to go back and check up on all the spots that had been previously visited. That was BORING. I am ashamed of myself for even having played it for so long and gotten so far.
I would delete Cyrstal Chronicles. I loathe that game with a huge passion. Waste of time and money IMO.
FFXII for various reasons

characters- who is vaan? why is he there? why are they traveling together? i wish i had some answers.

story- boring and only a few good twists and turns, not nearly long enough.

battle- repetetive, most people would agree that they should bring back turn-based.

gambits- i like controlling every move my characters make, thats why i develop them the way that i choose to, so i can make sure theyre using exactly what i want them to use. gambits were awful and often times didn't even work.

espers?- completely useless and a waste of time to get. they were pretty cool looking but they didn't help much. the ONLY time i used one was to get past the gate to giruvegan.

in conclusion: :dry:
FFVIII. It started off well but by the end it was just a complete mess, IMO. The story just went downhill after disc 1, the junction system was broken and the villains just didn't do it for me.
I'd delete two FFs.

X-2: because it's a giant turd some SE executive fished out of the toilet

XII: because the characters and story are shallow, it takes level grinding to an extreme, and the entire game just needs serious re-working
I never counted X-2 as an actual FF game, so I'll resist the urge to spew my diatribe about it. Instead, I'll say FF Tactics. It was tedious and boring.
FFXII. so much different from the other ff's...

low on in-depth character
low on story
low on rewarding side-quests (i don't want a better item, i want the best there is, and the most unique... i wanna win impossible spells, not just a lvl 7 sword)
low on gil-making
low on villain-building

only high on graphics...
lets us see here, how bout Tatics Advance. That one was truly horendous. I mean they try and bring back the job system and ability system of Tatics and for the most part FAILED. Yes leveling up one job and others unlocked the other jobs, but then the way the ability system went sucked. you only got points for the battles not your actions, and then they tried a bit of FF5 and FF9 where you learned the abilities and that went down the drain. Characters were somwhat meh, battle system was still same as tactics(only part they didnt screw up), and the judges that really downplayed the game for me.
Final Fantasy 10-2.That game alone.Its the worst Final Fantasy ever to be created! Thats the only final fantasy that I hate. every final fantasy is good except that one
It was the beginning of the end.
Nuf said.
Either X-2 or DoC. Too very horrible games that don't do the name justice and ruin its related game to the extreme.
I would say X-2 for a few reasons

Storyline: It was pretty messed up from where they left off and got boring after they introduced Shuyin and Lenne into the mix.

Characters: Yuna got way too annoying in this game to begin with. Rikku just got worse and Shuyin wasn't much of a "villain" if that is what they were trying to make him be in this game because he just sucked at it.

Battles: They got annoying at times and the Dressphere grid was just stupid.

Music: One word = horrendous.
I would defintely delete VIII, simply cuz I don't like the game. The characters, story and battle system where all pretty horrid for the most part.
Good-bye, number eight. Or is it possible to just delete a character from it? Because if you delete Rinoa from it, it's just fine. And if that happened, then I'd say number five was the worst. As much as I love Faris, the game was a bore.