Delete A Fantasy

Id get rid of 8 as it lacks the main motivating points of every good FF game

Strong characters with a great storyline.
A great villian!

or can we just ditch squall and rinoa? and have ultimecia/edea be a heck of a lot more nastier? thatd do me fine :P
Mystic Quest
Because it is a waste of space. It was set up to try and help you get use to the RPG type game play but still carries the Final Fantasy Name. It's We Todd Did.
FFII can go away. I still havent got any further than half an hour in, it is a stupid game and Id gladly throw it in the bin then I know Id never have to get round to playing it >_>
FFI for me. It's a pretty pointless game in my opinion, seeing as how the storyline is insanely boring and the gameplay is repetitive and dull. FFII wasn't that great either, mainly because it shared a lot of the same elements as the first game. FFI is still the worst imo though.
Ya, im gonna go ahead and say X-2. Dont think they spent much time on it. Seriously, they took everything that was good about X and threw it in a blender.

Story- stupid

Characters- OMFG.....when i picked up this game i wasnt expecting to be Charlie's Anglels

Music- Was not memorable at all

Why i spent so much time on this steaming pile of goat s*** will always be a mystery to me.
I like how people say FFI + II were sooooo boring - keep in mind these are like, the very first FF's ;D
I like how people say FFI + II were sooooo boring - keep in mind these are like, the very first FF's ;D
The very first title was created to prevent SE from going bust and closing down. After playing it, I have no idea how it was successful enough to rake in enough profits to develop a second title. FF1 is dire and you all know it. :wacky:

I think I'd remove either the first in the series or FFVI. Both of them are painfully mind-numbing and I'd rather do without having wasted time playing both of them. D=<

X-2 was good for the nostalgia of re-visiting Spira and giving you something else to do, if nothing else.
i personally would delete FFX-2 from the history of gaming.

i just hated how they tried to link it to FFVII in one conversation with ShinRa(coincidence? hellz no).

the whole story just seemed to insist upon itself from scene one, and it seemed like it wash rushed to one point or another. you didnt really experience anything too ground breaking. the dress spheres were like a bad call back to when they actually had the job classes, and they were ridiculously concieved in my opinion.
ALL OF THEM...except shining force that game is awesome ARIETH'S DEATH WAS FUNNY

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XII as it was my least favourate gameplay wise and i disliked the battle system with a passion.
I really disliked XII. I just couldn't get into it. It didn't feel like a Final Fantasy game to me at all. Something about it just turned me off. I thought Vaan looked deformed, not enough character development and Ashe was just a bitch. I liked the gameplay though, I just didn't like the story or the characters. FFII is a close 2nd. I agree with Kelly. -__- The bloody game is just stupid.
Not a big fan of FFX-2 or FFVIII, but I'm not going to say that I want them deleted. Each game is its own unique installment and if you don't like one, move on and play a different one.

Each FF game's an adventure and it's cool to get the experience and say ya played it, so i wouldn't delete any of them.
Honestly, I wouldn't delete any of them. But if I had to choose one, it would be X-2, it was just a horrible game, bad storyline, the only thing I liked was when Yuna wore the Moogle outfit, that was funny. BUt it was too girly of a FF game too
Final Fantasy X-2 -__-

I don't like Yuna. I don't like Rikku. I don't like Paine. I don't like all characters. I hate the battle system. I'm annoyed about Shuyin. I'm confused about Zanarkand. I miss Tidus. I don't like the new Blitzball.

Enaugh said.