Demon Wall 1


Chocobo Breeder
Nov 6, 2006
Has anyone been able to defeat the first demon wall in raithwrights (sp) tomb? I'm at ~ lv 20 for all of my characters and I can't take it down before I get crushed against the wall. The second Demon wall was much easier b/c you get so much more room to work with. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Learn all the Quickening to increase your MP for healing purpose.
And if you are lucky, chain more Quickening to kill it.
Quickening is a good way to kill monsters which you feel to hard to defeat.
i would have to concur. It took me a couple tries to do it, and I even had to do it AFTER I had gone through the tomb..

The trick is just as everyone is saying:

Use a quickening as SOON as the battle starts, and try to get as many hits as possible

Then, you swap one character out with another that has a mist too and do it again..

Keep doing that till you run out of characters or its dead. For me, it took two swaps, but I didnt get good chains that time..

My problem is that there is supposed to be a chest way down at the bottom of the secret passageway, just past the Flans... I have YET to see anything...
well I did it a lil diffrently. I also did it AFTER finishing the area. what I did was summon then save, then go back in and wait till theres only a few seconds left. Go infront of the wall and let Ghis do his ultimate attack on the wall, THEN I did the mist chains and killed it.

But mist being the answer to tough mobs? I think not. Its not wise to use it on every boss. I found out the hard way when fighitng the earth dragon lol.
the demon wall was so easy i'm only lvl 15 and defeated it in 3 quickening chains

I know thats a bunch of BS. The first wall is harder than the second. And the second one takes a lot more than 3 chains sorry to say. I was lvl 21 when I went though there and a 9 mist chain only took down almost half its life. So I know for DAMN sure that you did not beat it in 3 at lvl 15
"I was lvl 21 when I went though there and a 9 mist chain only took down almost half its life."

It wasn't that difficult in my case either. I'm not sure how many I chained up but I took it down on my first attempt with only 2 characters. I gave it time for one attack while I stole from it and Basch got put to sleep so level 24 Vaan and level 21 Ashe took it down with maybe an 8-chain quickening iirc.

Could someone help me out with the mechanics of quickenings please.

For instance, what sort of damage do they do? I'm pretty sure it's not elemental..? I've taken down a Wild Saurian with a crappy 3-chain but I pulled a 12-chain on something called a Salamander Entite and it didn't even go down to half-life. It's next move after that took down all 3 of my current party members. I had to run the hell out of there after replacing party members. On what basis does it do damage?
Also, this may seem like a no-brainer but I'm pretty clueless, a higher-level quickening (i.e. pyroclasm instead of red spiral) will deal more damage in a chain, yes?


"Go infront of the wall and let Ghis do his ultimate attack on the wall"


"earth dragon"

did you encounter this before this portion of the game, or are you referring to an event afterwards? Because I've just finished the tomb and have never run into that yet. Also, any tips on how to take down elementals? Or am I not yet strong enough? (Vaan, Basch level 26/ Ashe, Baltheir 22/Penelo, Fran 21) Because I tried to take one on after the tomb and ended up running from it.


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you talking about the first wall or the second wall. The first wall there is a button behind the wall that lets you get into an area of the tomb you could not before
I assume it's the first? iirc, at the start, the paths on the left and right are unavailable, so you can only go straight. When I went straight I encountered a demon wall, that's the first that I'm referring to. Also, there's a jewel in the wall behind me that was unresponsive at first, but after I did something (am unsure if it was just thrashing the demon wall, or doing so and then proceeding a bit further first before doubling back) the jewel allowed me to interact with it and doing so allowed access to the left and right paths.
First Wall

While everyone is saying they are lvl 20, 24, etc etc killing this wall, I had Vaan at 18, Balthier at 18, Penelo at 17, Fran at 12, Ashe at 13, Basch at 15, Each one of them had 1 quickening except for Fran she had her lvl 2 quickening.

First thing is to start with a quickening, get as many chains in as you can, master your chains! First shot for me was a 9 chain.

Swap out one player for another, I kicked Vaan and brought in Ashe, this way my Fran ( w/ lvl 2 quickening ) may be called again with luck to mash some power, second chain was a 5 chain.

Swap out another, this time I brought in Basch, he knocked out a 6 chain, wall was at like 5% at this point, unblinded the guest, aswell as a few others and knocked it all out.

After you kill this wall, press the button and go SAVE THE GAME OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once you defeat the first Demon Wall, activate the side stairs in that area by
examining the area where the Demon Wall was and then save your game outside at
the Gate Crystal. Now take those stairs all the way to the back. Go all the way
down until the two paths converge. There is a 70% chance that there will be a
chest here. If there is, there will be a 22.5% chance that it holds one
Demonsbane (+59 sword). You can fight through all of the Tallows, or
just grab the chest and run. If the chest isn't there or if you don't get the
sword, reload your game and try again. If you run out of patience, then don't
worry about it. The Demonsbane is merely temporary and will become obsolete
once we get out of Raithwall. However, the fun part is that the chest respawns,
so you can grab the Demonsbane, run back to the save point, save, reload, and
try your luck again ad infinitum/nauseum. Get as many Demonsbanes as you want.
If nothing else, they sell for 3000 gil each.

Anything else?
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lol I only went though once and never seen a chest. But theres no need for me to go back now since I got some Rune Blades.
I know thats a bunch of BS. The first wall is harder than the second. And the second one takes a lot more than 3 chains sorry to say. I was lvl 21 when I went though there and a 9 mist chain only took down almost half its life. So I know for DAMN sure that you did not beat it in 3 at lvl 15

just becuase i beat it doesn't mean that i'm lying. i failed once but i learned from my mistakes.
My characters were all 20, Vaan was 23, and my quickening chains got him to about 25% HP, so... any other tips besides quickenings?
"My problem is that there is supposed to be a chest way down at the bottom of the secret passageway, just past the Flans... I have YET to see anything..."

Yeah, I went running around down there and nothing but a buch of stupid flans as well. what the hell?
Gotta save right after you beat DW1, then go down there. If nothing, restart and try again. It will spawn eventually.
Ahahahahahaha... Looks Like I'm The Worst There Is...

Vaan Was LVL 45, Basch 36 And Everyone Else 34. I Finally Defeated The Freakin' Demonwall!!!
i didnt even bother i had most of my party at lv.18 and i didnt think i could beat it and when i saw i had an option to run i took it and took out the second demon wall easily without quickenings.
While everyone is saying they are lvl 20, 24, etc etc killing this wall, I had Vaan at 18, Balthier at 18, Penelo at 17, Fran at 12, Ashe at 13, Basch at 15, Each one of them had 1 quickening except for Fran she had her lvl 2 quickening.

Is this possible. I though you got your chars at like the lvl or ur highest member. I jus dont see how ashe could be lvl 13 I was level 20 for everyone and i used all of their quickenings and got crappy chains. After that it took like ten hits to kill it.

The chest appears RANDOMLY. sometimes it has gil, sometimes like a knot of rust, and if ur lucky Demonsbane sword. It has like a +59 to attack. Its really useful in this part of the game. I do like 500 dmg.

If you are at level 20 by this point in the game you should be pretty solid. I focused on neccesities and quickenings. The only one I have left id the lvl 3 for Ashe. Genji armor isnt cheap lp. After that I have started going back and getting all of the augments and enhancements and spells. I figure Ill jus cover the entire board.