♥ Pretty Reckless!
Real Name: Stevie
Alias/Pen name: Aom
Age: 14
Date of birth: June 14th 1995
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Skin color: White.
Height: Short.
Weight: Don't know... don't care.
Race: British
Religion: None.
Favorite food: Chips!
Favorite color: Pink/purple.
Favorite number: 8
Favorite animal: Cat
Were you baptized at birth: Nope.
Current grades in school, or when you were in school: Basically fail.
How do you view a glass of water: As a glass of water.
Favorite anime, if any: None, yet.
Personality: That is up to you.
Zodiac sign: Gemini.
Chinese New Year animal: I haven't a clue.
Are you in a relationship?: Nope.
Would you forgive those who hurt you?: I'm very forgiving.
Favorite book(s): I'm not a big reader.
Other stuff: That's it!
Alias/Pen name: Aom
Age: 14
Date of birth: June 14th 1995
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Skin color: White.
Height: Short.
Weight: Don't know... don't care.
Race: British
Religion: None.
Favorite food: Chips!
Favorite color: Pink/purple.
Favorite number: 8
Favorite animal: Cat
Were you baptized at birth: Nope.
Current grades in school, or when you were in school: Basically fail.
How do you view a glass of water: As a glass of water.
Favorite anime, if any: None, yet.
Personality: That is up to you.
Zodiac sign: Gemini.
Chinese New Year animal: I haven't a clue.
Are you in a relationship?: Nope.
Would you forgive those who hurt you?: I'm very forgiving.
Favorite book(s): I'm not a big reader.
Other stuff: That's it!