Playstation Devil May Cry 4

i got it and it's pretty awesome, though DMC3 is my favourite so far, purely because of the interchangeable guns and swords that can be achieved in real time fighting.

so far, im playing on devil hunter mode cos i have all the other DMC games and well versed in it's gameplay, and still it is easier than DMC3 was on easy. i like Nero, he's not cheasy and has some awesome moves. i haven't reached the Dante half of the game yet, i heard he plays like he does in DMC3, if so then awesome! i just really want a HDTV just to go "oh wow!" but still, on a standard TV it still looks so gorgeous!

i think for me, DMC2 DOES NOT EXIST!, for obvious reasons ^.^
Well, I must say I am really enjoying DMC4 so far. I have beaten all the modes so far apart from DMD mode. Although, The Son of Sparda mode is memorable, never has a DMC game made me waste over an hour of my day trying to beat one boss, and franctly it earns cool points for keeping me pissed off enough to do it.
well i rented the game about a week ago. all i know is it starts off with a bad ass cut scene battle. other than that the game is good just like the other devil may cry's although you dont play with dante you play with someone else he has guns blades and a big blue arm thingy that beats demons to a pulp. i only played it for about 4 hours not back to back but the only thing i found wrong with it is the main guy's lines their cheesy and lame such as "slam dunk" come on now who says that beside shaq
DMC 4 IS An AMAZING GAME i love it have completed it twice within a week of getting it but all and all its pretty amazing Game
Nero is Related to Dante as a Descendent of Sparda he has his Blood Running through is Vains its my guess that nero is Vergils Son Just Guessing tho soo dont bank on it plus Vergils Weapon Reformed just for him

EDIT: Many people havent played the other games yet or havent fully completed this one. Even though this is you guessing, it may be correct. so please cover spoilers. Thank you. ~SS~
well i rented the game about a week ago. all i know is it starts off with a bad ass cut scene battle. other than that the game is good just like the other devil may cry's although you dont play with dante you play with someone else he has guns blades and a big blue arm thingy that beats demons to a pulp. i only played it for about 4 hours not back to back but the only thing i found wrong with it is the main guy's lines their cheesy and lame such as "slam dunk" come on now who says that beside shaq

You do play as Dante at some point and the other character is called Nero. If you had played the game you would know this.
I wrote up a review for this a while back, so I figured I'd post it here when I saw this thread...

Rated [M] for Mature
Contains Strong Violence, Language, Some Scantly Clad Women, and Pizza Consumption.

Available on Playstation 3, XBox 360, and PC-DVD.
All control references are to the Playstation 3 version of the game.

For the sake of those who do not wish to read spoilers, all spoilers will be written in the spoiler bar
... these spoilers will still be easily read, but this will allow you to skip over that which you do not wish to read, while allowing others not to worry about breaks that tell of spoilers ahead...
so consider this the spolier warning, as there will be no other.​


Before you being the game you will have to choose a few of the usual things. You know… game settings like difficulty, and whether or not you want the tutorials running during gameplay (these are actually blue pop ups that freeze gameplay and tell you how to use any new object you acquire, including weapons, which can be useful). Of course, for more game settings you have to go into options on the first screen, but anyway!

Once the game begins you get to sit through two whole cutscenes before you get to play… and they aren’t the only ones in the game. In fact, in the first level alone there are about 5 of them… sure they are fun to watch and have some great action, but throughout the game you’ll notice a strange lack of balance to the cutscenes as some levels have a bunch and others have very few (most of the Dante levels have very few).

There are a total of 90 cutscenes throughout the 20 level game… that’s quite a few, but most all of them play into the overall story, and thus, they shouldn’t be skipped… at least no the first time around.


In the beginning of the game we are introduced to Nero, the new main character for the game, of course Dante is here, too, and you get to learn how to use Nero while fighting the legendary son of Sparda. Nero varies greatly from Dante, but the basics are the same. You shoot with Square, use your sword with Triangle, and jump with X… but O truly makes everything different.

With Nero, O is the button you press to use his devil-bringer arm,
an arm he has because he somehow has demon blood running through him, though not revealed as a direct son like Dante
This allows you to grab and slam your enemies in multiple fashions. Different enemies are hit differently in often cinematic ways. There are also combinations of buttons that involve the devil-bringer arm that allow you to snatch your enemies, Scorpion style, or grapple to far locations, otherwise unreachable.

Of course, Dante’s O actions are almost identical to his actions in DMC3, which include varying special moves depending on the style Dante is currently in… I say almost identical due to the new weapons he has and the fact that he can use his brother’s katana, the Yamato, if any style is selected twice. As was mentioned in the preview thread, Dante’s style can be selected with the D-Pad.


The story itself begins as a simple quest, but becomes a somewhat epic love story.
It is slated early on that Kyrie, the operatic singer who happens to be the brother Gredo (the highest ranking Knight of the Order of Swords), and Nero are romantically involved, but it isn’t until later that their relationship become a very important factor of the story. As it is in the beginning, she is just the love interest, who you happen to be with when Dante attacks.

Yes, Dante attacks, that’s why you’re fighting him. He shoots Sanctus, the leader of the, for the lack of a better word, cult, that Nero is a part of, in the head at point blank range. How nice of him! Obviously he gets away, and Nero is sent on a quest, by Gredo’s orders, to hunt Dante down and bring him to justice. Thus your journey begins and the adventure can only grow. Of course, during this quest, you stumble upon a little secret the Order has been hiding, react to Virgil’s old sword, and become the Order’s pain in the ass, or rather, they become yours.

On your way back to headquarters, to figure out what the hell is going on with the secret lab you’ve discovered, you run into resistance from the Order itself, and discover a nasty truth about the Knights and the accession ceremonies.

Gredo himself, stands in your way, and transforms before your eyes into a seemingly Angelic Warrior. He demands that you cease your actions and return the Yamato to the Order… of course he intends to kill Nero and take it by force, thus are his orders. So Nero finds himself in a sticky situation, facing off against his girlfriend’s brother. Of course, he kicks Gredo’s angelic ass.
But then the man you met in the lab takes Kyrie hostage


This pisses you off, but it also enrages Gredo who leaves you behind to go find Kyrie and ask Sanctus what the hell is going on… yes… Sanctus is still alive… after taking a bullet in the head, he made a full recovery due to the some process that made Gredo turn into a seemingly angelic being.

Obviously… your new goal is to get Kyrie back… but as you charge in brashly, you get caught up in Sanctus’ trap, and he includes you, as well as Kyrie, as the central power of his grand statue of Sparda, which becomes the great weapon known only as, The Savior. Lucky for you, Dante was in the castle, too, and now its his mission to stop The Savior and retain his brother’s sword, the Yamato
But that is all of the story I shall tell.


Dante and Nero are entirely different, yet the same. One of my favorite things about this game is how they depict the similarities while indulging in the differences. During Dante’s quest, you get to fight three of the same bosses that Nero fought earlier… well… technically two and the third’s brother, but they are essentially the same. When Nero fights them, he’s mostly serious, as a young man often is in such situations… but this kind of thing is nothing new to Dante, thus we are given great sequences of his charming old self. No where is this as apparent as it is during the Frost Demon boss fights.

When Nero reaches this boss, he look at these two seemingly lesbianic ice demons, and just gets ready for a fight, getting rather pissed that something so simple is causing all of the weather problems, and then gets caught entirely off guard by the real Frost Demon. When Dante arrives, he sees the the lesbianic ice demons and starts to laugh. He gets himself comfortable and begins enjoying the view, seemingly taking in the entertainment, but truly waiting the Frost Demon’s arrive, at which point, the Frost Demon is caught off guard


Anyway… overall, given all the options and the great story… told through awesome cutscenes, which includes some above average voice acting, solid action, and the occasional bit of humor… along with some interesting puzzles and plenty of fun, this game truly lives up to the franchise expectations, and, I think, even takes it one step further. Long time DMC fans, like myself, will love this game for sure, especially with the characters involved and nods to previous games. That said, there is enough new material, and nothing that really requires previous experience in the game that any newcomers would likely be similarly entertained, and will enjoy the ride as well.

This game gets a solid 5 out of 5 shredded demon limbs… it is definitely worth the $50-$60 you will spend for it… granted you don’t mind the button mashing that is often required. With all of the unlockables, various difficulty settings, secret missions, as well as online ranking and what not, there is plenty of stuff here to keep you playing long after you complete the story mode during your first time through.


And there you have it... sorry for the length and image size.
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I have no idea, why its like that... I just wrapped those sections of text with the spoiler option in the advanced post text editor. Must be ae a glitch or something, but its nothing I did intentionally on my part.

Maybe a mod could fix it so the spoiler bars work correctly? Becasue I know I put in the BBcode.
Hmm. I tried fixing it but only managed to fix the very last one. The rest...will have to remain as is. =/ I think it may possibly be one of the many problems included regarding the site maintenance, OR it could be that it has to do with the font color. I noticed that while I edited the last part, that whole paragraph's color automatically changed to white (although I have no idea how that happened - it just did it on its own for some reason...) and we see that clearly worked.

I even tried to change the color to white, default, etc...but it just isn't working.

So...the part where the font color is gray may have to remain that way...I believe you can only use a default font when making spoilers. Changing it back to default color doesn't seem to fix the problem.

Anyway on topic, that's a pretty good review. Haven't played the game, myself, but I may in the future.
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iv had this game for a few weeks now and iv finshed the first two modes i relli like this game, graphics are awersome and every part of the game is interenting and realy cool. i love the new character nero, his devil arm is cool, its relli fun pulling enemys towards you and busting them to the floor, i have found though dante is rather bad compared to nero, he has a ad tendency to not do well against devil mode bosses he tends to lose easily than nero, i think if dante had better defence it would e a top game, jsut to mention also the weapons on this game are throught the roof, ok with nero has only one weapon and one gun but because of the custimization its good,dantes weapons are cool, gilgamesh is ok i guess, its a spin from ifrit from dmc1 but still of and luicifer is relli good throwing things at enemys and then a rose omg it is cool, rebellion is same old sword that can kick demons ass, altother well done capcom its relli cool, am looking forward to the next game if there is one
Mmm, I'd love to play this game... but I can't even get to #2 and 3! I'm stuck on the first boss (the lava spider thingie) in the first game! XD I really suck at this game. XD
I loved it,I finished it winthin 2-3 days.I was expecting to play half of the missions as Dante,not only 6 of them.I enjoyed it pretty much,but it wasn't the same as when playing as Dante.Nero is cool too but he just can't replace Dante and they should've made him way more different,just because he's
related to Sparda
doesn't mean he has to be like Dante.
That's all I wanted to say for now.I also liked the soundtrack "Never Surrender" but i prefer "Devils Never Cry".


The rumor was true: Heavenly Sword developer Ninja Theory is working on the next installment in the Devil May Cry series. The game, titled DMC, was just announced at Capcom's Tokyo Game Show press conference. It's being developed by Capcom USA in conjunction with Ninja Theory in the UK.

Capcom showed off the trailer above, which has a character named Dante -- but he looks too young to be the Dante we know. This is considered more of a reboot for the franchise (hence the DMC name).




Taken from 1Up

I'm ready to keep an open mind, but...wut?

I think it's a safe bet this has nothing to do with the first four games, or at the very least nothing to do with the prior games story and characters.
I loved dmc 4, I didn't mind that Nero became the leading man. I loved him actually. He looked awesome and the gameplay was cool. I only disliked the story a bit, just saving a girl got boring to me. The music was awesome though, I listen to the soundtrack occasionally

I already posted a thread about the new dmc in the playstation thread and I was fucking pissed when I saw the trailer. This Dante is freaking ugly,.and why does he smoke! I really hope something will happen to his hair. I was looking forward to the next DMC and now I dont even feel like buying it (I bet I'll change my mind a few years later but still xD)