Did anybody use Tecknicks?

I only used Libra, Poach and Telekinesis...the rest were either a waste of time because they consumed HP or did little damage. Look at 1000 needles for instance....I could do more than 1000 damage without it so why bother? Would have been better as 10,000 needles.
has anybody noticed that all of my threads turn out to be hot threads :cool:

anyhow i can see many people are not happy with tecknicks and majority say they were useless which is true so i have a question why did SE waste time on these useless tecknicks? they wasted valuable time on the bestiry(the information part)aswell one of the things i dont understand about SE
I regularly use Charge and Libra on most (if not all) of my characters.

Charge is great because I tend to drain myself of MP a lot, and even though there's the risk of reducing MP to 0, just set it to a Gambit, and it will keep recasting until your MP is at a stable level.
Libra is just indispensable.

I also use Steal on occaision, as well as Telekinesis for flying enemies and the stat-reducing abilities on strong enemies. I forget their names, though. Otherwise, most of the Technicks are just useless. I did get as many of them as I could, but that was near the end of the game, when I had huge amounts of Gil to spend.
I planned on using telekinesis..... but then when i actually got it, I found out it sucked.....balls. It did barely any damage and disappointed me. I also used steal on espers to get high arcanas.
The problem with technics isnt that they arent useful, they're just useful only in very specific situations. Of course that excludes Libra, Charge and maybe telekinesis/steal. The rest of them do have a use for some of the battles but not too much of one. Souleater is good for Chaos, the defence and magic defence lowering ones are good if its a really tough boss, 1000 needles is good at the beginning of the game. But the problem is you really have to know in advance that its going to be useful at the certain point or else they dont get used.
I only used techniques like Steal and Libra, barely used Poach, and was looking forward to use Telekinesis, but realized that it sucked... Balls. >_> And besides, my boyfriend told (or warn, depending on how you look at it) me that there was a better technique than Telekinesis.
for me i only used steal because i used magick for flying bosses mainly because i can't find telekinesis grrrrrrrrr:mad:
Libra and Charge I used religously, well I used Charge once I figured just what it did....
Steal I only really used if I was spending any amount of time trying to get Gil. But yeah, like most people I've talked to I tended to ignore the Techniks, it didn't help that they cost a fair whack oif money to purchase in the stores as well, they didn't seem quite worth the effort. Teleknesis may have been handy but I couldn't figure it out when I was playing through the game.
the only reason i used magick is because they were useful at the beginning and just grew on me

magicks forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aye, you do have to cast Libra. I have 3 techniks in my gambit slots. For my main tank i have self - > libra.

for my thief class i have Enemy HP = 100 -> steal.

and for all of my mages MP >20% -> charge.

the steal gambit can be irritating some times when multiple enemies show up.
the libra gambit has totally been worth using a slot over as well as the charge gambits.

Where the hell do i acquire telekinesis from?
from the secret shop in necrohol of nabudis
If only some of the tecknicks took less time to use
i could never afford to buy the technicks so i never used them at all.
think i used libra and that was it.
I didnt use them till i was rolling in gil because they were far to expensive early on, but after that i found them quite useful:

Libra: If you dont want to have a bangle equipped all the time this is invaluable

Steal: If you want the tournesol.......

Telekenisis: Invaluable for tanks when fighting airborne foes like phoenix

Charge: when your out of MP and ether......

1000 Needles: If you fork out the gil early on (before you can inflict 1000hp with attack) this can be great (it actually replaced attack until my tank was hitting over 1000hp)

Achillies: I found this useful against strong enemies also if you get lucky and make them weak to fire you can then go: Oil --> Ardour

.....So yeah can be handy in a pickle!
i didnt need techniks for phoenix he was easy and i was virtually out of mp when i fought him and all i needed was one megalixer because i ran out of mp and had nothing else because i was unprepared for the fight but he was so easy i laughed myself out
There are only 6 Techniks in this game that I've used:

Soul Eater
Telekinesis (though my A-Team has Penelo w/ Sagittarius Bow)
Charge (You don't need this in a dungeon with a lot of myst)

Numerology is supposed to be the best one for dealing damage but I never even resorted to that during many boss fights.

The other Technik's aren't that effective in battle (stamp, shades of black & that one that allows you to hit someone while blind).
Yep, I use quite a few... Libra, Steal (obviously), Souleater, 1000 Needles (although not so much anymore), Charge... and I just added Telekinesis to my arsenal, finally!