Did anybody use Tecknicks?

If you play the game without using Tecknicks, you are a foolish player. Like, all the goodies that you can steal, and as someone mentioned, having Vaan in the Sky Pirates Den, and beating very tough Marks in the early game using Charge, and the rewards for defeating these Marks are astounding: the bow that you get for defeating the White Mouse, i think, is ATT 75, and you will never beat it very early in the game without Charge. P.S. I am also a foolish player at times !
i have beaten the game with no technics (go me) i may not get everything but you can accomplish it with no trouble
is suppose you could make challenges after you beat the game like no teckink playthrough
I use Steal and Poach to fatten up my wallet.
Charge lets me collect ethers and use them when I really have to.
i pretty much only use steal and sight unseeing because
1. i love my gil
2. most of the enimies that are asleep don't wake up when i use it
3. sight unseeing works when you're blind (too bad it has sucky acuracy)
4. i'm too lazy to heal them
I was wondering what is the best gambit for Steal? I have it currently on Enemy HP = 100%...is there something like a 'do one time' gambit?
Depends...if I had a long ranged technick but no long ranged weapon, or decent spell that could damage the enemy enough, then yes. I'd most likely use that technick.
I completed the game without using tecknicks and i didnt find any part of the game hard at all O_O

But i think thats because i had a more magick focused game
YOU BET I USED 'EM!!!!!! I used the crap out of them! I found that if one of your members in your fighting party has a gambit on 'steal' on the nearest enemy (also having the thiefs cuffs equiped) You not only get some awesome items but you can double possibly even triple your gil!!!!

As for the others yep I used 'em just not as much as steal....
On my newest playthrough i have been using Technicks a lot more than i did on my last one. especially Steal and Charge.

and i must say it makes the game much easier XD
Eh, i use Steal every now and then, but other than that i tend to forget about them and just focus on killing the enemies with attacks, I mean i didnt even use much offensive magic, until i got some of the better types.
Hmph, to tell the truth I never really used the technicks throughout the game, I don't know why, probably because theres not much need for them.

I used steal a couple times, but other ones I just found either pointless or silly, technicks that your better off just not using.