Did anybody use Tecknicks?

It's a 70 percent hit chance.
I never use it really but it is probably good if you get it as soon as you can enter the Highwaste
I used a couple of Techniks in the game, actually. I found these to be quite useful. :lol:

Libra was so useful, showing extra information about enemies. I don't think I taught this to many of my characters, though. Only a couple. :lol: Some equipment came with the ability, so I didn't need to teach it to all 6.

First Aid was oh so useful for the first 3 hours or so. I taught that to Vaan and Basch - I believe Fran and Balthier knew it already - and it made the mines at the beginning so much easier!

Charge is another one I decided to learn, but I don't think I've used it before. Maybe once or twice, but I've not wanted to risk losing all my MP.

I believe I taught a couple Gil Toss, but this was probably just to gain cheap access to a better ability. I dislike the idea of using Gil to fight. :P

I've also taught a couple of people Stamp and Bonecrusher looks useful.

1000 Needles also looks pretty cool! I'll be teaching that to my characters when I get to it. Mind you, I may have already reached it. I just know I haven't taught it to anyone yet.
Once you get to the Highwaste normally through playing the storyline, your attacks deal the same, if not more damage than 1000 needles
1000 needles has other uses that makes it good... for example bosses that get a high defense boost when being on low hp and you start to inflict aroung 500 damage i also liked charge but the more mp i had the less i found my self using it

but the most used one for me was steal i got myself 3 nice death bringers fro that as long of lots of loot when combined with the thiefs cuffs
I somewhere read that you can get to Mosphoran Highwaste much much early in game to buy 1000 Needles. I will try to find it how to to do it and post it here.
I only use it on Penelo as she is my magic user and has a weak attack. Instead of her wasting all her mp in normal fights she can use this technik.
i've used expose 2 beat the likes of the hell wyrm and behemoth king. i plan on using it on omega markxii and yiazmat aswell

it lowers their defence so more damage is dealed
i found steal & libra essential, charge was also very useful - i used it when i was low on mp if it failed id just use it again. I dont think i used anything else and i didn't even have telekinisis or 1000 needles, think i need to replay it....
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I think I had forgotten about the 1000 needles. lol. Well, it was good until you got Telekenises (sp?). Other than that I used steal and sometimes other things when I had gotten bored or facing some weaker enemies. =).
Nah, not really. I used each one at least once to see what they did, but apart from that I just got on with the game. The only one I would use was libra, but even then I usually had someone equipped with an item that had it already equipped.
I used Libra, Steal, and Telekinesis mostly. I also used Achilles on some tougher enemies that didn't have a common weakness and then let my mage's gambits do the rest of the work. When I really needed loot, I used Poach as well. Sometimes Shear, Expose, Addle and Wither proved to be pretty useful against certain marks, but I rarely used them.

Now that I think about it, I got quite a bit of use out of Techniks.
I mainly use Steal, so I can get the loot to sell for gil. Some of the things you really need on this game cost SOOOOOO much! It's absolutely ridiculous!
The only ones that I used where Steal, Libra, Charge and Telekinesis - I just find all the other techniks to be useless to be honest.
I find steal to be a bit useful, especially in the beginning part of the game and while level grinding. First aid and Libra just seem totally pointless to me though, personally. Eh. Mixed feelings.