Did anybody use Tecknicks?

The only tecknicks I ever used was Charge and Libra. But then I came across the Bangles and the hidden merchant in Nabodis (or however you spell it...) who sells Ethers. After that, I didn't really use any tecknicks, nor did I waste anytime trying to get the LP for them.
Lets see, I used libra, first aid, and that black magic one, but i forget what it's called

Shades of Black...

I used all of them but just for fun. Like that one that increases damage with hit succession. It starts out at 1, then 2, then 4, then 8... All the way up to 2000 something then it resets. But with all 3 people doing it, it does damage pretty fast. Not to mention it's fun.
I use all of the Tecknicks, but not as much as magic or straight forward attacking. But there is one I use practically every battle: Gil Toss (I'm pretty sure that's what it's called). I have my party automatically use this ability when an enemy approaches. This really comes in handy for me because I usually have ALOT of Gil and this does alot of damage, and quickly deals with slightly weaker opponents.
I used Libra and Charge mostly. I used Telekenesis sometimes but I found that a good black magic spell worked better. I also used 1,000 needles once, just to see what it looked like.
i have ben using steal quite alot recently but thats because i kep fighting Gilgamesh in the secon encounter stealing the 3rd genji thing of him then he kills me
I used Steal on Gilgamesh, only 1st time round because I didn't face him second time round. The items I did get where pretty crap overall compared to what my current characters had equipped. To make things worse, they were worthless! They weren't worth much Gil at all!
Nay, only Libra. I just mostly forget about them when i battle, and their expensive :/

But then again, i just might later on? I've got about 80 hours worth and im in Feywoods.

i abuse the tecknicks.
i tend to run around using shades of balck and thousand neadles.
and gil toss if i'm in a bind, a 9999dmg aoe is great, even if it costs you an arm and a leg, and runs out of power with your money -_-
i wouldn't sugest trying giltoss as a regular attack though, it won't last :p
although shade of black is a ton of fun if you can find it ^_^
and i tend to let vash dump his hp for dmg and try keeping him healed :p
oh, and i steal from everything and everyone :p
Only Libra and Telekinesis, really. Anything else just felt like a waste of a turn.
Telekinesis was one I had on like slot 10 of the gambits for flying foes just because it was a pain to sit there and walk through a field as Vaan tried to swing and just miss at those damn Dodo birds.

Steal was probably my most used though as I tried to get whatever rare kind of Loot I could especially in the Gilmore (spelling?) Jungle.
Golmore Jungle. :monster:

I only ever used Steal, Charge (albeit rarely), Libra, and Telekinesis. The reasons are obvious, but they're by far the most useful in respect of my personal preference. All bar Charge and Steal were set as Gambits.
I dont even use libra now, my characters simply walk through the traps and then my gambits usually sort out any status effects afflicted.
Libra, Steal, and Telekinesis really, they are the only useful technicks to tell the truth.
I like Technicks in principle.
My favorites are Libra, Steal, 1000 Needles and Charge, their purposes obvious.

Some seem pointless, like Infuse and First Aid.

What does Sight Unseeing do? I get you can only use it when Blind, but what's the effect? It always misses for me.

I used steal a fair amount... and telekineis later on in the game when I got it... That's about it though.. I thought tecknicks were pretty useless.
Yeah...libra for the annoying traps, steal for obvious reasons I used poach a few times to get special loot and I used Telekenesis, or h/e you spell it >>;;
I tink that's about it, otherwise I just plain got them all to say that I got them all ^___^
Yes, I gambitised Libra and on occasion would use one or two. When I get telekinesis I imagine I'll use that a lot.

I just found that navigating to the technicks menu was too much effort :-/
Just Libra to find out how long a fight would be.

Getting Telekinesis took too much time, by the time i had it it was almost useless.