Did anyone ever...


I still have my dream.
Mar 11, 2008
... actually manage to kill a Malboro on one of the Islands Closest?
I was just thinking about it... and I really don't think I ever have.
Does Odin auto-summoning and slicing them up count? :monster:

I'm sure I've done it a few times since I needed the tentacles for obtaining Doom Train and I think also for Quistis' "Save the Queen"; it's been a couple of years though, so I don't remember exactly HOW I did it >_<

I did try to stay at a lower level in the game though...
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Well...unless you mean using the Degenerator, then yes!

If not then...No. =/. Casting Bad Breath throws my game off completely. So, I just end up running away. haha.
I've managed a few times before, though usually on the Island Closest to Heaven for some reason.

As others mentioned, it's not too hard to do if you're prepared, but it's a literal pain in the arse when you're not or if it happens out of randomness.
Yes I did. Lots of them. They were annoying alright, but by that time I was able to manage easily due to my high levels. I did run away a few times of course, just because I couldn't be bothered dealing with them anymore.
I have been really lucky like once or twice with degenerator. But in all the times I have played the game I could probably count on one hand how many times I managed to do that..

Although I relied on Odin for the most part, so yeah, if that counts that's how I did it
I've prepped, mugged, and ran in order to get tentacles for Quistis' weapon, but all other times I run into the bastards I just run away... I tend to have everyone junctioned with 100% death on their weapons, so bad breath will annihilate me, you know?
They never ran away on me, more often than not they'd use bad breath on me before I even got a turn..... I tried to mug 'em and run, but I came to the conclusion that using Odin worked best for me, because even if I DID manage to mug them, I'd get done over before I could make a run for it >_>
I used to defend against status confusion then, remedy squall, then let rip. Bad breath is always annoying in any FF. But it did suck in VIII! first time i think i got totally stitched up! killed myself :(
Thanks to Kelly, I was finally able to beat one and obtained 12 Malboro Tentacles as a result. Simply bring Quistis along, give her Initiative, make sure her HP is low enough to activate her limit breaks then fire away with Degenerator. Since mugging enemies prevents items from being dropped, or at least decreases the yield, this is much more efficient than mugging him and POSSIBLY receiving some tentacles, for it to only be 2-4 as opposed to 12 or more.
I used to give initiative and a whole host of ST DEFx4 spells to one character who used 'treatment' on the other.
Otherwise Auto-Haste and Initiative + Odin should make sure you get what you need from one before the battle gets off.
Plus Degenerator is a good option.
Yeah, they are annoying as fuck. What I did was junction 100 berserk magic to one person in my partys ST def. So that when he uses his breath that one character won't be berserked. Then I use remedies on all and unleash their limit breaks, mainly Squall's.
I just junctioned 100 pains sleeps berserks and confuses to squall then had him with auto haste (on diablos from refinign kiros card for accelerators) and he was immune to the bad breath, then proceded to rip them apart with the lion heart :D. after getting doomtrain then i added zell to the compeltely immune to bad breath list.
isnt exactly hard to fight malboros when you actually plan for the encounter.
I usually have like 2k/9.99k hp anyways with my characters, so just go in reap out some Limits (Squall and Zell pretty much guarantee its death if you can pull them off), but then again it's much easier said than done unless you have a high speed stat like mine. :)

(About 160 without Triple ;O)
Yes they are annoying but I have a master walkthrough in this game. I have the best junctions and spell-stat choices. I even have the special GFs you have to rescue from the pocket station - so, meeting one of these nasties is not to bad at all!

Awww the memories! I loved the island closest to heaven and the island closest to hell - in fact! I may make a little threat about the emotional journey that FFVIII gives you! It is special and will stay with you forever.

This is why I sometimes say "I wish I never played this game.." - Because its so good! And you can never have that special 'first walkthrough experience' again.

I truly love this game....
With Degenerator, I had killed a few Malboro and even with physical attacks and limit breaks but those were based off pure luck and timing. Most of the time I end up just running off when the battle seems to drag out more when they cast Bad Breath more than once. I must say though, those Islands are the best way to level up pretty quickly!