Did You Cry At The Ending?

Yeah, I did. Me and my friend finished it late one night, and I started crying watching the ending. Needles to say, it was a tad awkward. He kind of laughed at me for crying, but he aid he understood why I did.
Nop...i think that´s feeling the game a bit to much...i was actually happy that i ended it!:)

I then turned off my playstation and went to get some food!
A'yo, I'm an OG ya' heard me. I don't cry. I was more like, "This is one of the best games I have ever played". I said that because my girl was watching it with me and she was very emotional...Hehehe...that night ended well...:cool:

hahah ur that hardcore u dont have feelings?:P
nah i didnt cry but it was a pretty emotional moment
To this day, I still cry when I think about the ending of Final Fantasy X. When I first saw it, I cried like a little child who just lost their beloved pet dog to a speeding car.

...no, I didn't cry. Not exactly a tear-jerker, I say.
I didn't cry but I think the scene was very emotional especially if you got attached to the whole storyline.
I'm admitting a little.
It wasn't as emotional as IX was I think, but still it was sad seeing Tidus gone from Spira....
Never cried but I could feel the emotion of the moment. Then again I don't normally cry at these things or in films but can feel a bit emotional inside.
I've cried like a baby the first time, sadly...my bro was near the room ( his room ) so it was very annoyin
It was probably my favorite ending of any FF game or any other game for that matter, but "no". No crying needed nor present. Touching, yes, but not cryable for me. A friend of mine showed me the ending on his file a few weeks before I beat it myself, so when I eventually got there I soaked it all in and watched it a 2nd time.