Crisis Core Did you cry? Were you moved?

I was really sad in the end when Zack died I almost cried but there were tears in my eyes. Aerith felt his death. Zack was an amazing character but he has to leave so good bye Zack Ill miss you.
Well, Square-Enix knew that they had to make it extremely dramatic to get pass the cynical eye of the hard core fans who will find ways to nit pick the story apart like an autopsy. They needed something that went over the top, and... mission accomplished.

I already knew Zack's fate just as many other people... but what upset me was the loss that the other characters felt over his passing.

Aerith in how she can speak with the planet, and feeling the passing of friends and loved ones. She knew, and cried from afar. (In fact she felt the passing of her adopted mother, Elmyra's husband passing when she was a child, one of the abilities of an Ancient)

Then Cloud in being lost and alone (he had no idea that Tifa was in Midgar, or that she survived Nibelhiem and thanks to her martial arts instructor, she eluded Shinra too)

Then the DMV that reflected his life flashing before his eyes. That really hit the true symbolism too. And it made the reality of what's going to happen set in. We knew it, and he knew it and yet stood his ground.

But the real kicker was Zack's thoughts and feeling of peace in knowing that he did in fact embraced his dreams, protected his honor, and became hero. He happily reunited with Angeal. That got me.
what an ending! I actually had tears in my eyes during the last fight. You know its coming right from the start, but square still did a great job. They really made you care about the characters.
OMG!!! *possible spoilers*

I WAS A COMPLETE MESS!!!! I was torn in to pieces! Zack is one of my all time favorite characters and the people just wouldn't stop stabbing him!! It killed me to watch and when Aeris was upset I died alittle inside =[!
I didn't cried at the ending.My favourite moment was when he said ''come and get it'' and he run to the infantrymen.It reminded me king Leonidas when he said ''μωλων λαβε''to the Persian soldiers.
I was moved by the ending definatly.
It almost reduced me to tears when Zack is about to die...
You don't realize while your playing that he has to die at the end, until you get there.
(Well I didn't).

It's horrible that he fights them all off, and in the last few he gets killed.
; ; It also terribly upset me when Cloud crawls out and pulls himself up to Zack, and he's just lie'ing there helplessly.

At the bit where Zack says,
"Would you say I was a Hero?" made me really want to burst out crying.
Like most people I was starting to fill up. I thought the ending was one of the best in video game history. Seen as what they had to work with, Zacks death in VII wasnt really that dramatic. But they made it awsome.

And I think it made it so much more emotinal than in VII when you just though "oh Zack died" because you just spent the last few hours getting to know this really likable honest character, who could of escaped if he wasnt so loyal to his friends.

I had to fight back the tears considering I beat the game while at work, but when I got home after it, boy did it hit me cause of the song "The Price of Freedom" is such a moving song for the final moments leading to Zack's final breath.
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It was worse for me... because I had never played Final Fantasy VII when I finished the game. So, I had no clue Zack was going to die. My friend Josh laughed at me.

Anyway, I bawled. It got the worst when Zack said "Hey... would you say, I became a hero?" It was moving. The way he said it.

Anyway, Crisis Core moved me into playing VII, and I have to say, as a side note, it is not as grand as everyone makes it out to be. Crisis Core is a better game.

Oh, and my sister cried the morning AFTER she saw it. It is powerful. Square is good at that.
It was worse for me... because I had never played Final Fantasy VII when I finished the game. So, I had no clue Zack was going to die. My friend Josh laughed at me.

Anyway, I bawled. It got the worst when Zack said "Hey... would you say, I became a hero?" It was moving. The way he said it.

Anyway, Crisis Core moved me into playing VII, and I have to say, as a side note, it is not as grand as everyone makes it out to be. Crisis Core is a better game.

Oh, and my sister cried the morning AFTER she saw it. It is powerful. Square is good at that.

Yup, these 2 I cant agree with more. I actually did as much as I could before I had to eventually do this part. I dreaded it and didnt want to see it, but yeah I cried at the end of the game.
I didn't cry, but Zack's demise was sad. Especially when they showed the 88 letters he hadn't received from Aerith.

Oh, sadface.

I cried too and I'm a 24 year old man. Sure I didn't cry hard but it was sad. I told my sister that the ending would make her cry and she didn't believe me but when it came down to it. She let ou a few tears.
I could feel tears in my eyes, but i didn't cry. It was very sad, plus the missing letters and all...
It is. Even the music itself is praise worthy. I went ahead and downloaded it too, lols.

The song they used was <Why> By Ayaka
Finally got around to beating the game again. Got to the final dash for Midgar a few months ago, but couldn't bring myself to finish knowing how it broke me the first playthrough... can't say it helped.

No matter how much I brace myself for the ending, that damn DMW starts to go haywire and I lose it. The flashes of memory and physical degradation of Zack all combine to sucker punch you even though you see the fist coming. Very few things can make me cry regardless of foreknowledge and number of views/playthroughs.

The fact that this moment wasn't nominated for greatest moment in gaming by most publications just proves how out of touch most people are with their emotions.
That DMW Haywire, and also Zack's sudden slowness, depicting how badly hurt he was after fighting what appears to be the entire army. All those started to stir up emotions in me.

Then came the last part where Zack talks to Cloud. Thats the most touching part already, and the letters made it more sad.