Did you like Squall?

Did you like Squall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 80 76.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 16.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 8 7.6%

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Grand_Lethal, understand this - do you think it's easy for every child to just walk up to someone to talk about things that have gone on in their life? Squall, was one of the few who has found it harder to cope then anyone, and has probably resorted to the wrong way of dealing with issues. His friends gradually helped him change, and Rinoa did too. Even though I hate her guts.

Ah, I didn't explain my thoughts properly. I meant as a teenager. He's 17, right? Surely he'd be more confident at that age? I mean, it's obvious that the people around him care about him, so why can't he just open up?
Ah, I didn't explain my thoughts properly. I meant as a teenager. He's 17, right? Surely he'd be more confident at that age? I mean, it's obvious that the people around him care about him, so why can't he just open up?
Because he doesn't want to lose anyone that he cares about again.
I didn't like him as a leading roll. FFIX had even younger leading rolls, and they still acted more maturely than Squall and Rinoa did. Squall spent the entire game taking orders, breaking rules, and making mistakes. His most repetitive lines of speech are "..." and "whatever". He's not very outgoing; not leader material if you ask me.

but you have to admit that you liked the speech he gave before the galbadian garden invasion. well, i did. and he wasnt a bad leader he just didn't want to or expect to be one.. cid just completely threw him into control of the garden out of the blue...so id say for never leading a group of people to that magnitude before he did a pretty good job. and finally he only abandoned his orders because he wouldn't be able to function properly without rinoa by his side, and i cant blame him for that.

ps: i found him saying "whatever" in most cutscenes rather amusing. ^_^
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Squall was the first Final Fantasy hero I encounter and is my favourite. He was also the first computer game character I had a crush on ^^ Not that there are many lol!

His character appealed to me as I was a moody teen at the time I played the game, so I understood him well.
Squall was the first Final Fantasy hero I encounter and is my favourite. He was also the first computer game character I had a crush on ^^ Not that there are many lol!

His character appealed to me as I was a moody teen at the time I played the game, so I understood him well.
Same :P I found so much in common with him since i used to be very quiet and mis-understood teen who didn't want anyone around him because i was afraid to lose them... although i didn't wonder where my "sister" was all the time :P lol
I guess that´s why is so popular...because a lot of kids relate to him in terms of social problems and stuff like that:rolleyes:
i can't stand squall. he's so emo T_T he's even more unbearable than Tidus IMO.

He really annoyed me with his catchphrases "..." and "whatever" i seriously just wanted him to go away. and that Jacket?! did he steal it from a 5 year old? seriously it was horrible.

and why did he suddenly switch from "whatever" to "OMG I LOVE YOU RINOA!" i hated that. it was too sudden.

Actually i believe Aztec summed it all up in his "Squall Rant" topic...XD that was a great topic.
i can't stand squall. he's so emo T_T he's even more unbearable than Tidus IMO.

He really annoyed me with his catchphrases "..." and "whatever" i seriously just wanted him to go away. and that Jacket?! did he steal it from a 5 year old? seriously it was horrible.

and why did he suddenly switch from "whatever" to "OMG I LOVE YOU RINOA!" i hated that. it was too sudden.

OMG i so agree with you AG!

Not to mention that it was rather annoying that everyone was always trying to cheer him up and he always acted like a royal ass!:O
I guess that´s why is so popular...because a lot of kids relate to him in terms of social problems and stuff like that:rolleyes:

Yea, that's no kidding. But that'd lead me onto a foulmouthed rant about people in general. lol I think everyone likes characters that they can relate to though, whether they be strong and courageous or timid and "misunderstood".
Squall is my favorite Final Fantasy character (besides Edea)
I thought he was cool, and he was incredibly strong... Lionheart FTW! he was a likeable character to me at least, I know other people don't like him very much, but he is awesome in my book.
Squall is my favorite Final Fantasy character (besides Edea)
I thought he was cool, and he was incredibly strong... Lionheart FTW! he was a likeable character to me at least, I know other people don't like him very much, but he is awesome in my book.
For sure! :D I loved the scene where he jumped off the roof and got into the car and crashed into the gate to try and assasinate Edea, it was so 'special-assasination group' ish lol.
yeah lionheart combined with renzokuken owns house, i killed omega weapon in like 8 hits with it.
and that Jacket?! did he steal it from a 5 year old? seriously it was horrible.

Way back in the orphanage as kids, Squall beat the crap out of Seifer and stole that jacket from him. Secretly, the rivalry between the two them has always been about the jacket. :P

and why did he suddenly switch from "whatever" to "OMG I LOVE YOU RINOA!" i hated that. it was too sudden.

:huh: How was it sudden…?

I thought it was clearly obvious from Squall’s facial expression given in the FMV just before the Graduation dance that he became interested in Rinoa from that very moment they locked eyes with one another, especially the look of disappointment he had when she left at the end of the dance. After that, I thought the love gradually evolved throughout the game.

From that point and throughout most of the game, I thought it was your typically realistic young love scenario’s of “I don’t love you, but I actually love you and I’m gonna hide it, because I don’t know how to express it”.

The only real sudden change that I saw in Squall's feelings for Rinoa, was when Squall actually realizes his true feelings for Rinoa after she became comatose, but to say that he all of a sudden decided to love her is just not true in my opinion.

Yea, no. Everyone has problems. No one was brought up 100% right. Some have it much better than others but for the most part it's not about the situation we're in but how we handle that situation. He failed to beat his situation. And of all the people who have ever needed adoption... sheesh. Most adoption places are absolutely horrible. He lived in a palace for a parent-less child. Granted he didn't have parents but he certainly had Edea who cared for them all. If it's not in your personality to rise above those situations then you're nothing all that amazing, sorry to say.
Their personalities were strong so they rose above the situation. Squall was raised in a country club with a mother figure and a father figure... and he couldn't handle it. He was weak... and let the situation beat him. "The Great Ones Play Hurt"... it means being greater than your situation when the time calls for it. Squall didn't have it in him, just like Irvine failed to shoot Edea.

Hey, different people have much different ways of dealing with things. Whether it’s in someone’s personality or not to rise above their situation, not everyone can overcome their issues without some kind of guidance or help.

Sure Squall lived in what some would call an ideal orphanage, but with only two people taking care of a lot of children, one who became possessed by Ultimecia and disappeared on them as well... No where near enough though to help care for the needs of a ton a children.

Still my point stands as no real adult being able to help Squall as a parent or an older sibling could.

He failed to beat his situation.

:huh: Really…? I thought he overcame his situation quite well in the end.

Zidane was left stranded. He had no one. He was "adopted" by thieves... and he had an incredibly upbeat outlook on life.

Agreed… As far as character story, design and overall attitude goes, Zidane remains one of my all-time favorites for many of those reasons you stated. One of the best in the PSOne FF series in my opinion.

However, Zidane did go through his own bout of self-doubt just after meeting with Garland, which took the help of everyone else to help him overcome that “Situation”. Granted, its nothing compared to Squall, but it was still present in the game and his character.

Cloud was an alienated little nerd who failed all the way through life but never gave up trying or looked down on himself or the world.

I disagree here. To me, Cloud was just as antisocial and never gave a crap about anyone or anything either in the beginning of the game; it was only until he met Aerith that he began to change as well.

He was also portrayed as a grieving antisocial loner in Advent Children, which can be equally viewed as a “pathetic” character by others. Certainly not me though. ;)

Again, I do recall periods in the game when (it’s been a while, so I can’t exactly remember all) Cloud went through bouts self-doubt and looking down on himself. In fact, one of his biggest self-doubts and fears was that of becoming a failure, which he was labeled as often in the game. Now he did overcome this in the end, but it did require the help of his friends to pull him through his “Situation”.

Tidus hated his father and even moreso after he found out the destruction he brought on the world. They all went to the school of hard knocks. None of them got a free ride. It was

Lol... Come on, if there was ever a whining crybaby of a character in FF, Tidus won the Oscar! Don’t get me wrong, I love FFX and all of it’s characters, but Tidus is in a different category of his own. Granted he rose up and accepted his fate at the end, but I have a hard time comparing him to Cloud, Squall or Zidane.
I'm not going to lie, I did like Squall. It was interesting seeing Squall trying to over come his emotions during the game. Squall had some cool parts like when he jump from the building where Edea did her speech, and then he jumped on to a car and slammed into Edea's little floater boat thingy...ish... Also Squall's speech at the end of disc two was pretty moving of him.
Squall actually reminded me of myself, believe it or not.
So yes, I liked him.

He truly changed in the end, and that's what makes a good story, in my opinion. He turned out to be a true lion heart as the story progressed to, not to mention he did some really likeable and respectable things during the course of the game.
For one, he saved Rinoa countless times and saved the world, no?
How can you not like that? :P
squall is in my opinion the best character in all the final fantasy series. just the way he developed as the story moved on into a true hero and a leader was great.
squall is in my opinion the best character in all the final fantasy series. just the way he developed as the story moved on into a true hero and a leader was great.

< is not even going to go there.

Squall was the worst leading roll in any FF.
I'm sure you all know how I feel about him; I've only been making the same anti-squall posts for the last 6 months. XD

He doesn't know how to lead.
He follows orders throughtout the entire game; he never really does anything on account of his own free will.

Leon from KH was the way Squall should have been in FFVIII.
Squall was awesome. Although, his personality was exactly the same as the protagonist in the game directly before the one he was in.