Did you like Squall?

Did you like Squall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 80 76.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 16.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 8 7.6%

  • Total voters
Wow, so far the opinion on Squall is that you either love him or hate him. Most seem to like him though so ^^
i like squall he is one of the best ff characters, hes cold hearted when he wants to be and hes loving and warm too, he lightens up during the whole final fantasy VIII

I agree but for the part about 'cold-hearted', I wouldn't really say that Squall was cold-hearted, I mean, he shunned his friends and whatnot but even when he said that in the beginning, I thought he wanted to help them out in some way too....
Squall isn't cold hearted; he's insecure. He distances his friends because he's afraid of losing them like he lost Ellone.
Squall is the "tough guy" and so he keeps to himself. and yeah it is triggered by ellone leaving him in the past, but he had gotten so used to being that way, that after he had forgotten who ellone was he still stay the same way. he just needed a little help coming out of his shell.
Squall is one of the best characters I've ever seen in an FF game. Not only he is a warrior in a seemingly militarized school like Balamb Garden and his expertise with the gunblade is almost rare to see among cadets (quoting Headmasters Cid's opinion after the SeeD Test).

Players have the tendency of seeing him as a cold hearted person (due to some descriptions offered by the game and other guides) but he is much more a person with problems, insecure, not being able to fully express himself due to his hard childhood and his lack of self confidence when dealing with people. Squall is like the average teen who has problems with his self and tends to lock himself up not relating with everyone seriously. Why? He lost the only person he thought of a family, Ellone/Sis and that stroke him greatly, thinking that everyone would abandon him as well.

His attitude is more like explosive and greatly influenced by his feelings, like we see on the third disc. Though knowing that, Squall is cool and collected, capable of staying calmed during a really dangerous situation and be a great leader (like in the Balamb Garden VS Galbadia Garden showdown)

Also the Griever necklace is cool (main reason why I have one copy of my own and wear it almost every time I go outside XD)

Yay Griever is cool!! Now I need a Griever Ring!!

Summarizing all that, which explains why he is my favorite character (which obviously means that I voted for "Yes"), I liked the character of "Squall" just because of his attitude, his cool weapons, the Griever necklace and ring, and because of his Finishing Move: "The Lion Heart".
Squall is cool but he is not my favorite it all about Zell because he is gooder then Squall.
[URL="http://www.finalfantasyforums.net/../memberslist/life-and-glory.html" said:
Life&Glory[/URL]]Did not like him that much, he didn't meet my standards for being cool.
WOW you must be a super star!!!
Sorry I couldn't resist.
Anyway Squall 1 of the greatest FF guys ever and the prove that he's in KH:I,II Cloud's there too but w/e, anyway You can't see any FF guy from FF1-6,9 and 10, in KH:II you can here Tidus's name but you can't see him and the reason why he's so great he's cool and powerful.
I thought Squall was cool, his clothes were cool, his hair was cool too and his voice in KH wow cool too xD
I absolutely loved Squall and his antisocial personality. I liked how he had a restless mind, too, he was always thinking. Most people didn't like that about him though. Nice to see a few Squall fans around. =]
squall is the best character in ff8 his whole attitude and the way he pecives things is relli cool compared to the other characters i enjoyed using him for big boss battle because when squall is at a high level he is relli good
Yeah, I thought Squall was quite an awesome main character. I know a lot of people disliked him because they thought he was an 'emo' but I never thought that at all. He had a unique attitude to the other characters but by the end of the game he was a more likable person and it was nice to see. He was also tough which is typical for a main character, his limit breaks were great.. especially Lionheart. He was just interesting and I thought he made the game really good. :)
I liked Squall but I felt that he was not a "memorable" character to me. I can remember Cloud, Zidane, and others very well but when it comes to Squall he just didn't leave a great impression. But I voted yes;)