Discovered the 1 thing I dislike about this game

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♥ FFF's Matt Bellamy Pervert ♥
Jun 16, 2006
Manchester, UK
Yes, Im sure people know how much I love this game and cant find fault with it.

But fellow members I have found something that gets right up my nose about this game. And thats how you cant skip the tutorials Quisitis gives you about the games basics!!

Its so damn annoying when you want to get moving in the game and Quistis pops up with a helpful tutorial to help you on your way! I wish there was an option in order to skip it for those replaying the game.

Grr, so frustrating!!
It's like that in FFX too when Rikku explains the sphere grid. SHUT UP RIKKU >< XD

It's so annoying, they really should let us skip the tutorials..really the first time round their invaluble...second or third time? Not so much.
Tuts are a part of every game, don't get so frustrated over that... And no, they don't bother me at all I just press triangle and it goes fast.
I agree...
Tutorials are so long before they are finished...
why can't they program something to skip it???

but for the begginers that was very helpful :)
Yeah, it’s kinda frustrating having to listen to the whole junction tutorial over again, but I just keep mashing the triangle button pushing me through the dialog a little faster… I agree though, I’d been nice having an option to skip it entirely.
Don't we all wish we had the option to skip Quistis's tutorials. I've done the same thing in replays, I just mash the triangle button.

Better idea is to have moogles stand around and give you a list of all the tutorial options! (Referring to IX)
What I, probably the Laguna, Kiros, and Ward. =/ I like the Laguna story just fine, especially with Raine and Julia. But the adventures of the trio is seriously boring.
Yeah.. I thought the triangle button skipped them for me too but I didn't know that until I was told recently. The tutorials were always annoying having to stop playing for a while, I never bothered reading them over and over again because I already knew what to do. I just kept my finger on the X button until it was over. I didn't like it how there were like three or four of those tutorials. They're not fun.
I agree that they can be annoying. I started FFVIII like three times but never got past the Fire Carvern. So I had already seen the tutorial. It's only until now that I've fully began playing the game and it did annoy me that I couldn't skip the tutorial.
LOL, this was just about the only thing I disliked about the game aswell. I hate that with any game that you can't do that with, it is so annoying to have to go through all of it again when you replay a game.
This is what happens, the initial one, such as junctioning a GF you can go through, but after that, you can cancel at will, for instance at the fire cavern, you can skip that completely, and on the SeeD mission, Timber Owl Hideout on the train, you can skip those too, Junctioning Atk-J after graduating in the training centre...
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