Dislike this game

honestly, XII was a good game, and ill play it through many more times and probably start to see it in a better way, but if a few things were done differently it could have been epic.
Judge Rulia, we all know you like the game. If they don't like it, that's their choice. If you do, that your choice. But don't berate people for having a difference of opinion, whether you feel they state their opinions adequately or not. Feeling that the battle system was boring is a perfectly reasonable description. I understand you feel strongly about it but please, you borderline on flaming and trolling sometimes with your strong feelings about this game.
Judge Rulia, we all know you like the game. If they don't like it, that's their choice. If you do, that your choice. But don't berate people for having a difference of opinion, whether you feel they state their opinions adequately or not. Feeling that the battle system was boring is a perfectly reasonable description. I understand you feel strongly about it but please, you borderline on flaming and trolling sometimes with your strong feelings about this game.

Not to mention that the name of this thread is "I Didn't Like This Game", thus most would kind of assume that it's a thread for other people to share their same views on the game.

And the battle system...well...it is a tad boring. It's a bit of a novelty to let the computer do all the thinking for you and run in circles around the enemy, but it doesnt do a damn bit of good to further strategy or change the "you hit monster, monster hits you" fight. More than a yard between you and the giant frog? Guess what, the frog's attack will STILL hit you. The game makes you THINK you're playing an action-RPG, that if you put some distance between you and the enemy it wont be able to reach you...and then the game just slaps you in the face.
Well ive read this thread, and bearing in mind i haven't been on this forum in *cough* months, I'm going to have my little say. be warned a fair amount will be repeated along the lines of others who i share their views.
I'm not going to say 'its the worst' or 'i hate it'. Basically i was actually kinda let down on the game. Alot of the aspects in the game, i had this expectations of something greater.

As mentioned by many, well to be blunt the storyline and the character development sucked. Yes we know of FF's to be linear. There is even a formula for the storyline to follow that we all would even expect (go on a quest to destroy the bad guy in order to save someone/thing, and then find out that person is a mere puppet to the real bad guy, or theres a twist in events - in PS1 FFs it usually happened around, no, at the end of the 1st disk, in X it was finding the 'truth' about Sin, Zanarkand and Yevon.) In XII they deviate from this forumla and the storyline is fairly predictable. You know that Vayn is the ultimate boss. Your goal doesn't change really at all. Even what could be called the turning point of the story (the realisation of the manipulation of the gods and the rebel god and the destruction of the shard) hardly changes the course of the storyline.
As for character development, im not going to repeat much here but i totally agree with Oricalcon here on that the only development is in Ashe and Balthier, though i think there is a little bit with Basch and his history and relationship with his brother. I actually found the whole, 'find the crystals' storyline just a little bit to similar to the earliest of the final fantasy games. Youd think they would think of something a bit more fresh to go with.

For the game play. Mixed results. While I actually like the new real-time system (yes, well I did tend to get bored with the random battles in the old games though X's is really quite good with that system), i hate what has replaced the limit breaks and old summons. Personally i didn't think either of them contributed to the game apart from some eye candy. the mists or quicken chains I only ever used when i was despriate for some quick damage fast. There was no incentive to use them in normal battles. In VII, IX and X the limit breaks had to be 'earned' to use, you had to fill up the bar before you could execute a LB. and VIII was dependent of conditions eg. hp at critical being one condition (unless, of course, you had the aura spell upon the character). As for the summons, I think I used A smmon like 3, maybe 4 times and half was purely to see their ultimate move. They were otherwise useless. You couldn't manipulate them, you had a time limit with them, there was no gurantee that you'd see their ultimate attack, and it drained all or at least a heavty chunk of your mp. Which made healing fairly hard, if you were in a dire situation. FFX summon system (abeit only one character could use them) was much better.
Yeah i agree with those about the LP system. At least in X, where you could have all the characters end up with having all the same spells and other abilities, at least they had their own weapon/shield/attachment classes, which made things alot more intresting. As someone said they tried making it too much like Neverwinter Nights. It only works where you control only one character of your own making. That way all the playable characters, AI or player controlled still remain individual.

Graphics. So-so. Lived up to expectations. Would have been disapointted with anything less. Though the AV clips were pretty amazing. I just thought the intro bit, with the diary/journal entry was a tad tedious to click through. I was tempted to skip that bit even though it was my first run through with the game.

Music..... shocking. As another person from another forum sad. Most of it sounded like elevator music for a final fantasy. A little harsh but i my opinion true. There weren't really any stand out themes. Like I never catch myself humming or having stuck in my head any music from the game and I played that game at good 90hrs. ok I like the intro and credit music. And what i call the standard 'pop' song. But all that was composed by not the main composer of the game, as i descovered reading the credits after I finished the game. The only theme that really sticks out is the Arcadia theme that plays on the games english offical webpage. now thats a powerful piece of music. Actually theres one theme music that has a motif (or phrase) of music that sounds like it was taken from Lucrecia's theme in DoC.

Sidequests, well I shall make my complaints again. Apart from the Marks sidequests (and related sidequests) - which I think is pretty damn good, hell of an improvement from the Monster Arena in X (i found it a bit tedius), there is virtually no sidequests at all. At least non that I found in the game, and I haven't seen to many listed on websites about the game or in walkthroughs.

Anyway Ive said my bit, done my whinging. But overall for a RPG is a 7/10, but for a Final Fantasy sadly only a 5/10.
i havent yet beat it i am just past beating that judge on mt bur-omisasce

but so far i am dissapointed, the story line is not gripping at all like FFX and my favorite (FF8) it just tags along.. the main character sucks by the way

Vaan is the worst main character of all time, regardless of what anyone says.. he has no character.. hes just like a child tagging along

I hope the game gets better because so far it is boring

I loved FF8, i havent played FF7 i ordered it on ebay and once im done with 12 i will play it because i have heard many good things about it, just never was able to purchase one until i got a ebay account
I do not agree. I'm sorry but it's just my opinion. I think the characters are well done and deserve a lot of credit. The story's awesome as well.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy FFVII and I'm sure you will.
I never could put my finger on it, but you are so right about the weapons. It's no fun at all when everyone can use the same weapons. What about Zidane's kickass double blades (not the two single ones, the ones like Darth Maul's lightsaber), those were friggin awesome, but imagine if Freya or Vivi had been able to use them. There never woulda been anything special about the blades then. Also it just seems unrealistic when a lightweight girl can swing around a giant broadsword.

But i fail to see the improvements over X though, aside from voice acting. Auron's voice was fine, and Wakka's suited him....but most of the others were just terrible, especially Tidus's whiny prepubescent voice.

Hahahaha Tidus was a joke and Vaan is more of a joke.. I also like what you said about the weapons i very much agree with you.

I dont know how the story turns out but so far ive played 5 ff's

I got to the end on 8 and before defeating ultimecia i put a bad scratch in my cd and was never able to finish it. but i know how it ends anyways

X had a decent story line, sad but good ending..

the classics, 5 and 6 that i played.. good old 2d SNES ff's i loved them. brilliant story lines. imagine sitting at home at the age of 11 or 12 in pure enjoyment

Then comes 12 which hasnt impressed me yet, everyone here has their reasons but here are mine.

It has nothing to do with the license board. the gambits... the espers... the leveling style... the turn based or new battle system... its simply the fact that the characters LACK EVERYTHING

I cant look at vaan or penelo.. or ash... I play with basch cuz he reminds me a bit of auron, balthier is ok and fran is ok too. But the other three absolutely suck they are lifeless.. also the story line isnt really too interesting to be honest..

First this guy kills him, then that guy kills him, then u kill this judge,,, then theres this judge.. then theres this that this that this that... all bullshit.. ff8 had ultimecia.. she was ur enemy.. x had sin he was ur enemy.. this storyline is absolutely lacking
I will admit the storyline isn't quite all there. I especially don't like it when the game points out it's own mistakes like when Balthier asks Vaane "Why are you still here" and he can't answer the question. I agree he has no real plot in the story other then the fact that Bashe's brother betrayed Reks and Vaane wants revenge.

I don't know why SquareEnix didn't just make Ashe the main character, I guess their sexist and don't want a female to be a main character. And don't mention X-2 that's not even regarded as a Final Fantasy game in my opinion.

But I will admit the battle system and side quests are what keep me entertained and playing the game.
Vaan is the worst main character of all time, regardless of what anyone says.. he has no character.. hes just like a child tagging along

I hope the game gets better because so far it is boring

I loved FF8, i havent played FF7 i ordered it on ebay and once im done with 12 i will play it because i have heard many good things about it, just never was able to purchase one until i got a ebay account

XII doesnt really have a main character, but i suppose the closest one to that would be Ashe. Vaan is just a tag-along, like you said, and he doesnt contribute the story in any way at all. And dont worry, you wont be disappointed with VII ^_^ Play IX too if you havent already, that game is a good example of what good character development is.

It has nothing to do with the license board. the gambits... the espers... the leveling style... the turn based or new battle system... its simply the fact that the characters LACK EVERYTHING

A couple things that suck about the license board are that, for one, you essentially have to pay for things twice. One type of currency (LP) for the armour/weapons/magicks on the board, another type (gil) to actually buy the things from shops. I dont mind paying for armour or even spells, i've seen people complain about that but what about VII where you bought materia (and i think V did it too)? But what i dont like is paying twice for something. If i have enough LP to get a spell on the license board, i want to be able to USE it, not wait until i get far enough in the storyline to where it's available in shops.

Another thing about it is...well...it just doesnt make sense. Now i'm guessing that in Ivalice, if you had a helmet but no LP for it, if you tried to wear it...you'd get arrested? Maybe? During wartime i dont think soldiers would go around searching people for LP. But somehow...if you have the helmet but no LP...it makes some sort of barrier around it so you cant even wear it? *shrugs* Actually...um...this VG Cats comic illustrates my point perfectly:
Ehh for me it was diffrent. I like it so far even though i havent completed it yet. The characters themselves, gah yes they are good with how thye portray themselves, byt thier reason for fighting seems drab. They hardly speak with any emotion or just the way they speak is making you think your watching some poor acted out drama. Battle system new and creative. liked how you could see your enemies but didnt like the gambit approach. With gambits it took a lot of fun out of the game which is why i hardly use them. sorta miss the ATB style or similar turn base from the rest of the FF's. Summoing is not as great as some die as soon as you bring them out and they are so ridcusoly powerfull when you fight them, but lose that strength when you use them. Great world exploration aspect so far best one they came out with. Decent game as it stands but in some aspects could be a little better.
It was a good game in terms of RPG'S, but was it a good FF game? I think not, mainly because i just didnt feel anything for the characters, their development was poor and the story seemed to just be there to keep you motivated...i didnt actually care for the story. The only things i enjoyed really where the hunts because i got to level up and collect awesome weapons, but as far as FF games go, this is my least favourite. I personally loved the old random encounter system.
I really didn't care for this game that much either. I've practically given up on it actually because I don't really care what happends to any of the characters or where the plot is going. It actually quite an overdone story tbh.

Maybe the story just didn't make a good RPG.
I agree with you Rydia, I stopped playing it as well and don't have a lot of interest going back to playing it. At first I was really enjoying it but after a while, it gets boring and all I seem to do is train. The storyline tends to get rather dull for me and I haven't been able to get into it as much as previous games. The graphics are beautiful though, I like them a lot. The characters aren't that great to me either, they don't really interest me in the least. There are some good aspects to it but there's just a lot I simply don't care for.
There's been so many FFXII hater threads and I'm not sure if I've posted in this one already but here goes:S.
I am a huge fan of this game and really like the story and characters. Everything about this game is good in my opinion. Nuff said.
I played this game for awhile, I managed to got myself as far as Balfonheim Port, but that was it. This game has nothing that would make me feel that I'm playing FF game, exept for the moogles and chocobos. I don't like the characters, like I'm watching a bad acted movie, they seem so distant to me. The battle system is boring and weird. It feels like most of the time I'm just fighting, and the story just pops occasionally between the fighting and fighting.
I agree with Crazy Chocobo. At first I really into it. But as I progresse deeper into the game, my interest in it fades. It's just not as addicting as the last few ff games. Dont get me wrong I do like the game. And will probably play it again (after two months of not touching it) when I deplete(sp) all my other sources of entertainment.
say what?

idk guys! i like this game, maybe your one of those people who waited and waited and waited for it to come out and got your hopes WAY too high? i love it, i think the new battle system is tight! its like a MMO! and i play those ALOT! and the story so far is very good! typical or not! the charector design is nice! i never thought i would think a rabbit was hot! ( sorry jessica rabbit but you got pwned ) and the over all presentation is nicely done! if you want old school final fantasy, the DS offers it! also look up dragonfable.com AWSOME browser rpg. but to get back on topic, this game is amazing, and if you get tired of the gambits doing the work,YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LET THEM! you can either turn some off wich is probably suicide, or just keep them on and tweak things yourself! 10/10 imo :P :P :P

as far as compareing this to FF7 8 9 or 10 thats a toughie i loved them all, but found the story in 9 a bit lacking, while i loved 9's take on graphics from ff7 and the areas were awsome, the battles were good, i just didnt care for a monkey boy as the lead char and the end was meh! now the end of FF 10 that was amazing, imo best ending ever! and 8, while most disliked it i loved it, i loved the card game! the battles! the GFs the draw system, all of it! and as for 7, i mean cmon its FF 7 its THE FF! enough said, so as far as 12 gos, its ALOT better then FF X-2 ( the girly mission based crap fest ) at least squear is trying something new here guys! and after a long day at work. its just what im looking forward to playing.
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I totally agree. The game started out awesome... but the end was a total cop-out. Once they started up the Occuria business, it was obvious that the game had jumped the shark. The whole novelty of the beginning was partly due to the political nature, in opposition to the supernatural stuff seen in previous FFs, however, the Occuria brought back the supernatural into focus like a bad aftertaste.