Disney Buys LucasFilms... gets rights to Star Wars

As has been said, so long as George Lucas is kept away from it, there's always a chance any future film(s) could be good. But would have to wait and see who they get on board for it of course.
am I the only person in the world who liked Episode 1 and 2...... but yes three was very crap :hmph:

well let's see, we have pixar, the best 3d animation studio around, disney, the best 2d animation studio around, marvel, the master of super hero and action films, and lucus with star wars... I see episode 7 being a dam crazy action film with awesome 3d animation..... :jess:
they are planning a ton of episodes, and with everything disney has at its arsenal, and lucas is still going to be an adviser.. disney is going to rake in hand over fist as long as they listen to lucas and not just have him on set for his name.
episode 1 was eh... episode 2 was really good and episode 3 i felt coulda told a better story, was not very good in the beginning and i felt they rushed it a bit. 3 in my opinion coulda been broken into two parts.
disney is going to continue the story after vader's death, i know lucas has written years beyond the death of luke and laya, so its going to be fun to see how far they go with these movies and also maybe disney will go through with the rumor that has been swirling for years about a bridge tv series that tells the story of what happened in the years between episode 3 and episode 4.
But...Disney's very recent track record with science fiction isn't great, is it??

I mean... John Carter?? I just shudder at the thought of it.

Also, I enjoyed the CGI of Episodes I- III... But I was a kid back then. :hmmm:

I believe we should take this action:

wait and see before we become critical and scare off other new fans from seeing them (Just like forums and the internet did with FF XIII) :monster:


Still... I don't know about this... IT'S A TRAP!
interesting fact. return of the jedi has never made any money. not a penny. lucasarts have managed to avoid paying david prowse (darth vader) anything for almost 40 years.
going to back up your claim there doctor

this is straight from techdirt.com

[h=1]Hollywood Accounting: Darth Vader Not Getting Paid, Because Return Of The Jedi Still Isn't Profitable[/h][h=3]from the it-might-draw-you-to-the-dark-side dept[/h]Last year, we wrote about Hollywood accounting and how the big studios set up "corporations" for each movie, specifically designed to "lose money," often by paying money back to the studio itself. Basically, the studio sets up this "company," but then charges the company a huge "fee," such that the company itself rarely, if ever, becomes profitable. Of course, hugely successful films usually still get past the threshold, but perhaps not all of them. Hugues Lamy points us to the news that the actor who played Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi is saying that Lucasfilm still isn't paying residuals, claiming that the film is still not profitable:
“I get these occasional letters from Lucasfilm saying that we regret to inform you that as Return of the Jedi has never gone into profit, we’ve got nothing to send you. Now here we’re talking about one of the biggest releases of all time,” said Prowse. “I don’t want to look like I’m bitching about it,” he said, “but on the other hand, if there’s a pot of gold somewhere that I ought to be having a share of, I would like to see it.”
If you adjust for inflation, Jedi is the 15th highest grossing films of all time. In other words, the movie has made a ton of money. But somehow, amazingly, Lucasfilm is still able to claim that it lost money. And you wonder where the MPAA got its math skills.

the movie grossed 573 million world wide and cost 33 million to make... so my math my not be the best..but someone owes some one some money..
I wonder what will happen to the Indiana Jones series. We have 4 films there. The trilogy was an absolute masterpiece of films imo. I loved them as a child and love them today. The 4th film for me personally was a let down. Many people said it was just too over the top with the fridge and nuke thing but indy has always been over the top. Tank going over the cliff etc. I just found the 4th movie to be so poorly written. The scenes which are intended to be funny, like when theyre in the quick sand just made me cringe as did the bit with the monkeys when shia le bouf hes swinging about like tarzan :damon:

Hopefully they leave Indy alone. For me personally Harrison Ford is Indiana Jones but like every person on the planet he has aged and just isnt suited for that role anymore. And i think casting a new set of films with shia le bouf as the star would be the biggest disaster they could make. Im not a fan of his acting at all. Hopefully they stay away from Indy altogether. Id rather they left Star Wars be aswell instead of this planned new trilogy episodes 7,8 and 9. Return of the Jedi ended everything so nicely i dont see a reason to add more to it.

Granted i might be cool to see a kingdom hearts game where you see cinderella being force choked to death by darth vader but i wish theyd leave out the films. Just make a kids cartoon or something similar to the clone wars series (which ive never seen) Why must everything go on and on and on. Some films just shouldnt have sequels.
With Shia, I agree it will be a disaster. That is part of the reason why I don't find Indy 4 to be as enjoyable as the first three.

I don't think that Shia is cut out to be an action star in the style of Harrison Ford was in the 80's. You need someone with a bit of more bulk than Shia, but there isn't anyone in Hollywood today that is both ready and willing to be typecast to succeed Ford as Indy(if they are really serious about keeping Crystal Skull as part of Indy canon).
I thought his character was poorly written. He was so cocky and arrogant then suddenly hes all respectfull towards indy. They could have picked somoene better to play his son. Prefereably someone a bit older and like you said bulkier than shia. I cant really think of anyone atm but crystal skull was just a bad movie sadly. Was one of my highly anticipated movies too...let down.
Then the film is already destined to be garbage. Hes too wimpy looking to play the role. Harrison ford was really the only one...but if it has to be done pick a better actor =/
The father son thing worked really well in the last crusade with sean connery as indy's father. Technically i spose it wont be indy but theyl use the name indiana jones because its so well known. Shia de poof just is not the right actor for the job -______-
A fifth film starring Shia as the lead would be a...Mutt Williams film, not an Indiana Jones film. But, Indie is a big franchise name that they'll be too scared to drop or radically change. Oh dear. It'll be like another Harry Potter film but starring his son Albus-Severus-whatshisname yet still calling it Harry Potter. It would be weird and kind of daft.

I suppose at least with Star Wars, there is no obligation to have any of the Episodes I-VI lot around anymore, though I don't know whether or not that will get certain people whining about how this just isn't Star Wars anymore for whatever reason.
I could care less. I will be the grump in this thread. I liked most all the Star Wars. I'm not a pretentious Hipster, to think the 1-3 were not good movies. They had some entertainment and if they add more stuff later on I'm sure it will be better than before.

Disney hasn't really screwed anything up over the years. Now what I'm really sick of .. are all the stupid Comic Book movies hitting the big screens. There are only a handful of good ones, the rest are.. awful. Might as well put porn up there, least it has better "content" than watching stupid Ryan Reynolds be the green lantern.
Disney will probably make VII, VIII, and IX better than George Lucas ever could.

Think about it: a Guillermo Del Toro or Joss Whedon Star Wars.