Disney Buys LucasFilms... gets rights to Star Wars






In all seriousness, they could be good but they could be bad. I was always happy with the films ending at 6, I thought the story was concluded and left on a good note. So I don't understand why make any more episodes. IMO, all I ever wanted were *possible* remakes of episode I, II, and III (I'm talking about the originals :hmph:). Like I said before, I'm indifferent about this whole thing. I just hope they don't make terrible installments. :sad3:

I can imagine what my oldest brother is doing right about now after hearing about this. :lew: ... It couldn't be pretty. :wacky:
I could care less. I will be the grump in this thread. I liked most all the Star Wars. I'm not a pretentious Hipster, to think the 1-3 were not good movies. They had some entertainment and if they add more stuff later on I'm sure it will be better than before.

I'm not a pretentious hipster and I didn't think Episodes I-III were good movies at all. If you liked the, great but just because someone didn't care for them does not make them pretentious. I found them all to be quite dull, especially II. I nearly fell asleep watching it at the theater. I didn't find Hayden whats-his-face to be believable at all as the future Darth Vader. Everyone was very bland and wooden with their acting. I just didn't enjoy watching them. They could have been decent but imo, they weren't.

As far as Disney owning LucasFilms now, I guess I don't really care that much. I enjoyed the original Star Wars trilogy and I enjoyed the original Indiana Jones trilogy. If they make more and they don't look interesting to me, I don't have to go see them.
I didn't find Hayden whats-his-face to be believable at all as the future Darth Vader.

I agree, which is ashame because the chap actually is quite a decent actor. Same with whats-her-face who played as Padme. She's a good actress, but was terrible in Star Wars. I personally think it was all down to the scripting of the films. It just doesn't seem like they had any of their own input as to how they portrayed the characters.

I'm not fussed about Disney owning Lucasfilm. It's not like they'll be dictating how the films will turn out. It's still gonna be the same Lucasfilm from before their move to Disney. George Lucas is still staying on as a creative consultant, so he's still going to have a lot of input in the Star Wars movies.

And, take Marvel Studios, for example. There's been nothing but awesome coming from them, and they're owned by Disney.

I don't necessarily think that Disney buying Lucasfilm is going to be a good thing, nor do I think it will be a bad thing. It's definitely got me interested, but I'm gonna reserve judgement til 2015, upon the release of Episove VII.

I do not think the new ones will be featuring any old characters, they'll just be set in the same universe

Apparently the next trilogy is still going to be following the story of Luke, Han Solo and Princess Leia. Although, I kinda hope they set up a completely fresh story, with new characters.
george lucas is having a very limited creative input for episode 7, and then will probably have no involvement with 8 or 9. there is potential for something really good there, with a whole new cast of characters and therefore whole new story in the same universe. obviously for marketing purposes, we'll probably get characters like r2d2 and/or c3po.
the massive rumours flying around are that jj abrams will be directing episode 7: http://www.thewrap.com/movies/article/jj-abrams-set-direct-next-star-wars-film-exclusive-74596

this is quite interesting, since he's already done star trek which means he's in charge of probably the two biggest sci-fi franchises ever, and it gives the fans something to really fight about. i suppose we can expect a lot of lens flare and a villain that looks like a giant crab for the new star wars.
The JJ Abrams development doesn't catch my attention. I never saw that new Star Trek, and LOST was always just an annoyingly muddled mess of a plot.

It also doesn't help his case that the ST and SW fanboys will probably be up in arms again because of it...
Ehh, Whatevs. I liked the original three Star Wars movies. My personal favorite is "Return of the Jedi". I just hope Disney doesn't fuck up the legacy of the movies. I'm gonna assume they now have permission to create a Star Wars movie. Which might be bad. But it might be good. Who knows?