Disney Worlds?


May 5, 2007
Does anyone have any information on what Disney worlds are going to be in this game.Its goign to be difficult unless they just Re-vist all the disney movie based worlds again the only one i like that they missed out was The Jungle Book. so does any one have any information they could enlighten me upon? :cool:

EDIT: Actually they also havent gone into the film fantasia properly (there is the part where you go up the castle after Twilight Town The,Mysterious Tower,but that just had the sorcerer from the sorcerer's apprentice)

[Mod Edit: This thread now incorporates suggestions from any franchise, not just Disney and Final Fantasy - feel free to now discuss possible worlds from whichever company you wish.]
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Some pf the new disney films might feature in KH3 like finding Nemo. I would like to see a toy story world.
some possibilities that they haven't used yet:

Toy Story(this would be great)
Mr toad(not likely a world though)
sword and the stone
jungle book
chicken little
treasure planet
robin hood(very likely)

these ar some that can be used just off the top of my head. not really found anywhere.
Isn't wind in the willows for Mr. toad. I might be mistaken, but maybe not. probbably just feature the characters. the pirate sequals would be interesting but the one i've been waiting for has always been toy story. I want to fight along buzz
even if toy story became a world, most likely you would be woody as he is more involved with the story than buzz, wind in the willows is different, i just dont know if it is disney or not though

here is another idea! fox and the hound
Shrek would be cool. Snow white made an apperance in KH1, I dont think a full world would be that good.
Well, I think that we'll probably see something of Snow White, Cinderella, and Aurora because of their role as Princesses of Heart - as for an entire world however, most likely it'll go to Sleeping Beauty. I say this because it would be the most likely final dueling ground between Sora and Maleficent, and I suspect that Sora will have to battle her in III, since we missed out on it in II. It would be a pretty awesome world, if they had a forest of roses and thorns.

I love Pixar movies and currently that studio has got their creative torch burning, unlike the Disney studios, but I don't think I'd like to see any of the Pixar worlds to be turned into KH worlds, though I can't really put my finger on the reason.

I think that Aladdin will probably make a return, if only to finish off the trilogy, which the games kind of follow. Olympic Colosseum will probably return, perhaps with the third battle arena being held on Mount Olympus.

Lilo and Stitch might make an appearance, although that may just be wishful thinking on my part. Though the more I think of it, it does seem a bit plausible, since it already has aliens visiting on ships and whatnot. And I keep imagining a surfing mini game.

As mentioned before, Robin Hood seems like a good choice. I can imagine an archery-type mini game.

A true Pinocchio world might be in order, perhaps featuring Pleasure Island. This, too, has loads of potential for - need I say it? - mini games.

I'm sure there will be at least one surprise world. I mean, who the hell expected TRON?!

And for the people who are mentioning it, Shrek is NOT Disney, it belongs to Dreamworks - please get your studios straight.
Poor animators...

Get them TOLD ;)

I think what they're confusing it with is the common use of technology between Dreamworks and Pixar.

Yeah... and also, Disney is such a household name for any children's entertainment. I remember me being annoyed that everyone was calling Anastasia a Disney movie, when it was created by Fox. Same goes for Fox's other animated features (Fern Gully, Swan Princess, Thumbelina).

That's why I was kinda hoping that Pixar would start making movies independent of Disney, just to create more competition and diversity in the market, but since the merger, I guess that isn't gonna happen.
i still say they should make 1 or 2 final fantasy worlds and put them in there, like possibly midgar or alexandria. idk about you guys, but i think that would be cooler then seeing cid and yuffie hang out with merlin.
So true...

i still say they should make 1 or 2 final fantasy worlds and put them in there, like possibly midgar or alexandria. idk about you guys, but i think that would be cooler then seeing cid and yuffie hang out with merlin.

I always thought that the worlds were all majority Disney, due to the fact that Disney probably pulls the most weight, in terms of giving the pass and go. And also to balance off the fact that the main characters are credited to Square.

But I think Disney will give Square a bit more reign on the third game, just as it did for the first. But there's also the point that most of the FF characters have childhoods or pasts that can be traced either to the Destiny Islands or Hollow Bastion.
What worlds do you hope to see in KH3?

Returning worlds, or new worlds.


.Snow White

. Roger Rabbit

. Phochanoas (whatever)

A few more....
I'd like to see some Final Fantasy worlds. As far as Disney goes, I don't care. They've hit on pretty much all the good ones.

Jungle Book, maybe? Robin Hood wouldn't be too shabby either.
Sorry again, I do not mean to be trouble. This site has an unique lay out. It took me awhile to find the art forum and etc . I will look more carefully before making another thread.