Dissidia Character Discussion Thread

The fights against Chaos are ridiculous, he tries to hard all the time.

I found those battles not challenging at all but more annoying, excessive attacks 3 battles in a row.....c'mon there are other ways to make it challenging.

I only just started using COD and while she can be devastating, No body on the game likes her, even the other Chaos minions lol.
I was simply stating that he tries hard to begin with, but just plain OVERWHELMS you once an EX Core makes its presence known. Maybe it's just me though, but just...wow.

Just something random, but I'm starting to like Exdeath's Almagest counterattack. Hardly any time for the enemy to run.
Exdeath does have excellent counter moves and provides a change from all out attack and punishment some of the other characters seem to be about, its good to see a defence based fighter on the roster.
I'm starting to think of him as the best character suitable for Inward Chaos (haven't passed THAT yet). My only Lv 100 character is Zidane, and I don't think that'll go well. I tried Inward Chaos once at Lv 94ish. Lost on my first encounter.
I struggled so much with Inward Chaos cos my main was Zidane back then, he's not the best choice for fighting Chaos. I managed to finally do it with Firion, but I was really lucky; he seemed to like using Soul of Oblivion a lot in the battle, meaning an easy Straightarrow in the face.

The part that pisses me off the most with Chaos is his summon and how he can use it like 3 times in one battle. Plus the Omega one (the one that keeps halving your brav) seems to lasts about 3 times the length of normal Omega.

I'm just curious, which characters did everyone use at first, and how they feel about that character now? Like I mentioned Zidane was my first, then changed around a bit but went back to him again after being able to block and dodge properly. I also preferred Cloud over Squall at first, but now it's completely the opposite.
I used Sqaull 1st because his was the FF game I played.
I still use him and have recorded over 800 Wins with him, the same for Cloud, Terror
Sephiroth is about 1500 wins and He was my first character I used when they became optional.

He is by far my most proficient Fighter, which one is Inward Chaos again?

Is that the last story mode with opponents in 120 range?
Inward Chaos is the last story of the game, with all enemies at least Lv 93 or above.

My first fight with Chaos (last chapter of Shade Impulse), I used Zidane. He was Lv 38 against a Lv 48 Chaos, so I just kept losing even after using all skills to weaken him at first. But I then leveled him up to fiftyish, so it was much easier.
Use the same move over and over in a combo

For zidane, he has 3 infinites

Vortex> dodge cancel> vortex> repeat

Tempest> Return dodge cancel> Tempest> repeat

Rumble Rush> Time cancel> Rumble ruush> repeat
Translation? Sorry, I'm new to Dissidia. It's been 22 days since I got it.

Man do you have along way to go!

Its fun though so keep at it........Ive had mine for about 9 months or so and it still has me enthralled, l'm not bragging here but I have had 6000 battles on dissidia I think its safe to say Im obssesed:confused:
^ Just...wow. :x3:

Use the same move over and over in a combo

For zidane, he has 3 infinites

Vortex> dodge cancel> vortex> repeat

Tempest> Return dodge cancel> Tempest> repeat

Rumble Rush> Time cancel> Rumble ruush> repeat

I'm more of a midair guy (Zidane's area, anyway) so I can't risk it with Rumble Rush (too much recovery time too, if he were to dodge the first hit). Can only use Tempest if Chaos is open, so I'll consider it. And I think I actually tried doing that with Vortex (the one where he spins?) against a Lv 100 Chaos, and it works (but got my butt whooped anyway, so I got a long way to go).
Everyone please try and remember that this is a post count section. Try and expand on your posts as much as possible and avoid short one-line posts. Thanks. :)
Stiltzkin has spoken!

*ahem* Anyway, since I don't have much to do for now, I've decided to replay the stories to collect the rest of the summons. Redone Tidus' a long time ago, and I just finished Squall's today.

I think I'm done in the character discussion thread, as I've said my piece. I'll post in the right topic for help just so I don't get in trouble. :)
Anyway new to forums and game soo...

Well i have some friends and each of them just go and level cloud and sephiroth and its kinda annoying cos they just pick him cos they love cloud without giving any of the other characters a look even if they dunno how to play with him damn it lol. I usually go for Squall, still leveling him atm and starting to level Firion and attempting to learn how to use Jecht properly.
Cloud: He was too easy and addictive to use when he got strong enough plus i liked his alternate Advent Children outfit

I just basically like his Giant Materia attack.

Tidus: I liked him cause off his one HP attack where he jumps in the air and sends a bunch of light rays at his opponent (i pissed off a lot of my friends doing this :)
When you get to know the other players, you'll find that there are better characters than cloud. As for energy rain, I don't see how anyone can be pissed. It is really easy to dodge.
And then you learn about stuff like wallrush combos, ex-linking, and double cut mind games, and realize that Cloud is actually really good =P