Do Swear Words Offend You?


Dark Knight
Dec 9, 2007
This was inspired by the "How Often do You Swear?" thread, but I thought it deserved it's own thread.

So do you get offended by swear words by themselves? For me and most of my friends, it usually depends on the tone or context in which a swear word is used, for example; if a swear word is used in a joking way, it generally won't bother me, or if a swear word is used in a casual way, it is very unlikely to offend me.

But I know a few people who are offended by swear words in general regardless of the tone or context.

Does it bother you if people swear when it seems unnecessary to do so?
Nah not at all. I've gotten used to it. I mean I grew up being taught not to say swear words at all and for awhile while growing up, I did acted weird whenever I hear swear swords. Like I'd be in school and this kid next to me suddenly starts using cuss words and I'll quickly snap my head at his direction, my eyes all wide, and I'd think, "Ooooh, he said the 'F' word." -_-

But yeah, it doesn't bother me at all, especially when used in a joking manner, although I must say that when someone says it in every single sentence, it does tend to get very annoying. >.>
It bothers me greatly. One of the main reasons I don't cuss is that I hate it.
No, I don't think I have capacity to find them offensive, I mean it's pretty much common English language now the amount of times you hear people swear. It's probably harder to find people who don't swear rather than ones that do.
I don't really know anyone who dislikes swearing though I do know a fair number of girls dislike "cunt".

hmm, people rarely swear around me....just makes me laugh usually....
i feel really uncomfortable when women swear.....dont like to be around ladies like that...
I'd be a complete hypocrite if it offended me, although even I might elbow someone if they are effing and blinding in the middle of like, a supermarket or some shit...although I'm guilty of it myself

It's just a natural part of the language round here think, people slip a fuck and a shit in every other sentence and no one cares, it's not offensive, or at least its not meant to be, it's like peope say 'Im going to the fucking shop' it's unecessary, but I don't bat an eyelid

So no, Im not offended by it xD
It bothers me greatly. One of the main reasons I don't cuss is that I hate it.
More effort etc

I don't really know anyone who dislikes swearing though I do know a fair number of girls dislike "cunt".
Which I've always found odd, the same girls normally wouldn't bat an eyelid at saying cock or dick etc.

But it's sticks and stones, I, like everyone else I should think, have been sworn at plenty of times, and you'd have to be quite thin skinned to be offended. Swearing's just a part of life.
Nah cant say it bothers me at all to be honest. I swear quite a lot so id be a hypocrite if i went all high and mighty and said it bothers me. There really isnt any need in my oppinion for swearing every 2 words in a sentence but regardless i still dont care. Words are words:|
No it doesn't bother me in the slightest, I rarely swear in rl, but it's a bit different on the webs xD
Where I live everyone says it as if it's common English so you get used to it really. I've just never seen it as such a bad thing after all, they're only words.
I'm a regular sailor myself, mainly because words that are called "swear" words in my opinion are not all that bad. I mean if you analyze it, seriously we just made up words to make the other words sound worse. It's like... Heck and Hell or Dang and Damn. I tend to laugh when I hear a new swear word, but I'm very I mean VERY respectful around people who have kids.

I'm not trying to corrupt them, so I usually keep it down when they come around. I've also had to take care of cousins in the past, so I don't swear around them, but if you get me around any of my buds, we don't give a rats ass to say the least. It's all a matter of perspective really.
No. They add emphasis to the words they're used with, especially in a joke. I've grown up around swearing, so I am not offended at all when people swear around me. It does get irritating when people swear in every sentence though.
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I don't get offended by swear words because I swear quite often myself. =0

I dislike doing it but it's hard to stop it sometimes, considering I've become quite accustomed to it now unfortunately.

However, I only swear when I'm annoyed and I call items names such as my phone 'effing phone'. I do not call people cuss words or use them in any way towards people. I find that rather offensive.

It disgusts me when men call girls 'sl*ts, c*nts' etc. It also annoys me when girls publicly swear like it's the norm.

Oh and also in shopping centres you hear people on their phones screaming into the speaker, "Oh f*ck this and f*ck that" in the presence of children. That pisses me off. That's just disrespectful.

I do swear but I minimise it so that I only do it in private if need be. I may let the occasional swear word slip out in public now and then, but I do try to watch myself because other people may be offended. =/
Depending on the situation I swear quite alot myself so I dont really have any problem with it. Although I really do try and not swear around young kids as they pick up on and copy you so much and little kids swearing is never good. But apart from that I dont really care if I or anyone else swears as much or as little as they like.
As Kelly and Ryan pointed out - swearing in general is part of collective Britain nowadays; you'll have a hard time spending a day out and not hear someone say any such word casually, or in some exacerbated context. As for finding this offensive... no. Because it's such a general commodity here now, even hearing it used in a derogatory manner [i.e. acting aggressively towards a person/me] doesn't phase me.

It's quite sad to think that we need to resort to using such words; that our vocabulary is deteriorating as much as it seems to be, but alas it's here to stay.
Swearing doesn't really offend me, I hear these words everyday used in casual conversation so if they are used in an offensive context, they're no worse than the other words they are attached with.

I think a word would only offend you if you let yourself be offended by it, if you become accustomed to hearing the word used in a casual context, you'll begin to disassociate the negative connotations it would usually have, and just see it as another word.

It's all up to the individual really, I have lots of female friends who despise the word cunt, yet others use it all the time, and I have another friend who gets offended by the word sperm, so it's all up to the individual really.
Swearing doesn't bother me unless it's deliberately used offensively. Slipping the odd F or S word into conversation is fine with me, and something I do quite often without even realising.
Swearing doesn't bother me because I'm something of a potty mouth myself. I don't, however, swear around little kids, parents, or people I don't know very well. I can respect people not wanting to hear foul language.

The word c*nt actually used to bother me a lot for the simple fact the only time I ever heard it was in an angry, derogatory manner. But, after living with a few friends of mine who used the word in a regular basis I became completely desensitized to it. They used it in everyday phrases...such as, "Hey cunt, would you pass me that remote?"

So now whenever I use it I forget how offensive it can be.
nope, not in the slightest. I use them in conversation with both my friends and my family. However, I don't like the words "retard" or "retarded". I don't care if it is used in a professional manner or whatnot; I still think that it's offensive and slightly derogatory.
Swearing never offends me (unless used in a purposefully offensive way to make fun of someone or something) as I swear quite a bit myself and it's often the most effective emphasis in a joke or something. It does however get on my nerves if someone swears constantly like every other word. I find that annoying just because it gets crass after a while when that's how someone always talks.
No. People who whine about it irritate the fuck out of me, because they're just words. The sentiment is what counts. If I called someone a pedantic imbecile, it's not any more or less offensive than calling them a fucking idiot, it's just the same (or sort of same) sentiment worded differently.

I have no qualms about swearing in public or in front of children, either. The fact that they might pick up a naughty word or two isn't going to ruin their childhood. Plus, kids use insults just as much as adults, and substituting words still doesn't alter the sentiment. The insult of choice when I was an eight year old was "friggin' fart knocker." I still don't see how that's better than calling someone a "fucking shithead" when you mean pretty much the same thing either way.

Or maybe I'm just an asshole.