Do you like Blitzball


Boats and hoes....
Jul 14, 2008
Restarted FFX, and Ive gone into perfectionist mode, so at the tournament in Luca, I want to win even though it really doesn't make a difference.

I just lost 4 - 3, why? Because as I shot with Tidus to level to score at 3 - 3, the scene started where Tidus and Wakka substitute, so even though the shot was going in, it didn't. Then they scored, and I managed to score again right before the end.

So reset my PS2 and now starting the match again.

This so called "random factor" with tackles and what-not is screwing me over contantly, I'd tackle with 8 AT, and they have 6 EN, yet keep the ball. Really annoying me.

Anyone else find this as annoying as I do?
Restarted FFX, and Ive gone into perfectionist mode, so at the tournament in Luca, I want to win even though it really doesn't make a difference.

I just lost 4 - 3, why? Because as I shot with Tidus to level to score at 3 - 3, the scene started where Tidus and Wakka substitute, so even though the shot was going in, it didn't. Then they scored, and I managed to score again right before the end.

So reset my PS2 and now starting the match again.

This so called "random factor" with tackles and what-not is screwing me over contantly, I'd tackle with 8 AT, and they have 6 EN, yet keep the ball. Really annoying me.

Anyone else find this as annoying as I do?
It's supposed to be random, but it always finds a way to fuck you over. I just make sure that my players are at a much higher level than the opposition.
But to win the first game you really need to score twice at least. Tidus' Jecht shot and Wakka's venom shot should do it. Then just get the ball and pass it around so that the Goers can't get the ball.
Just played it again, won 2 - 0. First half, just kept the ball, gave it to either Botta or Jassu cAn't remember which, and scored. Second half, got the ball to Tidus, Jecht shot, goal. Then just wasted time by passing it about.

It still annoys the hell out've me, lord know what it'll be like getting Wakka's stuff from the tournaments lol.
It gets a lot easier, as you can sign Wedge, who at low levels is almost as good as Tidus.
Since Tidus is your best player you'll tend to pass the ball to him a lot so he becomes even better so winnning tournaments becomes easy.
Yeah. Letty always seems to be one of my best players later on, mainly because he's passing the ball an awful lot, gaining him plenty of exp.

Brother can be pretty good too if I recall.
I hate Blitzball...I pretty much hate all of the sidegames, apart from Sphere Break from X2, because that made my brain really work l
The Luca Goers are among the easiest teams to beat. I rarely lose at the tournament in Luca. It's usually 3-1. The Strength Sphere you obtain after winning is pretty useful at that point in the game.

The random factor annoys me at bits too. I would have far more endurance than an opposing player's attack power, yet they would still grab the ball off me. The most annoying teams for me are the Guado Glories and the Al Bhed Psyches.
Blitzball sucked. If they were going to put it in, they should have programmed it better. I only played to get World Champion and Wakka's Overdrives.

Note: Use the Blitzball glitch to win. When you get the ball, score so you are winning, then the next time you get the ball, swim to your side of the 'pitch' and stay next to your goal. Every player in the 'pitch' will start swimming in a circle. Ocassionally someone from the other team will confront you so just break through. Eventually you will win.
I remember that same thing happened to me, so yeah it's annoying alright.

I never really got Wakka to a super high level. His shot is pretty good though but since I didn't level him up a lot, he got so weak that any tackle coming his way was sure to turn the ball over to the other team. :(
I remember I stole 2 of the Psyches best players though. :D
Forgot their names, the 2 forwards.
Blitzball is very shite, very easy and annoying. All I do is put Jumal as Goal Keeper and keep the rest of the original team because they are actually good enough to win yet not too overpowered to make it all one-sided all the time.

Winning the tournament can be hit or miss sometimes. What I do is get the ball, have their MF and one of their Shooters and Defenders follow him to one of my corners, pass the ball to either Tidus straight away or Defender on the opposite side to then pass to Tidus who should then have a more or less clear run to the goal. Few Goal Keepers can save a good Sphere Shot or Jecht Shot.
I hate it aswel, I never did beat the Luca Goers in that first fight, no matter how many times I reloaded the stupid game

After that though it gets so nnoyingly EASY that I silently wept at every single match. They lasted FAR too long. It was like torture. Especially knowing that I had to do several matches/tournaments just to be able to get all Wakkas shit D:
Blitzball was the worse side game I ever played in Final Fantasy. The concept of the game makes no sense at all. I had actually won one game at Luca by fluke just from randomly passing the ball around and kicking it in the goal hoping it would go in because half the time I try to shot a goal, it never goes in.
Started a tournament yesterday, luckily got seeded so only had two games, like in the story.

The Attack Reels was the prize to.

First match was against the Luca Goers. I scored with Datto, then they scored. Ended as a draw, so overtime. Tidus just couldn't score for whatever reason, even the Jecht Shot was getting stopped by the keeper are close range..

Went through 2 periods of overtime with the scores still tied at 1-1. The Luca scored after the randomness screwed me yet again. 13 AT versus 9 EN, I should've swam away with the ball, yet he done only something like 6 damage, which allowed him to shoot and score against me.

It's so frustrating.
i loved Blitzball, it was a great way to waste an hour pretty fast.

i remember the last game of blitzball i played (about 3 months ago), i dominated.
i won the match 10-0, and every score was with Tidus. i used the abilities Jecht Shot 3, Wither shot 3, Grip Gloves(for fun), and Wither Tackle 3.

as annoying as the mini-game is, it is 100X as satisfying when you get on a roll and just cant lose.
Apart from the mandatory game with the Luca Goers, I NEVER played Blitzball. I didn't care for Wakka enough to play it for hours, and it just annoyed the hell out of me. Mini games are supposed to be fun. I didn't find Blitzball fun, at all :wacky:
i found blitzball to be really fun, it was fun and action-oriented with a slight touch of strategy... until you get Brother on your team and the game becomes completely broken because Brother + water = Usain Bolt

not even joking he was so fast all the games i played boiled down to the following:
get ball
pass to Brother
have Brother aggro the entire enemy team to the opposite end of the arena
pass to Tidus

it became a test to see if i could finish a game without falling asleep
I thought Blitzball was immense i spent 200hours easily playing it, it was just so fun and time consuming althought as the hours crept into 3 figures i became invincible, i could win most my matches by scoring 7 goals and then that was it.

I'm not sure why i played for that long the items i was getting weren't really that good, i think it was the slaughtering of the oponents that i enjoyed.
I'd like it more if you had more control, like being able to control your team members when you haven't got the ball, having a choice of who your keeper passes the ball to, being able to put a decent challange in for the ball when the game starts, instead of either going to you or the opposing team etc.

It's abit too limited.

I'll sit and play it for a while, even though it frustrates me to hair pulling, do enjoy it, sort of, just want more out've it. Plus the whole randomness screws me over constantly, players not being able to block balls when their block stat says they'll catch the ball, never mind block it. Getting tackled constantly when my EN is higher than their AT, and same vice versa and not winning the ball.

Does wind me up.
i found blitzball to be really fun, it was fun and action-oriented with a slight touch of strategy... until you get Brother on your team and the game becomes completely broken because Brother + water = Usain Bolt

not even joking he was so fast all the games i played boiled down to the following:
get ball
pass to Brother
have Brother aggro the entire enemy team to the opposite end of the arena
pass to Tidus

it became a test to see if i could finish a game without falling asleep
You can do the same with Datto because he is stupidly fast as well.
The main reason I play is because you can return spheres from winning which are quite useful to have.