Do you like Blitzball

I remember when I first played FFX. I could not stand Blitzball. I never really gave it a chance and just got fed up with it the few times I did play it. But when I went back to play that same save file just to finish up getting ultimate weapons even though I had already beaten the game,I grew to really like Blitzball. Once I understood what to do,I enjoyed playing it,getting my team to learn new abilities, and everything. So now,I think it's alot of fun! It can get annoying playing it over and over again just to get Wakka's Auroch Reels,but I enjoy it and am proud of my team. ^_^
I'm quite neutral to it. I wasn't wow-ed by it, but it isn't a bad mini-game either. In fact, I would say it's of a much bigger calibre as compared to a normal mini-game. Have to commend Square for taking on the tough task to create a game modelled after real life sports. Quite an achievement, I think the mechanics are sound and kind of enjoyed the Blitzball. Just that it becomes kind of easy later on after some wins and recruitment of better players.
I really didn't like Blitzball. I suck at it! I dread it when I'm coming up to Luca in the game. I tell myself every time that I will properly go over the tutorial and WIN... but nope, I always get my ass kicked. As soon as it's out the way, I never go back to it. Hence Wakka never gets his Celestial Weapon... oh well! He irritates me anyway lol!
I really didn't like Blitzball. I suck at it! I dread it when I'm coming up to Luca in the game. I tell myself every time that I will properly go over the tutorial and WIN... but nope, I always get my ass kicked. As soon as it's out the way, I never go back to it. Hence Wakka never gets his Celestial Weapon... oh well! He irritates me anyway lol!
Same here. I agree with all of those points. I can't ever win against Luca.
It's the best FF minigame IMO. The stats and stuff aren't completely random, they're only random within a few points (well, more for high level characters). Once you've leveled enough, you're unbeatable. :P

For those of you who are getting pwned, it really helps to set your character's movements to manual. It's default set to automatic, so they just rush for the goal like morons instead of hanging back and using a strategy of some sort (luring the enemy to you and passing to a better character, or just draw them from the goal in general, etc).
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Same here. I agree with all of those points. I can't ever win against Luca.

Yeah Luca are a really tough team to beat. Has anyone actually beaten them in that first bit in the game where you play blitzball?? I think the closest result for me has been 3-1, to Luca obviously! Stupid blitzball.
No :gasp: I never won a single match. >.< It was a pain to go through all that just to move on with the story XD

Sorry Wakka, no Celestial Weapon for you. ^^'
Haha Blitz is a fun game to play :D.
When you did the thing in Luca i never did the toturials XD but i still won surprisingly :gasp:
I'm a natarual :P
I think it's something fun and sure pass time that's fer sure
i liked it :)
I hated it before I really played it. First time through I lost badly against the Luca Goers, so my opinion concerning it was 'meh'. When I played through next time, determined to get that strength sphere, I started playing it after and loved it to pieces.
Blitzball - Opinions...

I KNOW there will be topics on this, but please don't merge them, as they never get answered, they just get ignored when threads are merged.


Well i didn't intend to bash Blitzball, but i've been playing FFX for the second time round and i'm enjoying it more this time, but i have to say, the Blitzball is just as crap as it was the first time around.

In the match where you HAVE to play the full game (the only one in the game where you do, where Wakka comes on for you in the 2nd half), it's just STUPIDLY difficult to win.

I really think Square fudged up when they made blitzball. I mean, Tidus was supposed to be this amazing player, and part of me wanted to make him score LOADS of goals and destroy the other team and win Yuna's affection for being a great athlete etc but the game has other plans...

it's SO DIFFICULT to let alone score, but just control the blitzball game. For those of you who play Madden or Fifa, i know the game is orientated for that specific sport, but you can control the players and you can control the outcome of the game. When playing blitzball in FFX, it's like you're just watching a movie and you have extremely limited controls, and the game is biased towards the AI.

For example, i shot the ball at as close range as i got and every time i did, one of the AI characters 'got their hand to the ball'.

It seriously sucks ass. Kinda ruins FFX in a way, as they could have made Yuna really love Tidus's athletecism (if that's how it's spelt).

Sorry for the rant, had to say it

Threads Merged

It's still the same discussion, no sense in having duplicate threads all over the shop
Anyone else find this as annoying as I do?
yes, i hated playing bliztball. but in my determination to win the cup i found a glitch :awesome: score a couples of goals (no more than 2 or 3) then swim to your goal. wedge tidus or whoever behind your goalkeeper and stay there for the rest of the game. The other team wont score a thing. they just end up going into a spazzy fit doing nothing but swimming in circles lol. yes its cheating, but the beginner players that we're given are no match for the Goers team. plus i think the games kinda biased toward there side lol. evil bias machine! >.<
yes, i hated playing bliztball. but in my determination to win the cup i found a glitch :awesome: score a couples of goals (no more than 2 or 3) then swim to your goal. wedge tidus or whoever behind your goalkeeper and stay there for the rest of the game. The other team wont score a thing. they just end up going into a spazzy fit doing nothing but swimming in circles lol. yes its cheating, but the beginner players that we're given are no match for the Goers team. plus i think the games kinda biased toward there side lol. evil bias machine! >.<

I wish you'd posted that 2 days ago >_<

Ive ju st done the luca tournament, lost my rag with it and gave up, I seriously despise this damn game I'm not looking forward to shit I have to go through for Wakkas stuff...ugh
First time i played i lost, of course. But later in the game i went back to Luca and tried to play again, only my people sucked. So i made an entirely new file just to play blitzball on, and that team is beastly!
i find it easyer 2 get the and swim 2 my goal and then pass 2 tides and us spher shot its much easyer
yes, i hated playing bliztball. but in my determination to win the cup i found a glitch :awesome: score a couples of goals (no more than 2 or 3) then swim to your goal. wedge tidus or whoever behind your goalkeeper and stay there for the rest of the game. The other team wont score a thing. they just end up going into a spazzy fit doing nothing but swimming in circles lol. yes its cheating, but the beginner players that we're given are no match for the Goers team. plus i think the games kinda biased toward there side lol. evil bias machine! >.<
Actually, it's not a glitch really, the AI tells them to take a certain position unless one of your players comes into their range. They tend to play in such a way that they play passive and defend their goal when you have the ball, so naturally if you don't threaten to score, they won't come after you, just maintain their position. I know I've done this too if I didn't really feel like playing the game anymore (and had a large lead).

The method I used to start of with was just pass the entire 1st half. Successful passes give you exp, and you can essentially get your whole team up to level 3 going into the 2nd half (except Keepa, unless he stops a few shots). This can increase some stats enough to get you over the top, plus level 3 will allow you to use an ability. The ability is especially helpful for your defense, as you may be able to actually defend (which is so freaking hard with the awesome Goers team).

I wish you'd posted that 2 days ago >_<

Ive ju st done the luca tournament, lost my rag with it and gave up, I seriously despise this damn game I'm not looking forward to shit I have to go through for Wakkas stuff...ugh
Listen up Bam! Don't play until you get full access of the Airship. Once you got it, sign Ropp, Wakka, Brother and Miyu. Brother and Wakka are in the Airship already (Wakka's salary is only 1 Gil!). Ropp is in the travel agency on Mi'hen Highroad. Miyu is on the Moonflow sitting on a bench (the screen next to where Rikku shows up and joins your party).

Then setup your team like so:
Tidus and Wakka Forwards, Brother Center, Ropp and Jassu Defense, Miyu Goalie. With this setup, you'll own early on, then just improvise as time goes one. I usually sign Judda once she becomes available (she plays for the Al-Bhed Psychs) and replace Jassu with her. Nimrook is also a good option as a goalie if he becomes available. The entire Psychs team is on the Airship, and they're easily the best team early on. The Guado's are good too, they're freaking fast! Anyways, hopefully that helps make Blitz easier!
Blitzball wasn't something I cared about very much at first. But, I really hate losing, so whenever I lost during the Luca tournament, I'd restart and do it all over again. I think that's when I began to obsess over it. Eventually, I found myself focusing more on blitzball rather than the storyline itself (I got to it eventually, of course).