Do you listen to Final Fantasy music outside gaming?

YES! i love FF music so much! i dunno know why, but it makes me work faster and gets me pumped!!! XD

1) Let the Battles Begin! - FFVII
2) Battle Theme by the Black Mages - FFVI
3)One-Winged Angel - FFVII
4) Crystal Chronicles Opening (i think its called Sound of Wind???)
5)Liberi Fatali - FFVIII
6) Zanarkand - FFX
A little, I only listen to FF Soundtracks when I'm doing something or busy. Especially when I'm trying to draw a character (and mostly phail) and listening to their theme. XD
Most Final Fantasy music is appealing (even choosing some random one) And I mostly play Final Fantasy music on the piano.
Yes! XD I think the music is gorgeous! Whenever I want to dramatize something I'm doing, I play One Winged Angel on my Ipod and feel like I'm badass. I also like IX's music, especially Wicked Melody. It's so good! Hahah, Cerri and I used to listen to the music that plays during the final fight with Seymour in X and joke that it sounds like stripper music. ...Except that it's not really a joke, and it really does sound like stripper music. ;D
i would listen to the Hymm of the faith if i could get a copy of it, it's on of the only final fantasy songs that i have actually liked enough to listen to again
Ohhh yeah.

I remember when I was around 6 or 7 my sister and I were fighting the final bosses of FFX. Once we heard Otherworld we cranked that volume all the way. My friend was pissed cause I didn't hear the phone ring. It was practically the only thing she listened to the whole week.
no ff fan would ever be caught w/out listening to the music.
In fact, I'm going to make One Winged Angel my walking theme song. My mom loves 1000 Words. And Otherworld totally kicks ass!
Yeah I listen to FF music all the time. I would say personally that FF10's music was the best overall of any game in the series. My favourites include:

FF10 - To Zanarkand
FF10 - Suteki da ne
FF10 - Battle of Jecht
FF10-2 - Eternity - Memory of Lightwaves
FF9 - Cleyra Dance (Piano Edition)
FF8 - Dollet Theme
FF8 - Liberi Fatali
FF7 - Cosmo Canyon (Piano edition)
FF7:AC - One Winged Angel
FF7:AC - Savior
FF7 DoC - Redemption
FF7 Doc - Longing
FF4 - Battle with Gilgamesh (Piano Edition)

I also love some of the remixes from overclocked-remix especially work done by Darangen.
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I have the music from Advent Children on my computer and on my mp3 player...all of the songs are just amazing. I love listening to One Winged Angel when I'm angry or just inspired to write a fighting scene. I'm trying to get ahold of all the FFX music now.
There are a lot of themes from Final Fantasy that is pretty pleasant to the ears.

I'm not really into the vocal songs that much, but the background music is nice.

I couldn't name all of them, but there's a bunch :)

After I got my MP3, I loaded with lots of game music ;)
Of course!

I listen to it while making games, doing schoolwork, playing DS, all that sorta thing, kupo!
I have FF music on my mp3 player, and my computer; I have few songs on my laptop though. I listen to them occasionally; I used to listen to the music all the time.
I often play To Zanarkand on the piano, and can also play most of Eyes on Me. I worked out the main part of Melodies of Life by ear, and have tried playing other FF songs before. I love the music! Nobuo Uematsu is, without a doubt, my favourite composer.
Right now, my favorite song is The Promised Land by Risa Ohki (arranged by Nobuo Uematsu, of course) from the Final Fantasy Pray album. I love Nobuo Uematsu's works in general.
Yeah all the time
I actually quite like the songs from FFX-2, mainly 1000 Words and Real Emotion...
And I really like Melodies of Life from FFIX
Otherwise, I just love the music from the games...
i have. netscape used to have a radio station thathad all ff music. i lsitened to it alot when it was up.. now netscape doesn't have it any more. :(
I listen to a lot of Final Fantasy music. Infact, I have the official soundtracks for VI, VII, and VIII. I will be buying the soundtrack for IX at the next anime con I go to if they have it.

I would have to say that VI is my favorite soundtrack.
Sure, I listen to some Final Fantasy music outside of the game. One-Winged Angel and Battle at the Forgotten Forest from Advent Children are probably the themes I listen to most often.
I listen to FF music on my pc all the time. My favorite is Aerith's theme....I probably listen to that the most.