Do you miss Airships?


ShinRa Guard
Apr 7, 2011
Do you wish they would bring back Airships in the Final Fantasy series? The last one we got was in 9... I don't know about you but I LOVED getting 3/4 of the way through the game and then getting my airship that i can cruise around anywhere with. It really put a bad taste in my mouth for the series when they stopped adding them in.
Technically all of them had airships, just couldn't you them... I think what your getting at is do we miss the way that airships were used like for actually traveling in the air and exploring the world map? I think this was touched somewhere before but I will answer it.

Yes I do miss the free roaming of the world on the airships, I do enjoy it all the time...
I do miss the freedom that flying around in the airships in the older games brought you. I didn't really care for the point and click method that started with X. Half the fun in the FF games was exploration and I liked to start flying around and exploring as soon as I got the airship.

I'm not really sure why they eliminated it, tbh.
SQUEENIX KILLED AIRSHIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I miss flying airships. The places weren't that big, but I miss the fact that I can actually fly around the map.
I miss the freedom factor where you could actually fly the airship yourself, rather than just have menu that you chose your location from. I never understand why they did that anyway. Are we supposed to believe that the older systems could handle it, but the newer ones can't?
The freedom element is what i miss the most from airships as well. It was just totally epic being able to fly anywhere in the world... That and I also miss walking on the world map, in all the new final fantasys you don't get that either.
of course i miss that. it made exploring the world more interesting, and finding secrets a little more fun. it was cool to find a hole in the world and drop down into it, or come across and island you wouldnt have been able to reach otherwise.
The freedom element is what i miss the most from airships as well. It was just totally epic being able to fly anywhere in the world... That and I also miss walking on the world map, in all the new final fantasys you don't get that either.

I miss this as well. -_-

Overworlds and Airships are a classic staple for great RPGs. It appears it has become extinct in Final Fantasy. I don't understand why they would get rid of it? It adds one more layer of depth and adventure to a game. It seems like they are trying to make it like it by physically traveling across the whole game in a non-overworld setting but it feels more like stages instead of a free roam(hope this makes sense :hmmm: )

Remember the Calm Lands in FFX? The whole game should have been like that.
I miss having an overworld where you could roam and explore more than airships as a means of transport. Airships made exploring faster and easier, but I enjoyed exploring on foot as well. It kind of made you feel as if you were really on a planet with continents.

That being said, I don't hate FFX for not having a world map.
I guess they got rid of airships starting from FFX to make the world a more 'realistic' kind of edge, which may also be why the overworld was done away with. With how the worlds are structured in the most recent FF games being rather stage or levels-like - and in FFXIII's case, story reasons - to achieve a more 'realistic' approach to setting, it's no surprise that being able to fly airships are now an ability of the past. I would wager also that were it not for fans wanting to see an overworld and pilotable airships again, SE could have permanently kept the system as it is and not bother revisiting it again in Versus.

Aaaaand yeah, I definitely miss being able to fly them. Choosing a location from a list is all well and good but I want to actually fly there and have this "Oooh! I found a new town/castle/dungeon on this little island here!" kind of experience when I go whizzing across the world exploring the final nooks and crannies. It would have been awesome for example to do that in Ivalice as well. Jump into the Strahl and fly around the world. :sad:
I liked the airships in VIII and IX. It was fun flying and you could always find places that you didn't know about because you have an aerial view. It was also easier and faster travel.
I miss the free-reign airships & worldmaps. My favorite looking was the ragnarok in 8.
Hm... Kinda.

... Totally, actually. I mean, it was the airship travel at the later parts of games that was fun. A prelude to the final boss, which would ultimately bring the end of the game, ya? Getting to travel around, surveying the lands you're about to save!


>.> Well, I've no idea why they decided to remove this aspect though (At least, in X - I don't know about the subsequent series). Programming?
I do miss them but I can understand why the abondoned them its hard to make the cites smaller or maybe they are getting lazy.

I loved Soaring through the skies in a Airship and loved the design they chose with each FF ((Ragnarok from 8 was always my favorite))

X&12 ruined the Airship exploration with this point and click bs

If your gonna put Airships dont insult the fans by half assing it,if your gonna continue to do the point and click just leave airships out and use Chocobo's as Transportation
I really, really miss the freedom airships and a world map bring to an RPG. I'm well aware that the games were still linear to a degree, but I just loved being able to explore and seek out hidden things or return easily to a past location.
I really miss the airships... like someone already said, they have been in ever FF game but only the older games allowed you to actually control them and fly them wherever you pleased. That is what I really miss!

It was fun exploring and finding a secret town or dungeon that you'd never knew was there. It was also fun feeling like you had some kind of freedom!!
I don't mind having Airships in an RPG, they're always a fun addition. I really liked it in Final Fantasy VII and VIII because whenever my attention span shattered temporarily and I had nothing better to do, I'd fly around the world in straight lines for like 5 minutes. LOL
I think the reason most FF fans like and miss the over-world airship is because most current FF fans were weaned on FFVII and VIII, where the airships are very prominent and awesome features. I'm not sure that the designers at SE really know how much of a difference it makes, having made 3 (non-MMO) games now without them.

It seems like in the past few years there has been a heavy emphasis on content release. Example: FFX was the first major FF title to have a sequel of sorts (didn't really need one IMO, but if you liked it good for you). Now we have entire metaseries for some of the different games, like VII and Crystal Chronicles. I'll be honest, I know absolutely nothing about the FF's on handhelds, but I know they are big moneymakers for Square.

Within that emphasis on content creation there must be some prerogative for quicker games. Some people in the industry believe that the generation of gamers born in the mid-90's has a harder time associating gratification with spending 100's of hours on one persistent, single-player game - hence the MMO endeavors XI and XIV. Games go faster now, have fewer levels and more eye candy. You can see the corresponding design vectors starting with FFX - more linearity, less freedom, less 'grinding,' more instant gratification.

Makes me sad, really. There are so many aspects of VII and VIII that I liked, but most of all it was the ability to play through the games 4-5 times and still see something new in the game I hadn't seen before. I recently started playing VII on my laptop on business trips just to kill time during travel. I was amazed at how much dialog I had missed in my first 7-8 times through the game. Truly monumental work.

I wish they would take a page from the Bethesda playbook and have a lush, open world with tons of dialog, side quests, and optionals. It would be expensive and would take a long time to make, and that's exactly the reason they won't do it.

I do miss airships. I miss having the freedom to explore the world from above. Also, getting the air ship was always a special point in the game for me in a "Yeah I don't have to walk around anymore!" With the newer games, I don't get excited about them.
The last Airship I flew in a FF game was the one I had in XII. ...and the second most memorable one was the one they had in VII. Really for the end part of the games, having an airship cannot be beat. Its nice to be able to go and finish the game without having the strings of only being attached to land or sea.

However, the only thing I really didn't care for was the controls of the airship in VII. I know I'm playing it for the first time on my ps3...but they were really horrible...and awkward. Playing around with the controls for the first time and actually getting it off the ground was a pain.

Still, I think they said there was going to be an airship in Versus, so I wonder how they are going to work that into the storyline...should be interesting :gasp: